Chapter 913 Syncretization And Ruler's Authority (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 913 Syncretization And Ruler's Authority (Part 1)

'I can't handle it anymore...' Evan said inwardly and was about to leave the blood essence pond using the Soul Beacon skill to give his body some rest, but before he could leave...


A low booming sound came from his body, and a golden aura covered him.

(Your bloodline 'Doom Bringer' is evolving...)

A notification flashed before his eyes, but Evan wasn't able to see it because the moment the golden aura appeared around him, the blood inside his body once again became restless and even with the Blood Manipulation skill, he couldn't control it.


The energy of the pond rushed inside his body even faster than before and even though his blood absorbed most of the energy that entered his body, he still felt as if his body would explode at any moment.

Evan tried to escape using the Soul Beacon skill, but to his shock, he found that because of the rampant energy rushing inside his body, he couldn't use his World Essence or the Primordial Shadow Energy.

'Fu*k...' Evan cursed inwardly, but he tried his best to maintain a composed look on the outside because he was afraid that if he showed any abnormal reaction, Elora would jump into the blood essence pool, and he wasn't sure if she would survive in the current situation where the pool was filled with rampant energy.

Evan was very close to the edge of the pool, so in order to leave, he just needed to grab the edge and pull himself outside, but because of the chaotic situation of his blood, which was circulating inside his body even faster than a bullet train, almost all of the arteries and tissues in his body were destroyed and his body was literally useless.

The only reason he was still alive and not feeling much pain was because of the vast amount of light dragon's energy entering his body from the blood essence pond.

Evan tried to call his shadow undeads to come out of the shadow storage and pull him outside, but because of the vast amount of energy emitting from the pond, all the shadow undeads that he summoned exploded the moment they came out of shadow storage.

'Fu*k, this is too much...' Just when Evan felt he was about to reach his limit, the golden aura around him became even brighter.

(Your bloodline 'Doom Bringer' successfully evolved to the second stage.)

(Due to the increase in syncretization, the curse effect of your Doom Bringer bloodline reduced slightly).

"What the hell is this syncretization sh*t?" Evan asked in a baffled voice because other than the fact that the curse effect of his bloodline reduced slightly, he did not understand anything else.

His body was still absorbing the energy from the pond and Evan noticed that the amount of energy he absorbed till now was so high that the red colour of the blood essence started to fade and it began to turn white.

The huge amount of energy inside the blood essence pond, which was like a vast ocean a few minutes ago reduced to a small pond and even that small amount of energy was disappearing at an astonishing speed.

As his blood absorbed more energy from the pond, Evan noticed the synchronization rate between his race, Eltharon, and the Origin Universe was slowly increasing.

---) Current syncretization between your race Eltharon and the Origin Universe: 59.87... 59.88... 59.89----

Seeing the syncretization rate was still increasing, Evan decided to stay inside the blood essence pond until its energy completely ran out.

59.94... 59.95... 59.96-----

Soon the syncretization rate reached 59.99 percent, and it was only a step away from reaching the 60% mark.

A few seconds later, his blood finally absorbed the remaining amount of energy from the pool and...

---) Current syncretization rate between your race Eltharon and the Origin Universe: 60%

The syncretization rate finally reached 60%.

The moment the syncretization rate hit the 60% mark...

Thump! Thump! - - -

His heart, which was covered in the outline of the Rune Of Origin, started to beat widely, and a strange energy erupted from it.