"Smart." The master of the white star Temple smiled, "there are 16 rule temples in total. Except for the other one, which is used for affinity detection, the other 15 are for the integration of another rule and space-time rules. Practicing in the rule temple, although it is not guaranteed that you will be able to integrate these two rules, at least it is much easier than your own understanding."

"These fifteen temples for the integration of rules, including destruction and space-time, life and death and space-time, life and space-time, thunder and space-time, etc. Jian Tianhou, I know that in addition to the space-time rules, the second rule of perception is the reincarnation rule, and among these fifteen temples of rules, there is exactly a temple that integrates reincarnation and space-time rules, which you can use."

"Does time and space merge with reincarnation?" Jian Wushuang's eyes suddenly lit up.

The space-time rule and the reincarnation rule, the fusion of two different rules, before in the blood wave hall, he barely found some key points of fusion. In the fusion of these two rules, he has entered the door. Next, he needs a lot of time to constantly run in, but constantly study.

Now, if the temple of rules corresponding to space-time and reincarnation really helps the integration of the two rules, it can definitely reduce a lot of time for him.

"It's not too late. Now let's go to the temple of rules." The sword is unparalleled.

Although there are fifteen rule temples for rule fusion, he doesn't need other rule temples for the time being, only the rule Temple corresponding to time and space and reincarnation. It's of great use to him.

"Don't worry. Before you go to the temple of rules, you have to check your affinity for rules." White star hall main road.

"Rule affinity?" Sword matchless doubts.

"There are various rules between heaven and earth, and I don't need to explain the use of these rules to cultivators. Each cultivator has different affinity with the rules between heaven and earth, which represents whether he has the talent and qualification to understand this rule."

"Take you for example, you understand the rules of time and space and the rules of reincarnation, and the speed of understanding has always been extremely fast, and your talent is extremely high, which shows that you have a high affinity with these two rules. Only in this way can you realize these two rules so quickly!"

"But if you change to other rules, such as you understand the rules of life and death, the same understanding, the same opportunity, plus the same time, what you can achieve in the rules of life and death, I'm afraid you may not be able to achieve your achievements in the rules of time and space and reincarnation." White star hall main road.

"I see, this affinity is equivalent to the understanding talent of various rules. Only when the affinity is high and the corresponding rules are understood, the speed will be faster." Jian Wushuang nodded slightly, but he could understand the affinity of the white star hall Lord.

"Yes, the degree of affinity with the rules determines whether you have the qualification and talent to understand this rule. You can understand the space-time rules and reincarnation rules to this extent in a short time, which shows that you have a high affinity with these two rules. If you are just an ordinary immortal saint, then you don't need to care about your affinity with the rules of heaven and earth now, but you are not general after all!" The Lord of the white star hall continued to narrate.

"Now you have the combat power of the three realms of void, but you have mastered the will power. The strength of the master of rules depends largely on the will power you master. As for the acquisition method of the will power, the most important thing is to master more rules or integrate more rules!"

"You have mastered one rule now, and it won't take long to master two rules. In the future, you must find a way to master the third and even the fourth rules. Naturally, now you have to figure out which rules you are suitable to understand, so that you can be prepared accordingly."

Sword peerless suddenly.

Yes, it was enough for him to master the rules of time and space and reincarnation.

But once you step on the level of the master of rules, you must find ways to master more rules. At this time, of course, you have to figure out which rules you are suitable to understand.

"Jian Tianhou, come with me." The Lord of the white star hall, leading the sword unparalleled, has come to the building complex of the rule temple and directly entered the front hall.

In the magnificent temple, there are all kinds of airflow, which represents a variety of rules between heaven and earth. At a glance, there are at least hundreds of such airflow, and jianwushuang can immediately sense the existence of space-time rules and reincarnation rules from these airflow.

"White star hall Lord, what should I do?" Jian Wushuang asked.

"It's very simple. Just sit here, close your eyes and communicate with the surrounding rules as much as possible." White star hall main road.

"I see." Jian Wushuang nodded. Even if he sat down in the center of the temple according to what the Lord of the white star Hall said, he closed his eyes and began to communicate with the surrounding airflow representing the power of rules.

Time passed, and half an hour passed in a flash.

In this half hour, the air currents in the temple were all around the sword, and among these air currents, several air currents also sent out light, some of which were dazzling and some were dim.

"Well, you can open your eyes." White star hall main road.

Jian Wushuang immediately opened his eyes and immediately saw the surrounding airflow emitting light.

"These shining ones should be the power of rules that have a high affinity with me?" Jian Wushuang said, because he had noticed that the most dazzling of these luminous airflow was the airflow representing the rules of time and space.

"Yes, the more dazzling the light of these shining rules, the higher your affinity with this rule. There is no doubt that your affinity for the space-time rule is the highest. As for the reincarnation rule, it is slightly inferior to the space-time rule, but the affinity is still very high. In addition, your affinity is also good in the earth rule, the golden rule, and the fate rule. You can find a way to understand these rules in the future Rules! "

"However, what surprises me most is the destruction rule!!"

"Jian Tianhou, I didn't expect that your talent in the rules of destruction is so high that it's not much weaker than you in the rules of time and space." The Lord of the white star hall was obviously surprised.

Sword peerless also immediately looked at one of the equally dazzling airflow, which was comparable to the regular airflow of time and space.

That airflow represents the rule of destruction!!


PS: it's two o'clock today!