"That's What a terrible look! "

At this time, Baihe junmalu also ran from the side. When he saw the body of the big snake pill in front of him, he immediately covered his mouth and didn't scream.

It's a face that can hardly be called human. Its huge mouth shows ferocious tusks and mouthparts. Its huge body is like a white python. Every white scale on its body is made up of small white snakes.

Let alone Bai and junmalu, the two children who are not very familiar with the world, at this moment, when they see the body exposed by the big snake pill, even Yu can't help feeling a nausea.

At some point, the big snake pill in this period was the peak of its beauty, but in the end, it transformed itself into a picture that was neither human nor ghost.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Give me Give me your body Let me be you! "

Feel the top of the head feather's condescending eyes in front of you, see the big snake pill of the white scale snake body become more crazy, the huge and ferocious mouth sends out a burst of excited and hysterical scream.

As the voice fell, the body of big snake pill white scale snake was bent for a while, and then suddenly burst out with great power. Unexpectedly, it ran up into the sky at an incredible speed and opened its mouth to swallow the feather!

"You are too noisy And

In the face of the white scale snake on the ground at the foot, its amber eyes are flowing, and its arms are black. It seems that three dragon claws are formed at the same time.

"Creeping snake You can never become a dragon flying for nine days! "

Breath of the dragon!!

With the voice of judgment in yukou falling to the ground, I saw that his whole body was bent backward like a bow string, and after accumulating his whole strength to the extreme, the Dragon claws of both hands suddenly burst forward!


With unparalleled momentum, he isolated and discharged all the air in front of him at one time. The most powerful body skill of Yu's full blast directly formed an air cannon in the form of a huge dragon.

Although it can't match the power of swallowing the sky and swallowing the earth after the ten times increase of combat power, Yu, who has already stepped into the shadow level, is as powerful as any S-level ninja.

"What is this?"

In the face of Yu's full-blown bombardment of the Dragon air gun, the snake pill incarnated in the white scale snake was stunned.

In front of his eyes, the black giant dragon, which exists between the virtual and the real, is not just the form he has been dreaming of, which is graceful, powerful and surpassing all living beings?


The whole forest was shaking violently.

Without any fluke, in the dull eyes of Bai and junmalu, the white scale snake running into the sky was directly blasted down by Yu.

The remaining power is not only powerful, but also powerful. The fierce dragon air cannon directly blasts the whole earth out of a huge and incomparable pit. The white scale snake of the big snake pill is almost turned into a paste by the terrible power.

"Hiss, hiss..."

The rest of the white scale snake, each piece of white scales on the body, all turned into countless white snakes running around.

"Wait This smell... "

Originally, he was about to kill all the fleeing white snakes at his feet, but Yu suddenly smelled a bitter smell in the air.

"Ha ha ha ha Have you noticed so soon? "

Seeing Yu, he seemed to be aware of the hidden killing mechanism in the air. Countless small white snakes running around on the ground gave out the unique deep and hoarse laughter of the big snake pill. "The body fluid of the big white snake is a kind of nerve paralyzing toxin that vaporizes when it encounters the air. You can't escape from the palm of my hand!"

"Paralyzing nerve toxins..."

"What a trouble I almost forgot the other way

Seeing the main body of the big snake pill, the body fluid of the white scale snake was vaporized in the air to form a nerve paralyzing toxin, and the feather standing in the mid air suddenly stared.

Bai and junmalu are still nearby. Although after the battle, he can use medical ninja or let the tyrant help them expel toxins, the venom of the white scale snake will inevitably cause some adverse effects on the human body.

"In that case..."

"Then I'll kill all your white snakes before the toxin spreads!"

After making up his mind, I saw that the feather fingers standing in the mid air were slightly hooked, and general Dong, who was in the form of ice devil behind him, suddenly burst out, and all his powerful freezing power burst out!

Ice age!!

In the eyes of Baihe and junmalu, with the elemental winter general coming down from the sky, all the frozen air with it as the center spreads like a plague.

The forest, the earth, the river, including the countless white snakes, all the scenes in front of people are frozen. The whole world seems to have returned to the ice age of ancient times, and all things in the world have turned into vivid ice sculptures."Good It's beautiful... "

Staring at the forest that has changed into snow, Bai, who is standing on the ice beside him, can't help but utter a heartfelt murmur. He has awakened that Bing Dun's blood is beyond the limit. He feels kind to this power from the bottom of his heart.

"To this extent..."

"Almost killed him?"

After controlling general Dong to freeze all the white snakes in dasheban, Yu murmured to himself.

Wait a minute No

At the end of the battle, he was about to jump from the mid air, but at this time, seeing and hearing the warning sign from lust suddenly made Yu jump.


The whole frozen forest suddenly vibrated violently, and countless ice sculptures broke in an instant.

At the foot of feather, huge white snakes suddenly appeared in the frozen earth. One by one, a huge white snake with eight heads and eight tails appeared out of thin air. Countless trees in the whole forest were directly crushed into powder.

It turned out to be the strongest Ninjutsu of dasheban - the art of Baqi! It's frightening that the giant white snake, which is called "dragon" by people in this world, is the embodiment of the constant obsession of the big snake pill!

Do you want to spell it like this?

Looking at the Baqi snake in front of him, he saw that it was even bigger than the tailed beast he had dealt with before. Yu didn't expect that the snake pill, which was driven to the end by himself, would exert this extreme Ninja at the bottom of the box.

And around Bai and Jun mariu, two kids looking at the sudden emergence of a huge monster, already shocked speechless.

"I didn't expect I'm forced to do this by you... "

"No way Let's use this technique to have a good time with you and let you see my strongest Ninja! Ha ha ha... "

The huge snake head in the middle of Baqi snake suddenly opened its mouth, and the body of the big snake pill came out. He laughed wildly at the empty feather in front of him: "this is my Baqi skill! You are the first to see it

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