Chapter 926 Domain Creation (Part 2)

Name:Necromancer Of The Shadows Author:
Chapter 926 Domain Creation (Part 2)

One and a half hours outside the Time Watch's area and thirty hours inside soon passed and the Time Watch's effect ended.

Even though the effect of the time watch ended, Evan remained motionless, still refining the perfect-level fire domain stone.

It took him six more hours, in addition to the time he spent inside the time watch field to completely refine the domain stone.

Once the domain stone was fully refined, the palm-sized stone in Evan's hand turned into dust and scattered away in the air.

As the domain stone scattered away, Evan slowly opened his eyes and a delightful look flashed on his face.

"Good thing I used this domain stone," He muttered in a low voice. "Because of the knowledge I gained after refining it, I can at least halve the time it takes to create my domain."

Evan stood up from the ground and looked at the bronze-coloured time watch in his hands.

"Four days of cooldown time, huh..." He said to himself and shook his head. "A cooldown time of four days is not long; besides, this cooldown time will decrease even more once I evolve the Time Watch into a Rank Two artefact."

He put away the time watch inside his shadow storage and walked towards Biscuit, who was lying on the ground with Elora sleeping on top of its back.

'Come back,' He sent a message to all of his shadow undeads using the Shadow Senses and soon all of them returned.

Once they returned, Evan sent all of them back inside the shadow storage and patted Biscuit's head, waking the lazy bird from its slumber.

"Let's go; we already wasted a lot of time here," He said in a low voice and jumped on its back.

Biscuit nodded its head upon hearing Evan, unfolded its giant black wings, and with a single flap, soared towards the sky, heading straight towards the central area of the first layer where the pillar of half golden and half black light was located.

As Biscuit flew towards the pillar of light, Evan thought about creating his domain, but after a moment of deep thinking, he decided to wait until he reached the central area of the first layer. Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

"Creating a domain is a very risky task, and if I try to create it now and get interrupted by a monster in the middle of it, all of my efforts will go to waste," Evan thought aloud and looked at Elora, who was sleeping beside him.

"I should wait till we reach the safe place Elora talked about before I create my domain."

ROAR! ROAR!------

The shadow undead of the dragons, who were at the front of the army roared madly upon seeing the wolves and charged towards them, followed by the attacks of the other shadow undeads.

The mid-level Rank Three wolves just sneered when they saw the attacks, and with a flash, all three of them disappeared from their positions and appeared in the middle of the army of shadow undeads.

BOOOOOM! CRACKLE! - - - - - -

Different kinds of attacks filled the surroundings as a large-scale fight broke out between the three mid-level Rank Three wolves and the shadow undeads.

Evan looked at the fight from a distance, and upon seeing that the way towards the place Elora pointed out was clear, he picked up the red-haired girl in his arms and took a step forward.

The moment he took a step forward, the boots he was wearing flashed with silver-white light and he disappeared from the spot using the Step of Voidgazer skill of his boots.

---) Step of Voidgazer: When the wearer activates this skill, they gain the ability to step into the void and traverse vast distances in mere seconds, teleporting from one point to another. The maximum distance you can travel using this skill is five thousand kilometers and this skill can be used four times a day.

Using the Step of Voidgazer, Evan appeared five thousand kilometres away in an instant, but he didn't stop there and used the ability of the boots three more times.

Because the wolves were busy fighting against his shadow undeads, they were not able to sense him and Evan successfully appeared twenty thousand kilometres away.

"Father, look over there. That's the place I was talking about," Elora suddenly said in an excited voice, pointing in front of them.

Evan looked in the direction Elora was pointing and saw a small cave at the bottom of a mountain.

"Are you talking about that cave?" He asked upon noticing the cave.


Hearing the positive response from Elora, Evan didn't waste any time and instantly rushed towards the cave.

The cave was not far away, so he reached it in less than a minute. Once he stopped in front of the cave, he noticed its entrance was covered by a golden-coloured barrier, blocking his way.

Evan wanted to ask Elora about the barrier, but before he could, the red-haired girl jumped down from his arms and pulled him towards the cave entrance, passing through the golden-coloured barrier along with him without any problem.