Chapter 912 Racial Advancement (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 912 Racial Advancement (Part 2)

"Go inside, Father," Elora said while trying to push Evan into the pool of blood essence.

Evan looked at Elora with a blank look on his face and turned his head towards the pool.

Sensing the vast amount of energy inside the pool, he felt a prickling sensation all over his body.

'I will definitely explode if I enter inside this blood pool...' He thought while gulping his saliva and looked at Elora, who was pouting because she couldn't push him inside.

"Why do you want me to enter this pool, Elora?" He asked with a twitching mouth as he couldn't understand why his dear daughter wanted to throw him inside this nuclear reactor.

"Just go inside, Father. It will feel very good," Elora said while showing a blissful expression. Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

'Is she trying to tempt me?' Evan was speechless when he saw Elora's blissful expression that looked like a devil who wanted to tempt an ignorant fool.

Seeing Elora was determined to throw him inside the pool, he once again looked at the pool and after looking at it for a few seconds, he sighed inwardly and moved forward.

'Let's test the water first...' He said to himself and dipped one of his fingers inside the pool.

For the first few seconds, Evan didn't feel anything after dipping his finger into the pool, but soon, the blood inside his body became restless, and the energy of the pool rushed inside his body through the finger that was inside the pool.

As the energy of the pool rushed into his body, his Primordial Monarch Core, located inside his heart started to spin at a rapid speed and his heart pumped his blood throughout his body even faster than before. The energy of the pool that entered his body was absorbed by his blood, and his heart pumped that blood throughout his body.

Evan thought he would feel severe pain due to the huge amount of energy entering his body, but to his surprise, even though his blood was restless and he was absorbing a large amount of energy, he just felt a soothing sensation and nothing else.

'Although the amount of energy inside this pool is vast, the nature of this energy is very gentle...' Evan thought and felt the gentle nature of the energy might be related to the creature from whom this blood essence was extracted.

'Light Dragon, huh...' He remembered the core he found on the second floor and immediately guessed the identity of the creature from whom this blood essence was extracted. But as the identity of the creature came into his mind, Evan couldn't help but frown.

Suddenly, a storm of energy erupted from the blood pool and all the energy started moving towards Evan.

'The amount of energy is hundreds of times higher than before...' Evan frowned as a large amount of energy entered his body.

For the first few minutes, Evan didn't feel any discomfort, but as time passed, the frown on his face deepened.

Thump! Thump! - - - -

All the energy that entered his body was absorbed by his blood, and his heart pumped that blood throughout his body like a bullet train.

The speed at which his heart was pumping the blood was so fast that Evan's skin started to turn red and he felt as if his blood was boiling.

'Damn, the amount of energy is too much...' Evan cursed inwardly and tried to control the energy entering his body.

Unfortunately, his blood was like a hungry beast that had finally found something to devour and continued to absorb the energy without stopping.

'It will be dangerous if I don't control my blood...' Evan said inwardly and used the second effect of the Growth Link skill to take Zorda's blood manipulation skill.

After taking the blood manipulation skill, he tried to control the flow of his blood and finally managed to calm down his restless blood.

As his blood calmed down, the amount of energy entering his body also decreased.

Although the influx of energy lessened, Evan still felt that he could hold on for a few more minutes before reaching his limit because controlling his restless blood was harder than he thought.

Around two minutes later, even with the help of the Blood Manipulation skill, Evan was at his limit. 'I need to get out of here...' he thought and was about to use the Soul Beacon to leave the pool, but just before he activated the Soul Beacon skill...


A low booming sound came from his body, and a golden aura covered him.