Chapter 144: 140: The So-called History

Name:Naruto: Escape From Konoha Author:
Chapter 144: 140: The So-called History

With the release of the transformation jutsu, the Iwa ninjas reverted to their original appearance, revealing Ayane.

She approached a nearby rock, took a seat, and retrieved the scroll she had stolen from the Third Raikage. According to General Tu's intelligence, it contained the revered amber bot left by the Sage of the Six Paths.

Contained within that amber pot were huge quantities of ore, diligently collected by the Third Raikage and his comrades from the Land of Earth. It also held precious chakra-infused metals unique to the Land Of Earth.

But from now on, all of these treasures now belonged to her.

"Although that Raikage really had an incredible tough skin, he managed to survive an attack from me. He's no pushover."

Ayane mused to herself. So far, no ninja had withstood her Air God Strike head-on without collapsing.

The Hyuga Clan's Gentle Fist directly targeted an opponent's internal organs and utilized acupuncture points to disrupt the flow of their chakra. Even when she battled Ruri, she maintained a distance, using large-scale ninjutsu to cover her attacks, avoiding close combat.

Fighting close to Hyuga Clan ninjas, especially one using the Gentle Fist she had developed, the Air God Strike, was extremely dangerous.

This jutsu was incredibly powerful, particularly in its ability to wreak havoc inside an opponent's body. In theory, anyone struck by the Air God Strike would succumb to bursting internal organs.

However, the Third Raikage hadn't fallen; he had merely vomited blood upon taking the blow. Ayane could imagine that while his internal organs weren't as strong as his external physique, they were undoubtedly superhuman.

Nevertheless, taking such a hit must have been extremely uncomfortable.

Escape was out of the question, considering the encirclement by countless sensory ninjas. More and more Iwagakure ninjas had converged here, all aiming to ensure the Third Raikage's death.

Even without her sudden intervention, defeat was inevitable. Her sudden appearance and sneak attack merely hastened the inevitable. The outcome remained unchanged.

"I wonder how long that Raikage can endure. I'm quite curious. Let's take a nap here and check again later."


The sun quickly dipped below the horizon and just as it quickly arose into the sky again.

Unknowingly, a day had passed.

The Iwa ninjas remained silent, their gaze fixed on the figure standing in the arena.

The Third Raikage.

There was no injury, no visible scars, and the bloodstains at the corner of his mouth had dried.

He stood motionless, lightning crackling around his body, his long, light-yellow hair fluttering against the dusty background.

He no longer breathed, and though a faint flicker of lightning still shimmered in his eyes, they had grown dim, revealing the undeniable truth that the Third Raikage was now a lifeless corpse.

Onoki descended from the sky, his eyes falling upon The Raikage's lifeless body. His expression was complicated, and he sighed.

Seeing the death of the Third Raikage Ai, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness.

If the day came when he met a similar end, would his body and dignity be similarly trampled by his enemies?

However, that was the price of being a ninja, the cost of a ninja's life. It was a burden that the Five Kages bore, one that came with the territory.

On the battlefield, jubilant cheers erupted among the Iwagakure ninjas. They couldn't understand Onoki's inner turmoil, but they understood that they had collectively defeated the Raikage of Kumogakure, one of the legendary Five Kage.

This accomplishment filled them with pride and a sense of achievement.

"Retrieve him."

Onoki beckoned two of his aides to approach, and together they lifted the Third Raikage's lifeless body, preparing to return it to Iwagakure.


"Is it finally over?"

Perched on a rocky outcrop several kilometers away, Ayane had witnessed the entire battle, from the beginning to the e d. The events she had witnessed had been thrilling, rendering her momentarily speechless.

Iwagakure had adopted remarkable tactics this time. Although the main body of participating ninja were chuninlevel, they had banded together, using their collective strength. Through a coordinated earth release attack, they had successfully killed the. Raikage, one of the Five Kage.

There had been no element of luck involved; it was an execution of precise strategy.

From Ayane's observation, even with such a formidable earth release tactic, many Iwagakure ninja had died valiantly in the battle against the Third Raikage, and countless others had been wounded.

Had she not intervened along the way, striking the Raikage with a sniper shot, it was likely that even more Iwa ninjas would have fallen.

"Lightning release counters Earth release, but Earth release can limit the performance of Lightning release users by changing the battlefield environment... It's difficult to determine who truly has the upper hand. It was a wonderful battle."

Ayane marveled at the battle she had witnessed, offering her sincere praise.

The Raikage's relentless offense, his defensive lightning Release jutsu, and the Iwas' earth release tactics were all top-notch in their respective fields.

The battle between them had opened Ayane's eyes.

With the battle concluded, Iwagakure began their retreat. For Ayane, there was no longer any reason to remain and watch.

"Alright, now I can go back to catching mice in peace. Being a mouse catcher is such a troublesome job."

The matter of the Third Raikage had been but a minor episode in Ayane's life. Ninja battles occurred daily, and even the Five Kage faced huge risks of sacrifices on the battlefield.

The Second Hokage of Konoha, the Second Tsuchikage of Iwagakure, the Second Mizukage of Kirigakure, and the Second Raikage of Kumogakure—all had died in battle.


The Third Raikage met an honorable end in the Land of Earth, and this news, conveyed through Iwagakure's official channels, naturally stirred up a storm in the ninja world.

After thorough verification by Iwa, this matter appeared to be confirmed beyond reasonable doubt. Since the start of the Third Ninja World War, this marked the second instance where a Kage met with an unfortunate fate.

The first instance involved the Third Kazekage, who had disappeared. Despite Suna's initial efforts to hide it, the Third Kazekage's prolonged absence and intelligence leaks from various countries had compelled Suna to tacitly acknowledge this fact, even though they hadn't sent a formal confirmation.

The second was the Third Raikage's demise.

Compared to the missing Third Kazekage, the Third Raikage's death was an irrefutable fact.

The last instance of a Gokage falling in battle on the battlefield had taken place during the First Ninja World War. Such occurrences had become scarce in the past two or three decades.

As the first of the Five Kages to meet his end in battle over the years, the Third Raikage's death carried immense significance.

It went without saying that Kumogakure was furious, but the Iwagakure ninjas who had taken down the Third Raikage displayed their prowess like a vibrant rainbow.

This undoubtedly increased the pressure on Konoha.

Even while fighting against the powerful Konoha, even against one of the three sannin, Jiraiya, and at the same time Kumo. Iwagakura had managed to devise a plan to successfully eliminate the Third Raikage. This served as undeniable proof of Iwagakure's formidable military might.

Once the war subsided, those seeking partnerships would undoubtedly flock to Iwagakure. Even Suna, despite being a temporary ally, felt increased pressure due to Iwa's series of tough operations.


"Raikage-sama is dead?"

Onoki raised an eyebrow. If Kitsuchi considered someone powerful, it undoubtedly indicated that the individual was no ordinary Jonin.

"This ninja has a rare space-time ninjutsu, likely the Flying Thunder God Jutsu developed by Konoha's Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama. His name is Namikaze Minato."

Kitsuchi shared.

"Namikaze Minato? I've heard that name mentioned recently. Seems like he's a rookie Jonin who has risen through the ranks in Konoha."

"Yes. Moreover, based on reports from the teams that encountered Namikaze Minato, there's another white-haired youth with lightning release kenjutsu. He's none other than the son of Konoha's White Fang."

"The son of White Fang? Konoha continually produces exceptional talents. You returned to the village to request medical supplies because you're wary of Namikaze Minato's usage of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu."

Onoki deduced Kitsuchi's purpose for returning to the village at this juncture.

"That's correct. He's been harassing Iwagakure's supply points lately. While he hasn't inflicted significant damage, his incredible speed and containment capabilities resemble those of Konoha's White Fang."

"I see. The underground black market has seen the rise of many formidable ninjas recently. It's filled with capable individuals and outsiders looking for lucrative opportunities."

Onoki nodded, showing his understanding.

"How about Kumogakure? Have they reached a decision?"

Kitsuchi inquired, having learned about the Third Raikage's fate at the front. He wanted to understand Kumo's deployment.

Having killed the Third Raikage, Iwagakure had essentially declared hostilities against Kumogakure. Kumogakure's retaliation for the Third Raikage's death could potentially lead to a brutal war with Iwa.

"After consulting with the council, we're ready to engage Kumogakure in battle if they choose that path. As the 'Bith Scales,' Iwagakure will demonstrate the might of our Earth Release to these savages."

Onoki's eyes flashed with a cold resolve as he issued this declaration.

For Kitsuchi, seeing his father's unwavering stance came as no surprise to him. From as far back as he could recall, Onoki had been a staunch advocate of unyielding resolve.

Even with the specter of a two-front war looming, Iwagakure had no intentions of backing down in the slightest.


In the Land Of Demons, Shiraishi had thoroughly analyzed the recent changes in the world.

The Third Raikage had died in the line of duty, and Kumo who fell into a state of rage by the death, was likely to formally declare war on Iwa.

This meant that the Purple Rose Company's orders would likely increase once again.

However, there was one unexpected twist that Shiraishi hadn't foreseen.

As Shiraishi reviewed the scroll returned by General Tu, he couldn't help but feel a surge of heat in his chest.

This scroll represented the culmination of the the Raikage's tireless efforts in the Land of Earth.

Now, it had been stolen by Ayane and sent back to him. If Kumogakure or Iwagakure discovered this, it would be a grave matter.

"Really, I asked her to exterminate the 'mouse'. What is she doing in the Land of Earth?"

At this point, Shiraishi could only mutter a few words of complaint; there was no way to undo what had already happened.

As long as it remained undiscovered, there wouldn't be an issue. He had been concerned that Ayane's actions might be illegal or draw attention from outsiders, leading them here.

Shiraishi then turned his attention to another letter, detailing what Ayane had witnessed on the battlefield.

After reading it, he found it quite interesting.

Iwagakure had officially announced that they had used successful trap strategy to kill the Raikage with minimal casualties, labeling Raikage as reckless and foolish.

Kumogakure, on the other hand, claimed that the Third Raikage had knowingly walked into an enemy trap, choosing to confront them alone. He had fought against ten thousands Iwa ninja for three days and three nights, managing to kill half of them before dieing to exhaustion.

The Raikage, who had clearly died in the line of duty, had displayed tremendous courage, a fearless leadership spirit, and a willingness to sacrifice for his comrades.

Ayane's report, however, presented a different perspective. It stated that Iwa had annihilated the Third Raikage with between 4,000 and 5,000 ninja over 26 hours, with the third Raikage eventually succumbing to exhaustion. Iwa had also suffered significant losses, with about a thousand ninja dieing and half of them sustaining injuries.

"They all stick to their own versions of the story,"

Ruri remarked, appearing behind Shiraishi. She had also read Ayane's report and found it fascinating.

Shiraishi wasn't surprised by Ruri's arrival and smiled calmly, saying, "This is how history is made."

Shiraishi wasn't surprised by this either. Both Iwa and Kumo were driven by their own interests.

Faced with the actual historical events, they would revise and advocate for them, creating a "story" equivalent to history that would be passed down through generations.

Although the outcome remained the same, the narrative could be molded to shape how future generations viewed that period of history.

"Let's not dwell on this. Thanks to them, the company's performance has improved significantly recently."

During times of war, industries related to medicine and weaponry thrived. With the Purple Rose Company now flourishing, it had become a favored supplier to the ninja villages embroiled in the conflict.

As a neutral nation, the Land of Demons never restricted the sale of medicines to any country. Also, the company had established good relationships and a foundation for cooperation with the Five Great Ninja Villages.

"The main roads in the major towns have been completed, and funds for schools and education have been consistently allocated on time. We can expand into other areas now."

"Anything else?" Ruri inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"The current company model feels somewhat one-dimensional. I intend to invest in the military force formally. We will improve biological agents, manufacture ships, and tap into marine resources. Our first task is to eliminate the pirates in the western waters of the Land of Demons."

The Land of Demons was bordered by land in the east, south, and north, while the west was bounded by the sea.

Following Ruri's earlier operations, all the bandits within the Land of Demons had been eradicated. However, maritime planning had not commenced previously. Now that there was time to spare, dealing with pirates in the western sea became a priority.

Moreover, with huge amount of funds at their disposal and the rare chakra-infused ores Ayane had brought back from the Land of Earth, which contained precious and rare chakra metals, investing in the military industry seemed like a logical step. To control the sea and exploit marine resources, they would need ships.

The foundation for land combat forces was already in place, and now it was time to develop naval forces. As for aerial combat forces, that was a matter for another time.

"Do you want me to handle it?" Ruri discerned Shiraishi's intentions.

Naturally, Shiraishi didn't believe he could hide his thoughts from Ruri. Entrusting her to manage the matter would undoubtedly be the most efficient approach.

Feeling a twinge of guilt, Shiraishi tenderly embraced Ruri and seated her on his lap.

"Stupid, the curtains haven't been closed yet."


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