Chapter 563: Is it appropriate to repay a life-saving favour with one's body?

Name:My Wife is A Sword God Author:
According to Senior Xuan Yi, this divine technique does indeed resemble the Domain to a certain extent.

When activated, it causes a spatial distortion around the practitioner that transcends heaven and earth.

And after the divine power unfolds, the practitioner enters a mysterious state where the strength of the body and soul instantly reaches new heights.

In this state, he can act without restraint and freely demonstrate the Immortal Techniques.

Of course, such a powerful movement is not without its limitations.

First of all, it is difficult to master, even the mighty Senior Xuan struggled in the beginning.

Secondly, if this technique is used for too long, it will cause the body to collapse and the soul to shatter.

It’s a bit dangerous, Qin Feng thought.

However, considering the various crises transmigrators faced, the dangers they could control themselves were far better than those they could not control.

Thinking of this, Qin Feng took a breath and said with an extremely determined expression, “Senior Xuan, please teach me this technique.”

Xuan Yi nodded slightly at the words, then began to explain the key points one by one.

“I once thought that the core of this technique was to use the Primordial Immortal Qi as the foundation, so I kept hitting walls.”

“If you want to master the divine power, you have to find a way to sense the Primordial Qi in your eyes, as I said before, and circulate it in your heart. Perhaps in this way you can enter the mysterious state of divine power.”

“But I must warn you, this technique is extremely difficult to master, and the process is also very painful.”

As someone skilled in the medical arts, Qin Feng naturally understood that the heart was the source of blood and qi, the foundation of life.

In the Divine Martial Tradition, all techniques related to the heart are extremely dangerous.

But on the cultivation path, when has it ever been smooth sailing?

Qin Feng hesitated for only a moment before channeling his divine consciousness into his eyes, intending to locate the Primordial Qi that Senior Xuan Yi had mentioned.

The Primordial Immortal Qi circulated in his eyes, emitting a colourful light. However, deep within the pupils, there was a hint of black light, deeper than an infinite abyss.

It seemed that the black light was indeed the Primordial Qi at the beginning of chaos, the origin of all things!

The unfolding of events was smoother than expected. Excited, Qin Feng tried to guide the Primordial Immortal Qi.

However, whether he used Righteous Qi or Primordial Immortal Qi to guide it, whenever he approached the Primordial Qi, it would scatter him.

After numerous attempts, his spiritual energy was severely depleted, but he had gained nothing!

Just as Qin Feng was about to try again, Xuan Yi stopped him: “Haste makes waste. Let’s call it a day. As I said, mastering this technique is extremely difficult and requires gradual progress, it’s not a day’s work.”

The three women in the hall looked at each other, apparently not expecting the other party to confess without coercion.

Qin Feng confidently continued, “Do you remember what Prince Chu said during our trip to the Western Regions?”

“The imperial examination system was handed over to Emperor Ming at the hands of Princess Anya.”

“It was also because Anya was Ya’an and had received my saving grace, so she did not refuse at that time.”

“To be honest, I didn’t expect that a royal princess would disguise herself as a man and travel around the world.”

“Since Young Master knew the true identity of Master Ya’an early on, why didn’t you tell us?” Lan Ningshuang pointed out this doubt.

Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan looked over, also waiting for an answer.

“Was it because I didn’t want to say anything? Or was it because I didn’t dare say it? Have you ever thought about the identity of a royal princess?”

“The apple of Emperor Ming’s eye, the most important person!”

“If her identity were discovered and she were in danger, wouldn’t I, who knew her identity, be the prime suspect?”

“If His Majesty were to assign blame, the entire Qin household would suffer.”

“But of course, I trust both my wives and Ningshuang, so I took the initiative to reveal this secret tonight.” With that, Qin Feng immediately showed a relieved expression, as if he had lifted a burden.

The other three felt that what was being said made sense, but they couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.

“So your relationship with Princess Anya is limited to that?” Liu Jianli, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly spoke up.

“That’s only natural,” Qin Feng replied firmly.

“Does she owe you a life-saving favour?” Liu Jianli asked again before calmly looking at Cang Feilan beside her.

Seeing this, Cang Feilan felt somewhat uncomfortable, her eyes avoided contact, and eventually she turned her body to the side to avoid the gaze.

Although Liu Jianli had a cold personality and was inexperienced in worldly matters, it was quite obvious that the matter concerning Feilan had made her suspicious with her pure thoughts.

No wonder many people say that humans are blank slates when they are born, and it is the worldly experiences that taint them.

Qin Feng’s expression stiffened as he naturally sensed the implicit meaning and hurriedly waved his hand, “Absolutely not, how could she owe me a life-saving favour? On the contrary, I owe her two life-saving favours.”

As soon as these words were spoken, Liu Jianli nodded slightly, and Cang Feilan, who had been listening intently, also breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Lan Ningshuang spoke up at an inappropriate time, and said with a worried look, “But according to the novels I’ve read, those female protagonists repay life-saving favours by offering themselves.”

As soon as the words were out, the atmosphere became tense again.