
"The weasel was killed by that kid?"

Although it's only a copy of Xiang Zhuan, which can only exert 30% of the power of the noumenon, the yuzhibo weasel, whose power is among the best in the whole dawn, was killed so quickly, and the dried persimmon ghost shark on the other side was stunned.

"Do you still want to pay attention to other people's fighting Tang Song's dance

Just very soon, the cold voice in front of him immediately pulled the attention of the dry persimmon ghost shark back, only to see Jun Malu's body directly blooming countless sharp and incomparable white bone spines, quick action, directly launched a fierce offensive against him.

Tang Song's dance is a unique body skill that only junmalu, who has blood and bone veins, can perform. The bones in his body burst out of his body, and the enemy will be seriously injured as soon as he touches his body full of sharp needles.

The more powerful the enemy's body skill or sprint attack is, the greater the counterattack effect can be exerted and the more serious damage can be done to the enemy. In addition to instant defense, this skill can fully show the fighting ability of junmalu.

"Damned kid You are too arrogant! "

"If it's me now I've already turned you into a corpse for a long time! "

In the face of Jun Malu's attack, which was like a raging wind and waves after he launched the blood vessel, the dried persimmon ghost shark broke several deep wounds on his body. He was so angry that he almost broke his sharp teeth.

Having said that, however, the copy of this technique can only exert 30% of his strength after all. In the face of Jun Malu, whose strength is close to the level of Super Shadow, it is inevitable that the ghost shark still has more heart than strength.

"Yes? I think there will be such an opportunity... "

Hearing the threat from the ghost shark's words, junmalu's attack not only didn't stop, but also became fiercer and fiercer. In his ice green eyes, two cold lights of extinction burst out, "just before that You're the first one to turn into a corpse

Skeleton vein · the dance of Clematis!!

As the voice fell, Jun Malu, who was in front of the ghost shark, pulled out his spine at an incredible speed, turned into a sharp white whip to break the air, wrapped around the ghost shark's body in front of him, and then threw it into the sky!

Skeleton vein · the strongest spear!!

The white bone whip was used to throw the ghost shark into the sky. At the same time, countless white sharp bones were stabbed out of junmalu's other arm, forming a spiral sharp bone spear.

Then he squatted down, and the whole ground under his feet suddenly broke. In the eye of the ghost shark, Jun mariu's figure turned into a black-and-white light beam and rushed to the sky. The strongest spear in his hand zoomed in before his eyes!


Without any luck, I only saw Jun Malu penetrate the body of the dried persimmon ghost shark in an instant, and the strongest spear in his hand blasted a huge hole in his opponent's body, revealing the scene of the forest behind him.

"Amazing kid..."

"I didn't expect that guy was so powerful even the ninja in his hand..."

He turned into a corpse and fell to the ground. As he was dying, he looked at junmalu who fell to the ground from the air. He murmured, and finally became another ninja.

"I've solved it here, Bai..."

"Go quickly, don't let Lord Yu wait for a long time..."

After quickly getting rid of his opponent, he took a look at the corpse of the ghost shark in front of him, which gradually turned into the appearance of another ninja. Junmalu patted his clothes, stood up slowly from the ground, and turned his eyes to the white body who had just finished the battle.

"Well, Lord yu should have arrived. Let's go!"

White nod, finish saying, two people at the same time launch instant body of the art, the figure soon disappeared in the forest.


"What's the matter, weasel, ghost shark..."

Xiao's stronghold, in the dark cave, is aware of the abnormal reaction of the weasel and the ghost shark. The masked man Yu Zhibo takes the earth and the eyes of all the people on the scene are all focused on them.

"Interception failed..."

Looking back, I felt the message from the death of the copy of Xiang Zhuan Shu. The dried persimmon ghost shark standing next to yuzhibo weasel had a dignified face. "It's Fei Cang Yu. He's coming to us. The copy of Xiang Zhuan Shu of me and weasel was defeated by his two ninjas..."

Fei Cang's feather?!

Suddenly heard the name of the ghost shark, all the members of the audience changed their faces. They didn't expect that the copy controlled by Xiang Zhuan could be defeated so quickly with the strength of weasel and ghost shark.

"Hum, pharmacist Yu, it's him again..."

Sure enough, after hearing Yu's name, he only saw the masked man Yu Zhibo's earthy eyes suddenly darkened. "The haunted guy, I didn't expect that this time we'd recycle one of them, and he would intervene too...""Well, it's the Fei Cang feather, isn't it? When I was still in Yanyin, old tuying always mentioned him to me..."

Different from masked man yuzhibo and red sand scorpion, they are heavy. When they know the enemy they are going to face next, Didala next to them looks eager to try. "And every time I listen to scorpion, you are so amazing about him. I've been thinking about meeting him for a long time. I want him to have a good look at my art!"

"Ignorance is equal to fearlessness. If the enemy is Fei Cang Zhiyu, then I can take revenge for last time..."

Seeing Didala's fear of chaos, the red sand scorpion standing beside him gave a low and cold hum. The poisonous metal tail on the back of the brand-new feiliuhu was shining in the dark cave. "Stupid bomb boy, how many times have I told you that your ridiculous explosions can't be on the table, only eternity is true "The art of justice..."

"Well, you two, stop arguing!"

Seeing red sand scorpion and Didala's two art groups bickering, the ghost shark standing beside continued to say: "besides Fei Cang's feather, there are Muye's ninja and shayin's chiyodai coming here..."

"Thousand generations of grandma..."

Hearing the name suddenly mentioned by ghost mackerel, scorpion, who was quarreling with Didala, suddenly fell silent. It seemed that there was a kind of distant memory, where all the past about him was buried.

"Come on, stop talking!"

Hearing the news that Yu is coming here, standing in the corner, he seems to feel a little pressure. At this time, his eyes suddenly turn to the masked man Yu Zhibo who is standing in the first place, "since the enemy is coming here, we have to speed up our action, kite, has it been sealed?"

"Well, the seal at the end is finished."

Facing Jue's eyes, the masked man yuzhibo nods with earth. The purple reincarnation eye in his left eye is shining in the dark. After replacing Penn, who is buried in Xiaozhi's tomb, becomes Xiaozhi's leader, yuan is his code name in this organization.

With his words falling down, I can only see that I love Luo, who has fallen in front of the public, has lost his breath completely. All chakra, who is a crane keeper in his body, has been pulled away by the nine seals of the magic dragon, and the seal has reached the inside of the huge and ferocious exorcism image behind Xiaozhi people.

After absorbing chakra, who is a crane keeper, one of the nine eyes closed tightly has opened quietly, revealing the primitive and mysterious horror

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