Chapter 826 Are You Going To Kill Your Own Father (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 826 Are You Going To Kill Your Own Father (Part 2)

"Holy motherfu*ker of bi*ch cow..." Evan uttered a completely messed-up curse as he looked at the sky covered in golden flames.

Even though he was a few thousand kilometres away from the scene, he could feel a sense of danger from the golden flame, as if something bad would happen if he were to be caught inside that flame.

Not only that, he could even feel some kind of restrictive energy from the golden flame, and he could tell that this restrictive energy was affecting the space, making it hard for people to escape using space element-related skills or artefacts.

"Who the hell is this bastard using such a powerful skill?" Evan muttered in a low voice and took out Carnage to use its focus skill.

Using the focus skill of Carnage and his hawk's eye skill, he saw a silver-haired elf with golden eyes hovering high in the sky while holding a deep red-coloured bow. When Evan saw the elf, his instincts warned him in the same way he felt after seeing Blaze and Voidscar, which means the elf was definitely quite powerful.

'Should I eliminate him?' Feeling the threat from the elf, Evan asked himself as he thought about eliminating Walter using Carnage.

But this thought disappeared from his mind as fast as it came because he was a hundred and one percent sure that Walter wouldn't die from such an attack. Unlike the vampires he had killed earlier, he could tell that the elf in front of him was special.

He was far stronger than the normal Peak Rank Two Core Evolvers, and if he wanted to face him, he would have to use all of his skills and Authorities.

'It's not the time for that...' Evan said after a moment and looked at the monster who was burning in the flames.

"A hellhound, huh..." Evan spoke in a neutral tone as he looked at the two-headed dog who was being consumed by the golden flames.

"Master, did you just say Hell Hound?" Suddenly, Evan heard Amara's excited voice.

"Hmmm... Yes, is there a problem?" He asked as he did not understand why she was excited after hearing about the hellhound.

"Master, in the list you received, there is a herb called Nether Orchid, and the hell hound is deeply related to that herb..." Amara said and explained to him about the connection between hell hound and Nether Orchid.

When Amara finished explaining, Evan's eyes flashed with a light of understanding, and he finally grasped what was going on.

"Release me, you piece of trash. That's not how you talk to your father. What do you think your mother would think if she saw you talking to me like this..." Evan spoke in an elderly tone as if talking to his own child.


"You motherfu*ker..." Deep golden flames burst outward from Walter's hand and engulfed Evan's entire body.

"Arghh, you bastard, stop. Are you going to kill your own father? Do you want to make your mother a widow?"


Hearing Evan, Walter's eyes turned ice-cold, and the power of the flames increased to a completely different level.

"Arghh," Evan screamed in pain, and in less than a second, his entire body disappeared from existence. Walter looked at the place where Evan was with an ice-cold look and took a deep breath.

But after a few seconds, when his anger subsided a bit and he realized what he had just done, his eyes opened wide in shock.

"Fu*k," He swore with a panicked look on his face and looked around him.

"I forgot to take back the Nether Orchid from him." He remembered how the grey-haired bastard had put the orchid inside his shadow, and when he thought about it deeply, a look of despair appeared on his face.

"I already killed him, does it mean I can't get it back..." He said in a panicked voice and thought about the second trial. "If I don't collect all five herbs, I won't be able to complete the trial, and without completing the trial, I can't receive that thing."

A few thousand kilometres away from Walter's location, Evan opened his eyes and wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead.

"Damn it, it was my clone that was burned but I could still feel the power of that golden flame," Evan muttered in a low voice, but soon his lips curved upwards as he looked at the Nether Orchid inside his shadow storage.

"I collected one of the five herbs that I needed to collect, and at the same time, I made that silver head believe that I am already dead so he wouldn't think about coming after me..." Evan said to himself and looked at the other herbs on the list.

"Now I just need to collect four more herbs without getting caught by that guy and it will be over...." He said to himself and flew away from there.