"You are so talented in space-time rules. Under normal circumstances, I should accept you as a disciple, but unfortunately, I have lived for so many years and seen too many things, and I have already given up my intention to accept disciples. What's more, you have long been Xuanyi's younger brother. Although Xuanyi is dead, I don't want to rob his disciples." Said the Lord of time and space.

The sword has no double-sided color and is calm. He also learned from the Lord of the white star hall that the Lord of the space-time hall had already given up the idea of accepting disciples.

He never expected that the Lord of the temple of time and space would accept him as a disciple.

"However, although I can't accept you as a disciple, I can give you some guidance on the rules of time and space." The Lord of time and space smiled.

"I have carefully explored your current physical state. If nothing happens, you will not be able to condense a trace of divine power in 300 years, that is to say, you will not have any strength in these 300 years, let alone fight with others, but these 300 years have no impact on your understanding of rules and improving your understanding of the use of rules."

"So, if you like, you can follow me and practice in this independent space for 300 years. How about that?"

Hearing the words of the hall Lord of time and space, Jian Wushuang was immediately overjoyed and nodded without hesitation, "Hall Lord, I am willing!!"

Yes, Jian Wushuang certainly would.

How does the Lord of time and space exist?

Apart from other things, no one in the Taichu divine world can compare with it simply in terms of space-time rules. Such super strong people are extremely difficult for others to contact on weekdays. Even some high-level strong people in the space-time temple, such as the Lord of the white star temple, bacang and others, are not able to see the Lord of the space-time Temple if they want to see it, let alone stay around the Lord of the space-time Temple all the time.

At the beginning of the divine world, there are countless strong people, but including many powerful rule masters, many people are extremely eager to seek the guidance of the space-time Temple master, because in the space-time rules, a little guidance from the space-time Temple master is of great help to the masters of these rules, but the space-time Temple master has been too lazy to pay attention to it, too lazy to give advice.

And if you can practice beside the time and space hall Lord, the time and space hall Lord will certainly not be stingy, which will benefit any cultivator who is good at the rules of time and space!

It can be said that following the time and space hall master to practice, this is the opportunity that countless cultivators dream of.

Now, the Lord of time and space gave this opportunity to jianwushuang.

Jian Wushuang is not stupid. Of course, I know that this opportunity is rare. How can I refuse it.

"Well, in the past 300 years, I will arrange your cultivation so that you can make the greatest progress in the 300 years when the divine power can't be condensed. After 300 years, your strength will be restored. At that time, I will leave the primordial realm and continue to travel to the cosmic battlefield. How to go next is up to you." The main road of the hall of time and space.

"Thank you, Lord." The sword is unparalleled and grateful.

"In these three hundred years, in addition to following me and practicing according to my arrangement, there are fifteen rule temples on my spacetime Island, which should also be of great help to you, white star!" The Lord of the temple of time and space glanced at the void beside him.

"Temple Lord." The figure of the Lord of the white star hall appeared directly.

"Take this little guy to the temple of rules." The Lord of the space-time hall commanded.

"Yes." The Lord of the white star hall nodded respectfully.

Jianwushuang immediately followed the Lord of the white star hall.

Out of the independent space where the Lord of the space-time hall lives, Jian Wushuang and the Lord of the white star hall walk side by side in the space-time island.

"Little guy..." the white star hall master just spoke, but immediately she paused and said, "no, although you are still an immortal saint, your real combat power is stronger than the general rule master. You are at the same level with me. I use the little guy to call you. It seems inappropriate. I'd better call your name directly."

"Jian Tianhou, what did the temple Lord just tell you?" The Lord of the white star hall asked curiously.

"Nothing, just tell me the strength difference between the master and the master of rules, as well as some things about the three holy places. In addition, the temple Lord wants me to practice with him in the next 300 years." Jian Wushuang said that he did not mention his master and the Seven Star Xuanzong.

"What?" The white star hall Lord was surprised, "the hall Lord asked you to practice with him? And it's 300 years?"

"Yes." Jian Wushuang nodded.

The Lord of the white star hall immediately praised, "Jian Tianhou, I have to say that your luck is really good. The Lord of the hall has made up his mind to stop accepting disciples many years ago. He didn't make an exception when he met you this time, but he let you practice beside him..."

"My temple of time and space has been created for so long. Although countless strong people who are good at the rules of time and space have been born over the years, it is estimated that no more than 20 of them have really been instructed by the Lord himself, and the Lord of the temple has only simply instructed once or twice, but none of them can practice around the Lord of the temple so far!"

"Tut Tut, you can practice with the Lord of the temple. Even if you are a disciple of the Lord of the temple, you won't have this treatment. Your boy is really lucky this time."

"Ah?" Jian Wushuang was stunned at first, but then nodded slightly.

Indeed, being able to practice around the Lord of the temple of time and space for 300 years is indeed a big hit.

"The Lord of the white star temple, the Lord of the temple asked me to go to the temple of rules. That temple of rules should be the palace group you showed me at the beginning?" Jian Wushuang asked, shifting the topic.

Jian Wushuang remembers that when he first arrived at the space-time Island, the Lord of the white star hall took him to several places of opportunity on the space-time Island, but there was a place where although the Lord of the white star hall pointed it out to him, he didn't take him in. It was a group of palaces.

According to the master of the white star hall, the threshold of the palace group is very high. Even the master of the rules of the first and second realms of the void is not qualified to enter. If you want to enter there, you generally need to master more than two rules.

The threshold of entry is so high, but I think the palace group is not trivial.

"You guessed right. The common palace group pointed out to you before is the location of the temple of rules, and the purpose of the temple of rules... Can't you guess?" The Lord of the white star hall looked at the sword with great interest.

"The temple of rules is naturally aimed at rules, but the threshold is so high that it is obviously not only aimed at space-time rules. If nothing unexpected happens, the purpose of the temple of rules should be for rule fusion?" The sword is unparalleled.