Bear's impact · empty bomb!!

Ignoring the big snake pill in Baqi's mouth, a pair of bear paws of the tyrant behind Yu have condensed a group of compressed white air energy bombs.


After hitting the huge snake head in the middle, the bear's impact and empty bomb compressed to the extreme, and the air energy bomb burst out suddenly.

Like an atomic bomb, the intense and huge energy shock wave instantly blasted the snake head in the middle together with the snake head beside it into a bloody rain on the spot.


In the blink of an eye, five huge snake heads were blasted, and the remaining three snakes roared in pain.

"Damn, I didn't expect you to have such a move I can't underestimate it... "

In an instant, after the six snake heads were blown off by the feather, the big snake pill came out of the mouth of a giant snake nearby, with a crazy and ferocious smile on his face, "but it's useless. My eight Qi skill can't be killed. They can regenerate continuously..."

"What a troublesome Ninja..."

Indeed, as the big snake pill said, Yu has seen that the six snake heads blasted by the tyrant have begun to recover slowly.

Unlike yuzhibo weasel in anime, he has the mythical ten fist sword, which can seal Baqi snake at once.

Ice explosion · pheasant beak!!

In the heart some don't believe evil feather, control the winter general on the ground at the foot to suddenly blow out.

The power of freezing broke out. A huge ice bird hit Baqi snake. The power of freezing and freezing combined with the power of explosion directly smashed two huge snake heads. However, the six snake heads before Baqi snake had been completely recovered.

"What a stubborn kid! Go to hell!"

Yu's strong attack seems to infuriate big snake pill. He controls the other six snake heads and bites at Yu crazily.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the face of the head of the eight Qi snake, which was bitten by six snakes, Michael immediately opened the huge barrier arc behind the feather, and blocked all the shock in front of him.

The huge Baqi snake is moving in the frozen forest, and the ground is constantly hit by eight tails one by one. The splashing rocks sting Baihe junmalu's face.

"In the way?"

Seeing that the huge arc-shaped barrier opened by Michael has resisted all the attacks of Baqi snake, the snake pill can't help gazing at it, but soon the evil smile reappeared on its face, "now I see how you can stop it! Ha ha ha... "

Whoosh, whoosh!!

With big snake pill's crazy laughter, he actually controlled the eight heads of the eight recovered snakes, opened their ferocious and sharp mouths, bypassed the huge barrier arc opened by Michael, and attacked Yu from all angles.

This is not the way to go on

I didn't expect that the big snake pill at its peak was much stronger than I thought. This kind of strength is close to the Super Shadow level

In the face of the huge snake head bited by Baqi snake from up, down, left and right, the feather in the sky seems to have been unavoidable, but the crazy attack of dasheban also aroused the anger in Yu's heart.

"Everything in the world has its limits..."

"I don't believe your Baqi snake can regenerate infinitely!"

With the deep voice of feather mouth, I saw his whole body spinning rapidly in the air.

Armed color domineering blackened palm to form a hand knife, full split out of the line as if to form a cutting heaven and earth's magic weapon.

The blade of water!!

Baihe and junmalu in the nearby forest only felt a black light in front of them. The eight heads of Baqi snake were all cut off by the feather, and the whole frozen forest under their feet was cut into an endless gully.


It's like a blood rain in the sky. The frozen forest at the foot is red by the blood of Baqi snake. The badly injured Baqi snake constantly twists and slaps eight huge tails behind him.

Hell stab - a straight hand!!

Not only that, without waiting for Baqi snake to recover from the heavy damage, a fierce thunder flashed in the air.

The world king who opened the lightning shield turned into a ray of thunder. The strongest spear in his hand made a huge hole in the huge body of Baqi snake!

As the strongest Lei Ying who can fight with the tailed beast in close combat before his death, after being made into a puppet by Yu, his power has increased or decreased, but the strength of the king of the world is still terrifying.

Continuous firing pressure gun!!

Zhuo Dun · over steaming!!

Yu manipulated four demon puppets at the same time in the high altitude, and the tyrant standing on the line in front of him was not idle. The huge bear paws were linked with his hands. In a flash, countless powerful shock waves of bear paws were bombarded, and they fell on Baqi snake one after another, producing a strong explosion.

He even used chakra, who was burning blood to follow the boundary, to release many fiery fireballs, which popped up instantly with the ability of beating the fruit of the meatballs, and blasted on Baqi snake, constantly burning its body."Ah, ah, ah, ah!"

"Damn little devil! I must turn you into my container! "

I didn't expect that Yu manipulated four demon puppets with all his strength and could burst out such amazing power.

At the same time, he was attacked by the tyrant, Michael, general Dong and the king of the world. The big snake pill that integrated into the body of Baqi snake almost had no time to breathe. His whole body had been dyed red by snake blood, and he looked terrible.

"I'm still dreaming when I'm dying..."

Looking at the Baqi snake and the embarrassed snake pill, Yu raised his arm and said, "take your ridiculous malice and ambition away from me!"


With Yu's loud words and high raised palm, countless silk threads, like volcanic eruptions, continue to erupt and shoot towards the higher sky. After reaching the height, these thousands of transparent silk threads begin to fall like a meteor shower.

After falling to the end of the frozen forest, countless silk threads completely covered the whole forest, forming a huge circular cage from the air to the ground.

These threads have a very sharp cutting ability. If they are touched lightly, they will cut objects. Therefore, this move is like a real birdcage, which can make people and objects locked in it almost impossible to get out.

And with the feather's will, it will continue to close and shrink, like a folded umbrella, and gradually cut up the people and objects inside.

"What is this?"

The whole person and Baqi snake are all trapped in this huge cage. They feel the shrinking and cutting lines around them, and the snake's narrow eyes suddenly shrink.


At this time, the body of Baqi snake finally recovered. In a panic, the snake pill manipulated eight huge tails to smash on the bird cage gathered and cut around. Blood splashed everywhere. The tail of Baqi snake smashed on the line was cut off one after another, and it could not shake the shrinking bird cage! , the fastest update of the webnovel!