If you want to seize this precious place from the master of the abyss, you need at least 180000 divine power to do it.


180000 miles!

JuYang immortal also stopped, and he had reached his limit.

"Unparalleled friends, I can only stick to this place!"

Jian Wushuang nodded slightly and continued to dive with Huiqing.

After a while, the Lord of the abyss also stayed.

Finally, only the unparalleled sword and Huiqing are left.

"It's still a little hard to have the blessing of the source Taoist field!" Jian Wushuang shook his head helplessly, and the ring on his finger erupted into a ring of black fog.

Surround him with Huiqing.

Without the suppression of the supreme rule, the two men directly exceeded 20 million and rushed to the bottom of the abyss.

Without the others, the two dived as fast as they could..

"Yes!" In the process of diving, Jian Wushuang felt a familiar breath.

Where has exceeded 18 million divine power.

If you want to enter here, even the best treasure needs to be the top treasure in the eight robberies.

"Beast god soldier!"

Jian Wushuang's eyes lit up and saw a dark red mask floating in the abyss.

The power of the beast God is also distributed above.

"Tie Mian!"

Beast God tie face is also called greedy wolf face.

One of the nine beast gods tied with the candle dragon.

I didn't expect to be suspended here.

When entering the abyss, he also asked the Lord of the abyss that all the treasures the other party got from the abyss were still there. When he went out, he could pick them at will. He thought that all the treasures left in Moro's time and space had been taken away by the other party!

In fact, most of the treasures had been incorporated into the temple of Qi long before the time and space of Moro disappeared.

Moreover, the treasures of Moro's space-time and the artifacts beyond the universe were all brought by miesheng, and naturally they are still in miesheng's hands.

How many things can really fall into the abyss.

He is still very happy to find this greedy face here.

After a little observation, I found that the origin of Tiemian has reached the perfection of eight catastrophes.

It is a treasure with perfect eight calamities.

No wonder it appears here.

After countless years of tempering in the abyss, the tie surface has reached the limit of northern space-time.

Although it is not an artifact, it has reached the level of sub artifact.

"Now, you have the master!"

If you think about it, you will forcibly recognize the Lord.

Tie Mian also sent out a shock buzz, but it still couldn't stop the unparalleled control of the sword.

Finally, it quieted down in his hand.

"Congratulations, brother Wushuang!"

Jian Wushuang was also very happy, and said with a light smile: "finally, I have got the second beast god soldier, and it's still a lot away from getting together!"

"Yes!" Hui Qing nodded solemnly. He could speculate that in the future, jianwushuang would gather together the beast divine soldiers, but it would be bumpy in the middle.

He didn't say that.

"Let's go and continue to dive!"

He can't wait to go into the bottom to explore.

It is said that the abyss is millions of miles.

They are still far from reaching their limit.

Millions of miles, to the end.

Without the power of demigod, we cannot reach the end.

However, with their divine power, there is no problem in half.

They continued to dive for an hour and received a lot of goods.

They are all the perfect treasures of the eight robberies, but these treasures are very common compared with the beast God soldiers.

Neither of them looked up to it, and they simply didn't accept it.

Leave it to those who are destined for it in the future!

Three hundred and fifty thousand miles!

Four hundred thousand li!

500000 Li

"Hoo!" Hui Qing took a deep breath, "I have reached the limit."

Jian Wushuang's eyebrows moved. He was a little surprised. He hadn't felt uncomfortable yet. How could Huiqing reach the limit?

In fact, the strength of the two people is not much different. If anyone is stronger, it must be that Huiqing's future body is stronger.

Huiqing's Buddha stopped at 300000 Li.

In the future, it will be fivehundredthousand Li.

The divine power is more than 25 million.

"Huiqing, your future divine power, but more than 25 million, how can there be pressure!" He was really puzzled, so he asked, "is it a discovery?"

Hui Qing shook his head, glanced at the abyss below, and calmly said:

"Brother unparalleled, the abyss is only a cultivation function for me. In fact, when I was 300, 000 miles away, my own cultivation was enough. It was only curiosity that followed me all the way to the present."

Indeed, this is for cultivation, why stick to the bottom.

It's just curiosity.

Wonder what treasures are stored at the bottom!

Jian Wushuang nodded and said, "well, you practice here, and I continue to dive. This time, the practice may not be so long. Wuzuo and they all return to the downstream space and time, and we can't delay time, in case of extinction......"

He is worried about the safety of Wuzuo and others.

I'd better go back early.

"Don't worry, Wuzuo they won't be in danger!" Hui Qing calculated slightly and gave the answer.

But Jian Wushuang doesn't think so. Extinction is not a fixed number, but a variable. Everything is possible.

Be careful.

Don't delay here too long.

"I'll go down and test my limits. At present, I'm likely to be close to the bottom. Go down and have a look, and I'll come up. It won't be more than a hundred years, and then we should leave!"

After parting from Huiqing, he continued to dive.

Divine power is also rising.

It soon broke through 600000 Li.

There's still not much pressure, keep going.

Maybe it's related to the abyss of the divine realm he controls. The lower he is, the more relaxed he feels.

On the contrary, at a depth of 300, 400, 000 Li, he felt pressure, and he had not used the divine realm at that time.

After using the divine realm, his speed keeps getting faster.


Only the last 100000 miles are left from the bottom.

"It seems that we can really go to the end!" His speed did not slow down, but accelerated again.

For him, it was only a blink of an eye. Although this place was an abyss, there was no pressure on him.


A moment of inertia, the body shape touched the ground.

"In the end!" Jian Wushuang raised his eyes and looked around. The bottom of the abyss was different from what he imagined.

The bottom of the abyss of the divine realm refined by zamas is a devouring source.

The bottom of the abyss refined by the world king God is flat and empty around.

He adjusted his breathing slightly, and his mind began to spread, gradually covering the bottom of the whole abyss.

"Well?" Jian Wushuang's eyes moved, and his mind observed a broken Taoist field.

The mind covered the bottom of the whole abyss. There was only a dilapidated ashram with no living creatures.

There is no breath.

He also relaxed his vigilance and walked slowly.

After passing through two huge pillars, he entered the dilapidated dojo.

Unlike what he thought, there are no treasures left here.

If there are treasures swallowed here, I'm afraid there are only artifacts.

There were still some illusions, but now they seem to have failed. I can only see what this Taoist temple can do to help me!

In the broken Taoist field, it is very shabby. There is only one incomplete Dharma phase, and you can't see the face clearly.