Brought to you by Noir

“What do you mean by you can no longer hold yourself back?”

I was absolutely terrified. Since the amount of negative aura bursting out from nee-chan was no longer normal. 

I have a constant bad feeling about this situation. Will I even be able to make it through here.

My chances are 2 percent, no, probably even closer to 0 percent.

“What? You can’t even understand that sort of thing? Sorata is already fallen.”


“Fallen? Who did?”

“Well, it’s okay. I will explain it to you, but before that, let me give you just one last chance. Are you sure that you don’t know anything that happened?”

So this was apparently my last chance. If I know the cause of the problem, I should probably immediately answer her.

But I really don’t know what the cause was. What have I done to my nee-chan in our sibling relationship?

I decided to answer her honestly because it was the only way to have her understand the cause. I guess it can’t be helped.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t understand. But if I did something wrong, please tell me. I’ll apologize to you properly.”

I expressed my honest feelings straight to her. Now my nee-chan will also… 

“You don’t understand? You want me to say it to you? No, no, I think I’ve said it to you plentifully, haven’t I? Why are you so insensitive, Sorata? What? Are you an inhabitant from another world?”

“I’m the genuine blood brother of my nee-chan. What do you mean by me being insensitive? Just to tell you, I love you the most, nee-chan, okay?”

“And what is the type of your love?”

“Type? That’s the love between two siblings, of course! You’re my favorite and most precious sister!”

“It wasn’t like the love for the opposite gender, was it?”

“No, of course not… but.”


“It was once, just once. In my thoughts, I ravished nee-chan’s body cruelly while comforting myself.”

I just said something incredibly outrageous. That too by myself, on my own. Properly and intentionally. This might end our current relationship between nee-chan and me forever. She might have probably creeped out even listening to this.

However, this might be for the best. Nee-chan had always been by my side. She would even rarely hang out with her own friends.

Has she ever been in love? I need to get my nee-chan away from me (her brother.)

“Wa–wait, is that true?”

“Uh un, it’s true, I know… It really creeps you out, doesn’t it? Sorry… “

“You ravished me in your thoughts, am I correct?”


She is definitely feeling creeps. Well, it’s an obvious reaction.

“Fu~un~ Ok, I get it, Sorata. I’ll forgive you this last time today. But next time, you will get punished~ okay ♥️.”

Saying that Nee-chan released me. I went back to my room and slowly fell asleep.


(POV: Yuuna)

“Sorata ravished me in his thoughts! Next time, it’ll be the real deal, okay ~ ♥️.”

——————————————————————-END OF CHAPTER——————————————————