Chapter 564: Even My Wives Can Cultivate the Immortal Technique!

Name:My Wife is A Sword God Author:
Chapter 564: Even My Wives Can Cultivate the Immortal Technique!

Qin Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

The eyes of the two ladies, although cold, seemed to penetrate the soul.

‘I have long thought that Ningshuang should not read those novels too much. It seems she’s been strongly influenced by them. Besides, the trope of repaying a life-saving favour with body’s too cliché. Don’t these novelists keep up with the times?’

Qin Feng itched with rage, wishing he could pick up a pen and broaden these guys’ horizons, but it was a pity that he didn’t have the time.

The gazes of the two women became even more piercing, Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and evaded the danger, “How can the content of these novels be compared to reality? Ningshuang, the novels you read, surely none of them have a female protagonist as a princess, right?”

Lan Ningshuang hesitated for a moment before nodding.

She was also quite experienced with novels, having read countless of them, and hadn’t actually come across any content about princesses.

Seeing this, Qin Feng showed a look of ‘just as I expected’.

These ancient romance novels were all colourful and illustrated.

Who would have the audacity to write a royal princess in them? Are they asking for trouble?

“A princess of a nation is noble, how could she be like an ordinary woman? Anya came to congratulate me today because I saved her life, there’s no other agenda. There’s no need to overthink things.”

“The young master’s words seem to make sense.” Lan Ningshuang nodded in agreement.

Liu Jianli and Cang Feilan were also convinced by these words.

However, they hadn’t considered that one was the daughter of the Duke, and the other was from the Dragon Clan.

Weren’t they madly in love with Qin Feng, even though their status was no less than a princess?

As the saying goes, those involved are confused, while bystanders see clearly. It’s as simple as that.

With Pandora’s box now open, the worries in the hearts of Liu Jianli and the others began to dissipate.

As the night grew late, Cang Feilan glanced at the bed, a hint of pink touching her ears. After all, it was her turn tonight.

“It’s getting late, let’s all rest,” she said.

Emphasising the word ‘rest’, she mumbled heavily, obviously indicating that the night was short and she didn’t want to waste time sending the guests away.

Liu Jianli and Lan Ningshuang understood her hint and prepared to leave.

Cang Feilan’s pale green eyes lit up, but she also expressed concern, “But I’ve heard Auntie say that human women start having children in their early teens. Does my husband not care about such things?”

“Being with you is enough for me. As for what others do or think, that’s none of my business.”

Hearing this, tenderness filled Cang Feilan’s eyes, and she leaned into Qin Feng’s embrace.

Qin Feng couldn’t help but smile helplessly as he lightly patted her back.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what Senior Xuan had said: “As long as you survive the Heavenly Tribulation and have the primordial immortal qi within you, you can use the immortal techniques.”

And when he and his wife were intimate, they unintentionally transferred Ancient Divine Breath. Would this Primordial Immortal Qi be transferred as well?

‘If my wives also retain some Primordial Immortal Qi in their body, coupled with the passing of Confirmation of Heaven and Earth Hegemony, doesn’t that mean that they can also cultivate Immortal Techniques and further increase their strength?’

With this thought in his mind, Qin Feng couldn’t wait to gently stroke Cang Feilan’s smooth and delicate back with his palm, using his Divine Sense to carefully sense it.

In a moment, his eyes lit up with excitement as the reality was indeed as he had suspected – there was indeed a presence of Primordial Immortal Qi in Feilan’s body!

He was about to share this good news with Cang Feilan in front of him, but as he parted from her embrace, he noticed something.

Her pale blue eyes were filled with affection, her cheeks flushed, and even her breathing became slightly irregular.

‘Oops, could it be that she misunderstood the way I sensed the immortal energy just now?’ Qin Feng’s face stiffened and he smiled dryly: “Wife, listen to me.”

Cang Feilan looked at the window. It was still early in the morning. She grabbed Qin Feng’s collar, threw him onto the bed, and exhaled gently, “Whatever it is, tell me later.”

After another hour had passed, Qing’er arrived as planned to clean the room. As she approached the door, she suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

In the hallway near the door, the Golden-winged Great Peng that had been seen so often lately was lying motionless, as if it had died.

Qing’er was terrified, after all, this bird belonged to the Young Master.

Plucking up her courage, she cautiously stretched out a finger to see if there was any sign of life inside.

But just then, the barely breathing Golden Winged Great Peng spoke: “You can enter the room now, and don’t move me, hiss~”

Confused, Qing’er replied quietly before carefully pushing open the door.

On the bed, there was only Qin Feng, in a dishevelled state, still unable to deliver the good news to Cang Feilan.