Brought to you by Noir

As the morning came, I slowly got out of my bed.

Even though I must have slept for quite a long while. It felt like my body would collapse from extreme exhaustion at any moment.

I’m tired to move. I’m tired to think. I guess I’m going to rest all day long.

I went downstairs for once, drank some water with some cough and cold medicines, returned to my room, and dived straight into bed.

Usually, I should go back to sleep immediately but after sleeping for a long time, falling back asleep immediately again was indeed quite complex.

That was why I was on my phone playing some games. I purposefully tried not to think about anything that happened to me yesterday.

After a while, I heard a noise coming from the room next door. Probably Nee-chan must have woken up.

I hear the footsteps of my nee-chan. It gets closer and closer as the sound stops right before the door in front of my room.

Then the door k**b turned, clanking as the door opened.

“Sorata, are you awake?”

“Yeah, I’m up. What do you want?”

“You don’t look well. Are you feeling alright? Do you want to move around and hustle to cheer yourself up?”

“Thanks for being concerned. Also, I am not sure what you mean by hustle. If it’s something dangerous, my answer will be no.”

“Eh~  Oh, Sorata-kun, you look weak! This is a chance to raise my favorable meter about your onee-chan, isn’t it? Okay ~ let’s do it. Well, I’ll have to make Sorata-kun ready for various kinds of things when he does it with me later.

What does she mean by these various things?

“Sorata, wait here for a minute, okay. I’ll prepare you some porridge.”

I’m starting to understand some things by the drift as well. That is, my nee-chan certainly has a brother complex. 

A severe type to add. I always knew she had liked me since before, but what is happening now is definitely crossing the line. I don’t think there are many brothers-sisters siblings who, after coming to this age, still care for each other like that.

[TL: Eh? Really? But I take care of my sister well… Please don’t tell me I am the only one.]

I guess I have a mission to rid my sister of her brother-complex.

After some time, nee-chan brought me the porridge carrying it on a tray.

After trying it, I found the porridge was so tasty that it made my cheeks melt off my face. 

When I honestly told her how delicious it was, nee-chan delightedly said, “Yay, I did it.” So it does make you so happy.

I wonder what my nee-chan was yesterday. Was she some sort of an illusion?

“Thank you for the meal.”

“Thank you for having the meal.”

“Nee-chan, thank you. I feel sleepy after eating my fill, so I’ll fall asleep now.”

“Yea~ I understand. Sleep well.”

With that said, I went off to sleep.


(POV: Yuuna)

I wonder if Sorata is asleep yet. It has been about an hour ever since he said so. I went in to check on him.

I had a goal in my mind.

“Fu~fu~ his sleeping face looks so cute.”


I kissed Sorata on his lips.

The slight taste of porridge soy sauce ♥️.

Next, I opened Sorata’s mouth a little and made him drink my saliva.

He had no idea what was going on, but I was elated.

I excitedly watched, thinking that Sorata drank my saliva, a thing that my body made.

I feel so thrilled~

“Ah, I’m wet again. I’m such a hopeless girl ♥️ aren’t I.”

Obviously, I can’t undress in the place where Sorata is there. So, I returned to my room and comforted myself by watching Sorata playing with himself in a video.

[TL note: The first line, 流石に空天がいる所でヌくわけにはいかないので,  I can be wrong, but this might also mean: Well, obviously, since I can’t relieve myself in the place where Sorata was still resting.]

—————————————————END OF CHAPTER———————————————