After jianwushuang's words, many strong people at the banquet quieted down one after another.

Every strong man showed his shock.

Although Jian Wushuang said something mildly, the meaning of it was obvious that he was challenging Ba Jia!

Challenge the first strong person recognized by special ethnic groups!!

Standing next to jianwushuang, Chenxing Wang was also surprised, and even secretly sent a message, "Gu Huang, this Ba Jia's strength is very strong. I fought with him many years ago, and his combat power is in the second series emperor, which is very close to the top. Up to now, it is possible to really step into the top of the second series. If you fight with him, just in case..."

"No harm." Jian Wushuang waved his hand, and his eyes still looked at Ba Jia with a smile, "I don't know Mr. Ba Jia, what do you think?"

Everyone's eyes looked at Ba Jia one after another.

Many people are looking forward to it.

Although most of them are full of hatred and disgust for the tuntian clan, Ba Jia's strength is genuine.

In the whole special ethnic group, there was only Chen Xingwang before, who was barely qualified to compete with BA Jia.

Now, a new ancient emperor of the ancient gods was born. Everyone present did not know much about the new emperor. Can the new ancient emperor compete with BA Jia?

Ba Jia, who was stared at by everyone, also showed a strange smile on his face. He glanced at Jian Wushuang and smiled brightly, "since the ancient emperor invited him personally, is there any reason why this seat should not respond?"

"Then please."

Jian Wushuang stood up and swept his body towards the vast void beside him.

Ba Gu smiled calmly and followed up.

The two people soon held each other in the vast void. As for others, they looked around the void from a distance, and many people were a little excited at the bottom of their hearts.

One is the new ancient emperor of the ancient gods, and the other is the leader of the swallow heaven clan.

These two people are the most powerful among the special ethnic groups.

The battle between the two is certainly expected.

At the bottom of my heart, most of the strong men of these ethnic groups hope that jianwushuang can win.

Because the victory or defeat of this battle can determine the position of the leader of the special ethnic alliance.

"I didn't care about the leader of this special ethnic group alliance at first. It doesn't matter whether I can bear it or not. As long as the strong men of all special ethnic groups are willing to come forward and join hands with the holy alliance to fight against the camp of the three emperors, but... If the leader of other ethnic groups holds the position of leader of this alliance, I won't compete, but this swallow the sky clan is not."

Jian Wushuang stood there, looking at Ba Jia in front of him, but his eyes gradually became cold.

According to the news he received from the holy alliance, the tuntian clan is likely to have been mixed with the yellow spring palace. If the leader of the tuntian clan becomes the leader of the alliance, how much is it?

Therefore, anyone can be the leader of the alliance.

Only this guy can't.

"Mr. Ba Jia, go ahead." The sword is matchless and indifferent.

Na Ba Gu's face has always been with a ponderous smile, and his heart is also in the same mood, "as long as we can successfully sit on the leader of the alliance, our family's plan has been more than half successful, and the next thing is much simpler, as for the ancient emperor... Hehe, it's just overkill."

Ba Gu didn't care about Wushuang Jian at all.

He has learned some things about jianwushuang from huangquan palace.

I also know that the sword has unparalleled combat power, which is just the second level. It is similar to the Chen Xing Wang Xiang. Even if it is slightly stronger, it is not much stronger.

He still doesn't care about such combat power.

"Since the ancient emperor is so confident, you are welcome." Ba Gu sneered, and while his laughter rang out, hum!!!

A powerful blood force rose from Ba Jia's body. At the same time, golden secret lines also appeared on Ba Jia's evil face. His body also began to change. It was originally a normal human shape, but suddenly turned into a huge golden Batman.

The golden bat is also covered with various secret patterns, and its breath is extremely strong.

"Bat?" Jian Wushuang's heart moved.

He himself, the first swallow sky clan he met, was also a swallow sky bat.

It's just that the sky swallowing bat has very thin blood, is not pure at all, and its strength is poor.

But the swallow bat in front of him was golden, which was the royal blood of the swallow family.

"This Ba Gu, unexpectedly at the beginning, directly revealed his body?"

"What a strong breath, is this the recognized first strong among my special ethnic groups?"

Many strong men who watched the battle around the battlefield showed their fear when they saw the golden bats.

At the moment, a trace of coldness flashed on the face with golden secret lines, "there is no need to entangle with him, make a quick decision, and directly solve him!"

Li mang flashed from his eyes, and the Ba Gu suddenly opened his mouth.


A shrill, harsh neighing suddenly echoed between the heaven and earth.

The sound was so harsh that many people could not help covering their ears.

The sword without two sides was also heavy. When the neighing sound sounded, he clearly felt a powerful force, which swept directly towards him without any sign.

"This is... Soul attack?"

As soon as the color of the sword changes, his self-protection ability is amazing, and he can be called immortal.

But in terms of soul, his soul strength is not too strong.

Now, the soul attack of Ba Jia is definitely the strongest soul attack that Jian Wushuang has encountered so far.

And this soul attack was too sudden. Jian Wushuang was not prepared at first, but when he reacted to resist with all his strength, he obviously slowed down a beat.


Jian Wushuang's body shook and his head roared slightly. When he was in the situation, he already saw a golden claw appear in front of him.

This golden claw, like a golden lightning, ruthlessly tore the void apart, and then swept directly across the unparalleled sword without any obstacles.

A terrible power, with endless tearing force, suddenly erupted.

Under the action of this power, the unparalleled body shape of the sword instantly turned into a meteorite and fell hard towards the ground below.


The ground was suddenly shocked, and a huge hole appeared out of thin air, and jianwushuang completely fell into the hole, as if there was no sound.

This scene surprised everyone present.

"Ancient emperor!" Many strong people of the ancient gods were even more shocked.

And Ba Jia, who still stands on the void, has changed into a human shape again, and with a little contemptuous laughter came out of his mouth, "originally thought that he could become a new ancient emperor of the ancient gods, and his strength should not be too weak, but he didn't expect to be so vulnerable."

As soon as this word came out, many strong people of the ancient gods were extremely shocked and angry.

But just then

"Mr. Ba, it's too early for you to be happy?" The cold sound of sword peerless sounded out of thin air.
