Everyone at the scene looked at heiqi one after another.

Black Qi smiled faintly and continued, "let's not talk about the character of the human race first. Just the strength of the human holy alliance. As far as I know, there are more than a dozen strong people at the highest level of the holy alliance, and they are also a recognized strong person, the white Emperor!"

"For the White Emperor, everyone present should have heard of it?"

Many ethnic leaders and top leaders present frowned.

Of course, they have heard of the White Emperor of the human race.

It is recognized as the strongest in the eternal chaotic world. In fact, it also includes their special ethnic groups.

"If we join hands with the Holy Alliance whose strength is obviously better than that of our special ethnic group, plus the existence of the White Emperor, even if we join hands with the Holy Alliance of mankind, we may not be able to match the Holy Alliance in terms of status. For example, when discussing some things, the White Emperor directly pressed us with his arrogant strength. Ask me who can resist the oppression of the White Emperor among the several alliance leaders selected by the special ethnic group alliance at that time? It will be difficult for him to speak up at that time."

"And if you really want to encounter something extremely urgent, I'm afraid you can't wait for several alliance leaders to make a decision after consultation. What should you do at this time?"

"Therefore, our special alliance group needs a real leader, who can face the White Emperor calmly, and can lead our special alliance to win interests without fear of the pressure of all parties of the Holy Alliance and even the strong!"

"This person can be just one of the leaders of the alliance. He doesn't want to have absolute control, but at least he must have a certain decision-making ability and can make decisions immediately."

"Or, it can be the mode of joint supervision by one leader and several deputy leaders. What do you think?"

Hei Qi's words are clear and reasonable. It seems that he has already thought about it in the bottom of his heart.

Many strong people of the surrounding ethnic groups, hearing Hei Qi's words, were silent.

After careful consideration, they also felt the truth of what Hei Qi said.

Indeed, if several leaders are set up at the same time and have the same power and status, it will be too slow for them to decide anything after consultation.

As for the weakness in the face of the Holy Alliance and the White Emperor, that is indeed one of the factors.

"Heiqi, if according to what you said, there is only one leader and several deputy leaders, who is the most suitable to be the leader?" The beautiful woman in black, black Jiaohuang, looked over.

"Haha, I have just said that to become the leader of my special ethnic group, the most important thing is to have absolute strength and self-confidence, and be able to face the White Emperor calmly. Moreover, many ethnic groups such as me have always believed in the respect of the strong. Therefore, I think it is most appropriate to be the leader of the tuntian clan, Lord ba. You know, Lord Ba is recognized as the first among our special ethnic groups Strong!! "

"If he holds the position of leader of the alliance, who else is qualified?" Black Qi laughed.

Hearing his words, there were many strong people of ethnic groups who nodded one after another.

In the eternal chaotic world, the strong are respected everywhere, especially among these special ethnic groups.

As Hei Qi said, the spiritual Ba Jia of the tuntian clan has always been recognized as the strongest among the special ethnic groups, which is better than the Chenxing king of the ancient gods.

The leader of the most powerful and peak ethnic group is fully qualified to serve as the leader of the alliance.

"My family is willing to serve Ba Jia as the leader of the alliance!"

"My family is willing."

Many ethnic groups have spoken out on the court.

But more strong ethnic groups have somewhat ugly faces.

The black Jiao emperor, including the leader of the devouring God clan and the black Jiao clan, also looked a little gloomy.

At the bottom of their hearts, they all do not want Ba Jia to become the leader of the alliance.

You know, the tuntian clan, which is extremely domineering and ruthless.

This ethnic group, which feeds on the blood essence of various special ethnic groups, often hunts the strong of various ethnic groups.

Among the numerous ethnic groups present, more than half of them have been hunted and swallowed by the strong men of the tuntian clan.

Many ethnic groups hate the tuntian clan, but their strength is poor.

Now, if the leaders of the tuntian clan want to become the alliance leader of the special ethnic group alliance, they are 100 unwilling.

But even if their hearts are unwilling, they dare not stand up and veto it face to face. After all, this is tantamount to obviously beating the face of the swallowing people.

Dare to be angry but dare not speak, this is the current situation of most of the strong ethnic groups present.

The leaders of these ethnic groups or the top power can't help but look at the other three top ethnic groups at the top.

They first swept over the leaders of the devouring gods and the black Jiaos, and shook their heads in their hearts.

They understand that although they are also peak groups, these two peak groups have checked some to fight against the swallow sky group.

Therefore, everyone couldn't help but turn their eyes to the last 'straw', that is, the ancient gods who gathered many ethnic groups here this time!

Among the whole special ethnic groups, only the ancient gods are qualified to challenge the tuntian clan head-on.

All eyes looked at the sword unparalleled.

Including the leader of the devouring God clan and the leader of the black Jiao clan, the black Jiao emperor, looked forward to the sword unparalleled.

Compared with the tuntian people, they obviously expect the ancient gods to become the leader of the special ethnic alliance.

Jian Wushuang naturally also felt this look with expectation. The corners of his mouth curled up, and a cold smile appeared on his face. His eyes also looked directly at the black Qi, the leader of the black bone clan below. "Black scale clan leader, you just said that the strong are respected in the special ethnic group, and only the strongest people are qualified to sit on the position of alliance leader?"

"Yes." Black Qi nodded, At the same time, he laughed and said, "Lord Gu, although the ancient gods have always enjoyed high prestige among our special ethnic groups, as the leader of the ancient gods, you are also qualified to serve as the leader of the alliance, but you are too young, and I heard that you have just broken through to reach the nine star ancient gods. In terms of strength, I'm afraid you can't face the White Emperor of the Holy Alliance directly, so I elected Lord Ba, and I hope you will forgive me, Lord Gu."

"Never mind, heiqi clan leader, what you said is also reasonable. If you don't have absolute strength, how can you sit on the position of alliance leader?" Jian Wushuang smiled faintly, "but this strength is not just talking about it, but the actual combat power!"

"Mr. Ba Jia, I heard that you are recognized as the strongest among the strong people of special ethnic groups. Since I met you today, the emperor wants to meet you well. I wonder if you are willing, Mr. Ba Jia?"
