Chapter 925 Domain Creation (Part 1)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 925 Domain Creation (Part 1)

(Your understanding of Void Energy reached 25%)

(You can't increase your understanding of Void Energy anymore before you create a Domain.)

Completely unaware of the fact that two of the most powerful beings in Utopia had just entered the tomb, Evan looked at the notifications in front of him and took a deep breath.

"Three and a half hours, which is around seventy hours under the effect of the 1:20 time ratio of the time watch..." He said in a low voice as he looked at the time he had taken to reach the 25% mark. "The time watch will stay active for one and a half hours more; I should use this time to increase my chances of creating a domain." Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

From his shadow storage, Evan took out a palm-sized, round-shaped, deep orange-coloured stone and looked at it carefully.

---) Perfect Level Fire Domain Stone: An essence stone that absorbed a large amount of fire element energy and gave birth to its own conceptual energy of fire and created a mini domain inside it. Under the effect of the Rune Of Evolution, the fire domain inside the domain stone had reached the level of perfection. By refining this stone, you can understand the mysteries of a domain, which can increase your chances of creating your own domain.

Evan looked at the details of the perfect fire domain stone and smiled slightly. Although the stone in his hands was a Fire Domain Stone, which is suitable for creating a fire domain, Evan didn't care about it because all he wanted was to gain more knowledge about the process of creating a domain.

Although Cedar had already given him all the information regarding the Domain and Zone and even shared his experience when he created his own domain, it was just theoretical knowledge.

But by refining the domain stone, he could see the whole process of how the domain was created inside the stone, which is completely different from just having theoretical knowledge.

Before he started to refine the domain stone, he looked beside him and saw that Elora was not there. He used his spiritual senses to look for her and saw that she was with Biscuit, who was roasting some meat for her like a good chef.

After confirming that Elora and his shadow undeads were fine and hadn't encountered any danger, he looked at the round stone in his hands and took a deep breath.

"Let's begin..." He said and used his conceptual energy of void to refine the domain stone.

Because there was conceptual energy of fire inside the stone, it was not possible to refine it using the world essence, which is why he used Void Energy.

As the dark purple void energy came into contact with the fire domain stone, the stone slowly started to turn into deep orange light, and this light rushed inside Evan's body.

As the light from the Domain Stone rushed inside his body, Evan's mind became extremely calm and entered a strange state.

When Zorda created his Blood Domain, he integrated a skill with it that allowed him to control the blood of anyone who entered his domain. This ability became even more powerful when his domain evolved into a Zone.

Along with the basic benefits of Normal Domains, Skill Domains give core evolvers a powerful ability as well, depending on the skill that they integrate with it.

For obvious reasons, the attraction of Skill Domains is far higher than Normal Domains in the eyes of core evolvers. However, core evolvers who possess Skill Domains are very rare.

There are two main reasons for this.

First, not everyone can comprehend skills related to their conceptual energy while changing their world essence.

According to what Cedar told Evan, in the entire Utopia, only 5% of people can comprehend the skills related to their conceptual energy while changing their world essence.... And even among these five percent, most people will only be able to comprehend one skill, which will limit the scope of their Skill Domain because they won't have a second option like Evan and others who comprehended more than one skill while changing their world essence.

The second reason there are not many core evolvers who possess a skill domain is because of the difficulty of creating one.

Creating a skill domain can be tens of times harder than creating a normal domain, depending on the type of skill you want to integrate with it.

The higher the level of the skill you choose to integrate, the higher the difficulty of creating a skill domain will be.

Because of this difficulty, many core evolvers who somehow succeed in comprehending a skill related to their conceptual energy while changing their world essence still choose to create a normal domain.

In Evan's case, he had long ago decided to create a skill domain. Unlike other people who usually comprehend only one skill related to their conceptual energy, Evan has three void skills to choose from.

His first skill, Void Break, allows him to shatter space and create a void rift.

His second skill, Void Senses, allows him to penetrate the space barrier using his spiritual sense and send it inside the void.

Lastly, his skill Void Sealing allows him to seal the power of his opponents using Void Energy. Although this skill is still unstable and he couldn't control it perfectly, there is no doubt that it is a very powerful skill.

Before Evan used the perfect level fire domain stone, he was still confused about which skill he should choose to create his skill domain.

But after completely refining the perfect fire domain stone and seeing the entire process of how a Domain was created, Evan finally had an idea about which skill he wanted to use to create his own skill domain.