Chapter 825 Are You Going To Kill Your Own Father? (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 825 Are You Going To Kill Your Own Father? (Part 1)

"Damn, this annoying bastard..." Walter cursed in a low voice as he manoeuvred through the sky, dodging an energy ball made of deep black energy.

The black energy ball passed through his location and continued ascending high into the sky. After a few seconds, a loud explosion resounded throughout the sky as the energy ball exploded at a certain height. The shockwaves blew away all the clouds and turned the sky dark because of the black energy released by the explosion.

Walter protected himself from the shockwaves and continued to move through the sky like an eagle.

Suddenly, the storage ring he was wearing flashed, and a blood-coloured longbow appeared in his hands. He nocked an arrow inside the bow, and the arrow started to burn with deep golden flames.

Still moving high in the sky, Walter looked at the two-headed hellhound chasing him from the ground and his eyes flashed with a calculated look. For a second, he glanced behind the hellhound and after calculating everything, he nodded his head.

"it should be enough..." Suddenly, Walter stopped and looked at the hellhound chasing him with a neutral expression.

When the hellhound saw Walter stop flying away, it showed a confused look, but soon, it thought about something and looked behind it.

The hellhound was not an idiotic monster, so it immediately understood why Walter stopped flying.

After understanding Walter's intention, the hellhound quickly turned around and started to run back.

When Walter saw the hellhound was trying to run away, he just sneered and aimed the bow he had taken out earlier at it.

"Now that the guardian is gone, I can collect the second herb mentioned in the list," Walter muttered and flew away from there.

The name of the herb Walter needed to collect was called the 'Nether Orchid.' It was a plant that needed the evil energy of the hellhound in order to mature, and because of the energy of the hellhound, the plant has a deep connection with the monster.

If the hellhound encounters a dangerous situation, it can use the connection it has with the Nether Orchid to get a temporary boost in power, but by doing that, it would practically destroy the entire plant.

Walter needed to collect this plant while making sure that the hellhound wouldn't destroy it, so for the past few hours, he used weak attacks to taunt the hellhound and forced it to chase after him.

In order to use the power of the Nether Orchid, the hellhound needs to be within one thousand kilometres of it.

By taunting the hellhound and hiding his true powers, Walter led it out of the range of the Nether Orchid, and once he was sure that the hellhound could not use its power, he burned it to death using his unique skill and the low-level Rank Three bow.

"Now I just need to collect three more herbs..." Walter muttered with a mad look on his face and clenched his fist. "No matter what, that thing will be mine in the end."

Soon, Walter arrived at the place where the Nether Orchid was growing, but when he reached there and saw the scene in front of him, his eyes opened wide in shock, but the shock was soon replaced by deep anger.

"Stop, you bastard! Don't you dare touch that thing..." Walter shouted in a voice filled with anger and shot towards a grey haired, lazy looking man who was holding a small purple-

coloured plant in his hand.

Hearing Walter's angered filled scream, the grey-haired man did not show any expression and dropped the Nether Orchid plant to the ground.