Chapter 143: 139: The Death of the Raikage

Name:Naruto: Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 143: 139: The Death of the Raikage

Following the loss of their Tsuchikage's leadership, the Iwa nins resisted the Third Raikage fiercely. However, when confronted with the mightiest spear, they found themselves powerless, forced into a steady retreat.

Onoki was in a coma, seriously wounded. The demolition corps had suffered near-total annihilation, and hundreds of combatants had fallen.

Additionally, they had seized a significant amount of ore from the Land of Earth's territory. This mission was undoubtedly a resounding victory for Kumo.

Iwa was in disarray, presenting a prime opportunity for Kumo to capitalize on the situation. This was the sentiment shared by every Kumo Jonin.

"Our next move is to secure the next iron ore site and then promptly withdraw from the Land of Earth."

The Third Raikage declared calmly, not allowing the joy of victory to cloud his judgment.

Their position was too deep within the Land of Earth, and defeating Tsuchikage was only the beginning. Soon, Iwa would rally its forces to encircle them.

"My estimate suggests that after we seize the next iron ore mine, it will be about the same time when the forces from Iwagakure begin their encirclement and suppression efforts. The timing is ideal." he continued.

"Shouldn't we directly attack Iwagakure, Raikage-sama? With Tsuchikage seriously injured, this might be the best time to call for more Kumo ninjas and declare war on Iwagakure, utterly defeating them."

Some of them were puzzled.

"Our goal is to develop weapons, defend our borders effectively, and avoid Iwa's retaliation. Furthermore, I intend for Iwa and Suna to weaken Konoha's influence on our behalf. Whatever we lose here, we'll take back from Konoha with even greater fervor." The Raikage explained.

After all, the Land of Earth is a considerable distance from the Land of Lightning, whether by land or sea.

He believed that Iwagakure's leadership wouldn't make the hasty decision to attack Kumo from such a far distance.

"In addition, I've already dispatched 3,000 Kumo ninjas toward the Land of Hot Springs. By my calculations, they should have reached the border by now. In response to the 3,000 ninjas I sent, Konoha will undoubtedly disperse its troops. I will force Konoha to no longer have any reinforcements the Suna and Iwa battlefields, creating opportunities for them." The Raikage revealed.

As he spoke, a glint of lightning danced in his eyes.

"As expected of Raikage-sama."

The senior ninjas understood the plan, and excitement sparkled in their eyes. The strategy was working, and if they continued along this path, Kumo would soon replace Konoha's position.

"At that point, I can peacefully step down and pass on the Raikage position to the next generation." Ai said.

His statement initially surprised the Kumo Jonins, but they quickly figured out the implications and regained their composure.

The Third Raikage was already in his fifties and had held the position for at least two to three decades. Although he remained powerful, many of the Jonins understood that his strength was waning with age. It was time to step aside for a new leader.

Retiring after a successful tenure, especially after such a successful career, would be a satisfying outcome for a ninja who had dedicated their life to military service.

Kumo Jonins had different opinions. While some were reluctant to see the Third Raikage abdicate early, they recognized that it was the best strategic move for Kumogakure's future.

"No problem, let's leave now. Only one iron ore point remains, and we will return to the village upon completing it." The Raikage said, gazing at the morning glow on the horizon.

The current Kumogakure was like a newborn sun, it is a symbol of Kumo's renewed vitality and future brilliance.


In a mine.

A Kumo Jonin, fatigued from their efforts, sighed with relief. "It was exhausting, but we've accomplished our goal. This should be a success."

Carefully handling a scroll that lay spread before them, they marveled, "The Sage of the Six Paths' treasure, the Amber Purifying Pot, is incredible. It can hold so much ore without saturating."

Another Jonin chimed in, "Indeed, it's a legendary artifact capable of even containing an entire tailed beast."

Kumogakure possessed several ancestral artifacts of the Sage of the Six Paths, and the Amber Purifying Pot was one of them. This artifact had an expansive and stable inner space, able to store not only objects but even living beings.

When they struggled to find suitable Jinchuriki hosts, the Two Tails and Eight Tails had temporarily resided within the Amber Purifying Pot.

"The Amber Purifying Pot has other functions as well." one of the Jonin mentioned. "I recall it usually needs a response from living being to seal the living being, but for inanimate objects like iron ore, you can use sealing jutsus to store them. Several times, the village has relied on the Amber Purifying Pot for logistical support."

"It's really convenient."

The two came out quickly, and Ai was waiting for them at the entrance of the mine, surrounded by Iwagakure ninjas who were on the ground.

Ai sealed the scroll of the Amber Purifying Pot and put it in his pouch for personal protection.

A few minutes later, other Kumo Jonin responsible for patrolling the area returned. Most of them were unharmed, with only a few sustaining minor injuries.

"The situation here has been resolved. Now, let's make our safe return to the Land of Lightning."

After Ai had finished speaking, the Kumo Jonin eased their nerves and followed the Third Raikage,

with determined expressions, and they started running towards the northeast of the Land of Earth.

This route began along the coast, bypassing neutral national pathways, eventually providing a view of the Land of Lightning across the sea. Their goal was to return to the Land of Lightning, rendering the Iwagakure ninjas powerless, no matter how infuriated they might be.

However, just as they thought about their escape, the Jonin responsible for sensory in their team suddenly showed signs of alarm. It appeared that he had sensed trouble through sensory ninjutsu.

"Raikage-sama, approximately 700 Iwagakure ninjas have appeared three kilometers behind us." he reported.

"Only 700? It's a bit faster than expected, but it doesn't matter. With this number, I can disrupt their formation in just five minutes. You go ahead, and then I will leave the Land of Earth via Route B." Ai responded, turning his head slightly to address his subordinates.

"Raikage-sama, you leave first, and we will stay behind." protested all the Kumo Jonin, displaying their dissatisfaction with the Raikage's decision.

They couldn't understand why their leader would choose to leave himself exposed while allowing his subordinates to escape.

"You can't. My actions are faster. Don't worry about my safety." Ai reassured them, displaying a strong and majestic presence, his body exuding explosive chakra and sparking with lightning.

He entered the Lightning Chakra mode, confident in his abilities. Facing a mere 700 opponents posed no significant challenge, provided he wasn't surrounded by over 3,000 enemies.

"But..." the Jonin persisted, concerned for Ai's well-being.

Undeterred, the Third Raikage retrieved a scroll containing the Sage of the Six Paths' treasure, the Amber Purifying Pot, from his bag. He addressed all the ninjas, stating "I still have the Amber Purifying Pot, so don't worry about me taking unnecessary risks."

Recognizing Ai's determination, the Jonin knew their arguments wouldn't sway him. They had no choice but to obey his orders.

As Ai's accompanying Jonin departed, the Third Raikage, clad in Lightning Armor, immediately set off toward the pursuing force of 700 Iwagakure ninjas. These enemies were led by elite Jonins, with over ten Jonins ninjas among their ranks, bolstered by hundreds of Chunins.

However, they faced none other than the ninja known as the mightiest spear - The Third Raikage.

Before the Iwagakure ninjas could react, Ai's blue lightning struck with such ferocity that it knocked over a dozen of them, disrupting their formation. He continued to surge forward, causing chaos.

"Earth Release: Moving Earth Core—"

But before the Iwa ninjas could unleash their ninjutsu, Ai had already sent them flying. Their chests were shattered, and they bled profusely.

"Earth Release: Rock Wrecker Jutsu!"

Despite Ai thwarting some of the Iwa ninja's ninjutsu attempts, their numbers were too great. Small rocks were expelled one by one and expanded in flight, transforming into massive stones over two meters tall. They hit Ai's body.

Ai raised his arm, shattering the stones before his eyes.

The dust and debris vanished, but the Third Raikage's Lightning Chakra mode further enhanced his already impressive speed. He moved at a speed that exceeded human dynamic vision, even on this challenging terrain.

"Earth Release: Rock Fissure!"

That's what Ai believed.

With lightning enveloping his form, he sprinted toward that glimmer of hope.

Onoki flew to the maze's edge and shouted to the surrounding Rock ninjas:

"We are the mightiest of earth, utilize all your strength! Let the earth become our weapon!"

"Got it!"

"Earth Release: Great Moving Earth Gore!"

They all shouted in unison. Onoki even invested a quarter of his chakra into this jutsu.

Ai looked in astonishment at the enormous earth wall that had emerged before him. To describe it as towering and blotting out the sun would be an understatement. It was as if it sought to eclipse the very sky itself.

The shadows extended, but the ordeal was far from over. The earth wall continued to rise, steep and imposing. Above, countless "ants" scurried about. These were the countless Iwa ninjas.

The Third Raikage could almost see the sly, disdainful grins on the Iwa ninjas faces. Whenever he moved towards the top, they would attack and obstruct him with their jutsu. With their overwhelming numbers, they had an absolute advantage in securing the high ground.

If he resorted to a piercing technique like the Hell Stab again to breach the incredibly thick wall, it would strain his fingers and deplete his chakra even more. What if the wall were re-erected afterward? His chakra would vanish at a fast rate.

Escape through another route, but the outcome would remain the same. Despite his remarkable chakra, it couldn't compete with the accumulated chakra of all the Iwa ninjas. Moreover, the strategically positioned Iwa ninjas would expend their chakra far more efficiently.

"Don't worry, Raikage-dono. We will refrain from launching an attack until you're exhausted." Onoki declared.

Flying high in the sky, he muttered to himself, waving his arm to instruct the Iwa ninjas on the ground to continue their "construction" project.

Their aim was to wear down this Raikage, the one hailed as the strongest, to his death. Onoki used this strategy because he fully understood the Raikage's terrifying might.

With the detonation of explosive tags, the earth transformed continually into complex siege terrains.

The third Raikage could only charge forward, but to no avail. Regardless of the destruction he wrought, there would be ten or even a hundredfold more obstacles stopping his path, draining his chakra and stamina.

Even if he managed to catch up to some Iwa ninjas and incapacitate them, it would merely be a drop in the bucket.

'No! There had to be a way out.' Ai realized that if he didn't want to meet his end here, he needed to think clearly.

Otherwise, he would be ensnared for life, a humiliating fate he strongly resented. He would prefer death in honorable combat to such humiliation.

From the beginning, he shouldn't have been so greedy. When he defeated Onoki and the Demolition Unit earlier, he should have withdrawn, allowing Onoki to lose both his army and his land.

A trap had seized him by the neck the moment greed had taken hold of his heart.


He had to stay calm at this juncture, not falling for the enemy's traps again. The kunai with exploding tags rained down like a black storm, embedding themselves in the ground at oblique angles, followed by successive detonations.

Firelight and dust obscured everything in front of Ai. Lacking the abilities of a sensory ninja, he relied on his excellent neural response to react.

The earth spears, the earth pillars, and the fiery explosions were endless. Even a ninja with a strong physique like the Raikage would feel exhausted.

After what felt like an eternity within this dust-laden area, he gradually lost track of time, aware only of his growing weariness.

Suddenly, a powerful breath approached him.


Ai tried to rush forward for battle, but he noticed something tightly entangling his feet.


That something exploded.

Ai cried out in pain. Even some of the earth ninjas were shocked as the explosion's power was powerful enough to harm their own ranks.

Had someone's explosives accidentally detonated, causing a chain reaction? They could only speculate as they couldn't discern individuals amid the dust and mist.

Wearing the Iwagakure Ninja uniform and a forehead protector, it was evident this ninja possessed exceptional physical abilities.

The Third Raikage, who had just stabilized himself after the violent explosion, was confronted by this Iwa ninja moving at astonishing speed.

"You—" The third Raikage began to say, but before he could react, a cold palm pressed down on his chest.

"Air God Strike!"


Ai was sent flying, blood gushing from his mouth due to the tremendous force, his lightning eyes locked on the Iwa ninja. The ninja had a handsome face, with black pupils and long black hair.

Holding the stolen scroll from Ai's bag, he seemed to taunt him, bidding a silent farewell.


In that scroll, there wasn't just the precious treasure of the Sage of the Six Paths, the amber pot, but also the vast amount of ore plundered from the Land of Earth in recent days. It couldn't be surrendered so easily.

Coughing again, Ai's body froze, and his steps faltered.

"My heart is aching. it's the Hyuga clan's jutsu..."

The Iwa ninja gradually placed the scroll in his ninja tool bag, brushed his long black hair back neatly, and turned away. Walking into the depths of the dust and smoke, he vanished.

Ai prepared to endure the excruciating pain of his heart being torn apart, attempted to chase after him.

Then, the earth turned pitch black.

The entire maze and earth vanished in an instant.

The dust and smoke dissipated.

Ai stared dumbfounded at the ground that had disappeared beneath his feet, revealing a bottomless abyss.

This was their most powerful Earth Release, a joint effort of thousands of Iwa ninjas.


The roar of anger echoed through the abyss.

Ai plummeted, descending into the bottomless abyss..

Sunlight couldn't be reached there.

Onoki listened to the Raikage's resignation and anguish. Despite feeling helpless, he reveled in the victory of destroying the Third Raikage and the prospect of reclaiming the stolen ores.

"Raikage-dono, you are in a place closest to hell. This is a grand tomb carefully crafted for you..."

Patreon. com/chizih


So I finally found the name of the raw I've been looking for "Zongman: I Was Approached By The Characters I Drew". I was contacted on discord for a commission to edit this, I did like 20 chapters but I never heard from them it advisable to publish it on webnovel?