6073 statue of zamas?

But look at the clothes, it should be a Terran.

He is not a God, but a practitioner.

At least it's a demigod, or a super strong God of the universe.

Looking below, this ashram is not swallowed here, but more like an existing one.

"Unfortunately, I have no face and I don't know what it looks like!" Looking up at the carving, he looked familiar, but he couldn't say that the place was familiar.

The head of the statue is incomplete. You can't see the five senses at all. Naturally, you don't know who it is.

After walking around the statue, there was nothing around.

There was also a trace of loss in the bottom of my heart, so I was ready to turn around and leave to find an empty place to recover the strength absorbed by Beirut in my body.

But when he turned his head, a bright light reflected and shone on his eyes at a perfect angle. The dazzling light made him unable to open his eyes. He blocked the light beam with his hand and stared at it, startling him.

A head!

The head of the statue.

There is also a crack on the neck, which coincides with the fracture trace on the Dharma statue. It seems that it fell from the Dharma statue.

As for the refracted light beam, it comes from the ear of the head.

"I can't detect my mental strength?" Jian Wushuang was a little surprised. Just now he openly explored everything in the darkness around him, but he didn't find this head.

He walked slowly, and one hand had reached the handle of the Wanjie sword behind him. However, when he approached the broken head, he found that there was a weak prohibition around him, which could block his mind.


With just one finger, the prohibition was broken, and an ancient breath came from it.

This prohibition should be the prohibition of self-protection, not the arrangement, otherwise it can not be so weak.

As for the ancient flavor, it should be the reason why it has been sealed for too long.


A light appeared in Jian Wushuang's hand, and he saw the head through the light.


What came into view was an extremely ugly face.

His face is ferocious and colorful.

But only half.

Half green face, half black face.

The corners of his mouth were grinning, and his eyes were staring round.

The sword peerless looks a little shocking.

"How does this look like zamas?" After staring at the ugly face for half a day, he saw where he was familiar.

Turned around and looked at the Dharma image behind him.

Thinking of zamas' appearance, he turned to his head in horror.


It's so similar.

If it weren't for his half black face, he would have recognized it early in the morning.

It's just that the carved appearance is too ferocious, and it's difficult to connect with the calm zamas.


After he completely confirmed, he took a deep breath, and his heart was very confused.

In the abyss built by the king God of the world, there is the Dharma of zamas.

And it seems that the FA Xiang should be two people, just one.

How can this dharma phase appear here?

The sword is unparalleled and cannot be solved.

I'm afraid only the king and God of the world will know!

After thinking for a while, he didn't have any clue. He simply didn't study this, and he didn't have time to study it. He wanted to take this ashram away. Although it was of little value, he could ask the king of the world if he had a chance in the future.

Zamas persecuted North spacetime. Maybe he could find some clues from this sculpture to avoid being persecuted by zamas again.

He broke his heart for beispacetime.

If you have a chance in the future, you have to let the king of the world make up for it.


He raised his hand and directly put the whole broken ashram into mustard. Then he nodded with satisfaction and was ready to begin to digest the power from swallowing.

But when the dojo entered mustard, the flying ash was instantly annihilated.

He was also startled, and it was too late to take it out.

Directly crushed the stored mustard, the broken mustard in the hand, and the space in the mustard was also broken.

This kind of mustard of Xumi can be created at will. As long as he has mastered the space, the emperor can create it. But when he comes to the Lord of the universe, he has the original star sky, and he is too lazy to get these mustards. Most of the treasures are thrown into the original, where the space is much more stable than Xumi mustard.

It's just that Faxiang has something to do with zamas. He put mustard in order to be safe.

I didn't expect that the dojo disappeared directly after entering Sumi's mustard.

Crushed the mustard of Sumi, but there was a pair of earrings in his hand!

"This is" the sword is matchless. I didn't expect FA Xiang to produce treasures.

Holding the pair of earrings, I looked at them carefully in front of my eyes and found nothing strange.

But I thought of the origin of the earrings.

This kind of earring is worn on the sharp ears of the head.

In other words, this earring is zamas' stuff.

He suddenly became interested. After slowly probing into the earrings, he was slightly disappointed that there was no special force, but a force of life.

This kind of life force is very common. He wants as much as he wants. For him, it is to throw away the things that no one picked up in the street. After exploring and failing to receive the goods, he is also lazy to study it and threw it into the source.

It's related to zamas, so I'll ask after seeing the queen of the world!

Now he has to quickly digest the absorbed power.

"Hoo!" He gently exhaled a mouthful of foul gas.

That force has collapsed in the source.

The scattered power naturally entered the abyss.


After absorbing his power, the whole abyss was shocked.

Obviously, his power is a huge divine power in the whole northern space-time.

It is comparable to a long river of time and space.

Jian Wushuang's original star sky suddenly contracted, and the three super universes revolved around him with an unbreakable law.

All the absorbed power was sent out, and all the divine power in the body was taken out, and a lot of power began to feed back at the next moment.

At the bottom of the abyss, the purest power can be absorbed.

The forces that are fed back are unified, not those that are actively swallowed, mixed.

This is the advantage of the abyss.

Can quickly improve strength.


Jian Wushuang clenched his fists. At this moment, he did not use any secret methods, but simply used the three universes to improve his origin.

The twinkling lights are also shining in the starry sky.

There are stars, and there are black holes in the middle of the stars.

Then came the secret realm.

In a flash, the framework of a universe has been formed.

"The fourth universe!" Jian Wushuang raised his hand and pointed out, and the fourth light in the starry sky lit up.

The universe becomes!

Then there is the fifth one.

An endless stream of power feeds itself, making his origin soar.

The first universe, he spent his whole life.

The second universe is only a few eras, and the third universe is only a few years.

The fourth universe, he only used for a moment.

The fifth universe is slowing down.

Because the power of feedback is also weakening.

It can't be as strong as just a glance.