Wing of the dragon!!

Armed with unrivalled power, Yu directly opened the Maite Kai's kick.

Chakra, the giant magic in his body, was launched to the extreme in an instant. He seized the opportunity when the middle door of Mackay was wide open, turned in the air, and drove his body to blast out like the wings of a dragon. The air around him was suddenly compressed by his blow and then discharged violently, forming a fierce wind in the form of black dragon's wings.


In the face of the fierce attack of Yu in front of his eyes, under the crisis, the blue steam burst out on Mackay's body. He raised his hands to protect him. In a twinkling of an eye, he was blasted out by the huge black dragon's wings.


In the air, a gorgeous and violent black lightning flashed. When Mackay felt a sharp pain in his hands, he could not help but be shot away like a shell. He reluctantly opened his eyes and saw that Yu had caught up with him.

Then, under his astonished eyes, chakra, the giant fairy in his feather, gathered again. His whole body revealed the breath of a giant dragon. His hands were blackened to the extreme by his high-density armed color.

Breath of the dragon!!

In a trance, Mackay only felt that the scene in front of him had changed. It seemed that there was only black and white left between heaven and earth.

Then Yu's hands in front of him formed the shape of three fingered dragon claws. His body bent backward like a bow string. Then the two hands with the greatest power suddenly burst out to him!

"This is..."

Looking at Yu's extreme body skill, Mackay is shocked. He just wants to struggle, but he feels like his body has been poured with cement and can't move.


With unparalleled power, after blowing out all the air in front of you, you can only see that Yu's all-out research technique directly forms a black dragon that devours heaven and earth, and instantly engulfs the whole person!

Bang Bang

A series of dull crashing sounds came out. In a flash, Mackay turned into a sharp arrow and ran through the whole forest. At last, he smashed on a rock wall outside the forest and his whole body was deeply embedded in the rock.

"You've lost Do you want to continue? "

With the unique black thunder and lightning of xianfaleidun, Yu seems to be like a ghost. In a twinkling of an eye, he has appeared in front of Mackay, who has been blasted into the rock wall, staring at him with empty eyes.


Seeing the feather appearing in front of him in an instant, Mackay, who is embedded in the rock wall, wants to struggle, but he can't help but cry out.

At this moment, I saw that he was completely out of the state of eight men dunjia, and his whole body was emitting the heat like burning. Even he could not count how many bones he had broken.

"Absolutely I can't let you pass... "

After hearing Yu's voice, Mackay, who is embedded in the rock wall, reluctantly opens his eyes. His consciousness has gradually blurred. He still stares at Yu's figure with his eyes fixed on him, and says vaguely with a trace of blood in his mouth: "even if it's the last door Even if you die here... "

"Is it worth it..."

Feeling the insistence and fearlessness revealed by maitekai, who was about to lose consciousness, Yu couldn't help but feel a little stunned. A little confused flashed in his eyes. "For the sake of the so-called companion, even if you are willing to sacrifice your life..."

"For company For all of you... "

"We should protect our most important things when we die..."

It doesn't seem to be answering Yu's question. It's still completely blurred. It seems that Mackay is just talking to himself.

As he spoke, Mackay forced chakra, who had little left after the battle just now, to attack the dead door of his heart - the last of the eight dunjia.

"The battle of eight dunjia Are you crazy? "

Seeing, hearing, lusting, and clearly perceiving the movement in Mackay's body, Yu can't help but open his eyes. There is a deep shock and touch in his eyes, and some confusion.

The whirlpool Naruto is like this, the Mackay is like this, even the original waterstop is like this. Are all the people in this world brain disabled?!

Realizing the stubbornness and persistence of maitekai in front of him, and Naruto's stubbornness and faith in his so-called companion just now, Yu can't help remembering that he would rather sacrifice himself to drown himself in the river in order to protect Muye and his people.

If it was me

Will I sacrifice myself for my companions like them

Yu asked himself in his heart that as a passer-by, he could not think like the Ninjas who were born and bred in this world, and could not understand their willing to sacrifice their feelings, thoughts and experiences."Forget it..."

At this time, Yu seems to feel the idea coming from his own body, and some ecstatic eyes fall on Michael, who is preparing to open the dead door and launch the eight door battle of dunjia.


As the voice fell, the whole rock wall in front of Yu exploded in an instant. With a wave of his hand, he directly penetrated the whole solid rock wall of the mountain. At the moment when Mackay opened the dead door and launched the eight door battle of dunjia, he flew out!

"Blue beast, I hope we have another chance to fight next time..."

Standing in the void, looking at Mackay, who was blown out by himself, smashed through the whole rock wall of the mountain and fell to the ground dying, Yu's mind crossed countless complex ideas and thoughts in a moment, and finally turned into two sharp eyes.

"Of course It's my noumenon and you who opened the eight gates of dunjia. "


When the last sentence was finished, Yu's mouth raised a strange smile. In the surprised eyes of Michael, who was on the verge of death on the ground, the whole person directly turned into a mass of white smoke and gradually dissipated in the air.

Unexpectedly Is it really just his shadow?!

Before he fell into a coma, Mackay had a thought like this in his mind. Then it was dark and he finally couldn't hold on any longer and fainted


"Secret skill · smash ice crystal!"

At the same time that Yu's shadow ends the battle, at the other end of the boundless forest, Bai and Jun mariu have already come to an end in their battle with yuzhibo weasel and the ghost shark.

With Bai's light drink, he saw that the huge ice mirror that surrounded him and yuzhibo weasel suddenly burst out and turned into a dreamy ice crystal, just like a snow crystal in the forest.

However, at the moment when the snow was falling all over the sky, there seemed to be countless light and shadow shuttling through the whole forest. The only thing I saw was the white light shuttling freely between the ice fragments, forming a perfect speed kill. Seize the gap and directly kill the yuzhibo weasel in front of me.

"I'm worthy of being a subordinate of Yu..."

"Have you found a way to restrain my magic so soon..."

The red eyes of sangouyu's writing wheel reflect the ice crystal snow in front of him. The expressionless yuzhibo weasel exclaimed that after he finally fell down, the corpse on the ground gradually became another Ninja that Bai had never seen before, just like the original appearance of the sacrifice of zhuanzhishu. , the fastest update of the webnovel!