Chapter 86 Purifying Mind

86 Purifying Mind


Adriana shouted as she appeared in front of him when she saw Eli being tied up in an isolated area where no one could disturbe, she froze as suddenly a dangerous idea flashed through her eyes.


'No, Lilith could easily sense his location anywhere in this world except for dungeons' Adriana thought as she shook her head as she threw her dangerous idea.


When Adriana appeared, Eli felt relieved Though when he saw a dangerous glint in her eyes...Eli felt a strange excitement and possessiveness but soon,



Adriana broke other chains and looked at him with fury. Eli stood up, and stretched his hands and legs; seeing her annoyed and angry expression, he showed an apologetic expression while saying,

"I am sorry, I thought this plan could work.." Eli awkwardly said.


Adriana was still furious about his thoughtless actions, but soon she thought he was kidnapped because of her, she didn't know what exactly happened she soften a bit and asked worried,

"Do you hurt anywhere?"

Seeing her worried expression, Eli smiled a little and said, "I am fine. I was about to fight him but he disappeared when you appeared".

"...Hmm..." Adriana nodded her head as she scanned around the area but she couldn't get any evidence or any trace of mana as if nothing happened here, 'I couldn't sense any residual mana after using a spell they prepared for everything in perfect..ah'.

Suddenly Adriana asked with a frown,

"Did you know who is that person?" CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

"Nope, he was covered with a cloak and hide his face with a black mask..."

"....If the person fully covered then, How did you know that "He?"?" Adriana asked furrow.

"Well, he spoke in a low and deep voice"

"....There are numerous devices that could change our voice, you know? Even that mask may have a voice changer" Adriana gave him a lesson as if he didn't know that.

"..haha..Is that so?... I will be careful then" Eli awkwardly laughed as he definitely know that figure was 'Male' that was, 1000% right and there was no way he could tell her that.

"..." Adriana noticed his change in expression but she thought maybe was tired of today's event as she gently approached him and gave him a hug.


Eli raised his eyebrows because it was always him who hug but...'She was really worried...ah' with that thought Eli also hugged and patted her back as if he saying, 'Everything is fine'.

What he didn't know was Adriana was turned beet-red when she hugged him as she sniff him without making him notice.



'sigh, It's not a girl..' Adriana sigh in relief inwardly but,

"How did you find me suddenly, Adriana?" Eli questioned still hugging her.

"W-Well, I-I just guessed it" Adriana said flustered manner which made Eli's eyebrow raise and then smile with a grin,

But even though knowing the powerful entity went...she still couldn't get rid of her uneasiness until she saw him.

Now only she sighed in relief as if she found her soul which was separated from her body.

Eli looked at her relief expression as he awkwardly smiled and asked,

"You Okay?"


"...." Eli raised his eyebrows, 'I guess I have to spoil her..'


Eli picked her up and went to bed then put her in the bed and he also joined her.

Scylla turned beet-red but she didn't say anything she just lay down next to him while glancing at Adriana who had an ugly expression without knowing a small smile appeared on Scylla but,

"You too, Adriana" Eli motioned to his other side and patted the bed.

Now tsk' Scylla clicked her tongue while Adriana showed a grin and smile but she didn't move an inch, she just snorted and stood there.

"..." Eli looked at her for a few seconds and then a smile appeared as know what she wants. He was about to move but,

"No, need Master" Scylla said while grabbing his hand.

"...Hm?" Eli was confused while Adriana's eyes darkened as she looked at Scylla with murderous eyes.

"When I called her earlier, she said she was busy with work, so...." Scylla answered Eli and then looked at Adriana with a grin, "You have to go to work..'shuu' 'shuu'...I will take care of MY master" as she shuued Adriana.


When Adriana heard 'My master' something inside her snapped as she disappeared and appeared near Scylla, she was about to punch her but,


Eli who had predicted this outcome, fastly moved his hands when she appeared. he pulled her on the bed to the other side.

"So Angry...." Eli muttered as he pulled both of them closer to his sides and looked at both the left and right sides.

"...heh" Eli chuckled lightly. Both of them had shocked expressions because they thought he was just playing around.....'He was damn serious about this aahh....what will he say to his wife?' both thought the same thing as this was the first time Eli allowed them to sleep near him, he always come up with some reasons to avoid sleeping with either of them. He slept alone in his tent whenever Lilith was not around during the last four months.

Feeling this was their first chance so they didn't say anything even though both of them cursing each other. They decided to leave for another day.

But Eli has different thoughts,

'There is no way I let them leave...not after going through something like that...I need to purify my mind and eyes' Eli thought as he was still scared of the earlier incident but he didn't show it outside.


Adriana's dress changed into a nightgown and laid her head on his right chest while Scylla who saw this, also laid her head on his left chest.

'Ba-dump, Ba-dump'

Both of them listened to his calm heartbeat as they felt sleepy but,

"Oh, I forget to ask...Adriana could revive someone for me?"


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100 P.S = 1 bonus chapter