Volume 1 - CH 1

[Page 1 & 2]

Translator Notes:

he wasn’t the kind of person who understood the sentiments of another person, no matter what.

It should be "Kakashi wasn't the kind of person who xxxx". Above meaning that Naruto is among the other people who don't seem to understand Kakashi's feelings regarding not becoming Hokage right away. It shouldn't be interpreted as that he doesn't understand other people's emotions at all. Naruto is like everyone else who's a bit confused by Kakashi's actions for now. So Kakashi doesn't understand those kinds of people who are pressuring him~

イチャイチャ//Icha-Icha= Flirting, making-out

黙ってオレについてこい//”Shut up and come along with me” is sort of like a crude and archaic kind of “proposal”from a rough guy, never to be used IRL! Oh myyy Jiraiya.

まだ耳 が遠くなる歳じゃねェだろ//The comment about Kakashi’s hearing was literally like “ (You’re) not at the age when you’re (supposed) to be hard of hearing”. Except that was weirder to phrase.

義手ができたのか?//“How is your prosthetic arm doing?”= Was literally “Can your artificial arm do (that)? That’s obviously not natural so it was made more colloquial.

[Page 3 & 4]

Translator Notes:

贅沢は言ってらんねェってばよ= Literally it’s like “I wouldn’t call it a luxury”, but the usage of the expression is sorta like “Without asking for too much (in return for xxx)”but not quite like settling for it like“I wasn’t expecting that much of it”. The point is that Naruto is being grateful that it’s functional.

はああいうことが苦手だからな= Can also mean like “I dislike things like that”or the feelings like“I’m bad at that stuff”. Basically Kakashi is saying he’s just not that into doing the Hokage official business just yet.

火影になる決心はした = Determined (mentally) to become Hokage. Colloquially like “to make up one’s mind”

気にしてた carries a negative connotation. Like people are worried or anxiously conscious that even though Kakashi's face is on the cliff, he's not actually the Hokage yet.

[Page 5 & 6 ]

Translator Notes:

ダメ= is like “no good”, “useless”, hopeless. Naruto is basically saying that Tsunade isn’t fit for the role of Hokage anymore, so I have “unsuitable” because it seems to capture that a bit better. I explained the nuance for this section [HERE] because apparently people are taking it far out of context. Naruto is speaking in a joking manner, a light tone. He is not saying it seriously or maliciously as anti-fans are claiming~ So please read my [T/N] about the nuance~

どうせならパーッといっちゃえ、みたいな?= is literally like “You might as well go all-out if you’re trying to say something like that”sarcastically. It didn’t capture the rage very well, so my version sounds more like berating Naruto.

笑うどころではない= to be far from laughing, being too caught up in the moment to even think about laughing. It got clunky to me, so I have it to mean more like, “It’s not something to joke about”

殺気= thirst for blood, bloodlust, seething in anger

[Page 7 & 8 ]

Translator Notes:

どこが= Where, but the usage here is like “How far/long” or “To what extent”.

たのむから、もうそのロを閉じてくれ!= “By (my) request (/I’m begging you), please close (/shut) your mouth already.”Like a more polite way of Kakashi thinking “SHUT IT, NARUTO.”

ゴゴゴゴ= Gogogogo, like the SFX of something ominously looming.

大きなじゃ言えねェが= I’m not sure if the second time Naruto means that he can’t talk about Tsunade’s booming voice, or just that he shouldn’t be saying his criticisms of Tsunade in such a loud voice. I think it’s the latter.

The SFX is ゴンッ// “Gonn”but I think you can substitute it with any other English punching noise.

[Page 9 & 10 ]

Translator Notes:

I think ギ口リ is supposed to be ぎくり, to be startled.

声が裏返る= “Voice turned inside-out”. It means like it switched into like a falsetto squeak. I think the English equivalent is more like when a voice breaks.

I think the Gokage conference that they are referring to is the one after the Pein arc, where Kakashi is almost named Hokage after Danzou died, but then Tsunade woke up before the appointment.

It says 雷切 and the given furigana here as “Raikiri”, not “Chidori”.

[Page 11 & 12 ]

Translator Notes:

動体視力= “moving body eyesight”. Though I had to look it up on Weblio because this compound word wasn’t used in the manga. Dictionary says “dynamic vision” or “kinetic vision”. Kakashi means the ability to foresee counterattacks.

So there’s new names here and it gets awkward if you don’t remember Blood Prison. This is what is given in the Furigana.鬼燈城= ほおずきじょう= Houzukijyou= Blood Prison=“Demon Lantern Castle”. And 無為=Mui. You can read up about them on the Wikia [here] and [Here] to refresh yourself on Blood Prison.

New name: 飛鯱丸= とびしゃちまる= Tobishachimaru. The online reader has it a bit blurry whether or not it’s bi (び) or pi (ぴ), but more likely bi.

I realize it gets a bit murky at the end, and TBH I don’t remember the plot of Blood Prison enough to distinctly know about these characters anymore. But since this is the beginning of the novel, the book will probably clarify and go over about them more thoroughly in detail later.

You’ll see in the next section, there’s some background to it that sort of recaps the movie.

[Page 13 & 14 & 15 (END of Excerpt)]

Translator Notes:

I thought the Blood Prison was supposed to be in草隠れの里 (Kusagakure, Grass Country) based on the movie, but it seems that it’s actually in the Wave Country, or they switched which village owned it since then.

I’m slightly confused about お役目ごめんですし because it thought it was dismissal from duty.

The Wikia has [Heavenly Prison No Jutsu] as an entry. I’m not sure if the one that they are talking about here is the same one from the movie. It seems so.

I have no insight about this flying ship thing. The book will probably go over it later …If you’re confused, I’m right there with you, lol~

Recall that 飛鯱丸= とびしゃちまる= Tobishachimaru, The kanji is made up of “Flying” + “Orca (/killer whale)”. The ending –maru is a suffix for names of a ship. [Jisho] tells me that 鯱 can also be a“mythical carp with the head of a lion and the body of a fish (auspicious protectors of well-being)”. So imagine a flying majestic, but awkward-bodied whale? This seems to be the name of the flying ship itself.

付け加えた= adding one thing to another. But Kakashi is just putting his ideas together like how we say “Putting two and two together”

Basically, Kakashi concluded that shinobi will try to take advantage of the technology for evil if it falls into their hands. People will try to rule the sky with it, pretty much.

End of Translation