Brought to you by Noir

I woke up all of a sudden. Looking at the clock, the hands pointed at 20:00 hrs (8 pm).

I realized that I had slept for a long time. However, because of that, my body feels a lot better now. Is it because of nee-chan?

For the time being, let’s go downstairs. I don’t want to stay in my room the entire time. Also, I’m feeling thirsty too.

Should I also thank nee-chan?

I went downstairs to the first floor.

Dinner was laid on the dining table along with a letter kept near it.

The letter stated that:

“To Sorata-kun, 

I hope you are feeling better by now. I’m going shopping. I’ve cooked dinner for you. Let me know how it was later on. 


Sorata’s beloved Nee~.”

Thank you, nee-chan.

I took my time tasting and eating the dinner that was prepared. Then I sent nee-chan an email with all my impressions on the food bundled down.

My email was read immediately, and I got a call from her in response.

“Hello? Sorata?”

“What’s wrong? Calling me immediately.”

“I wanted to hear Sorata’s voice.”

“You must be joking, right… “

“I am not joking, okay?”


“I am not joking, okay?”

“Ah~h yeah”

“How was the dinner? Tell me how it was? Did it taste good? It tasted good, didn’t it?”

“Yeah~ it was superb. As expected of my nee-chan.”

“Fu~fu, I know, right~ It is a self-made dish.”

“Yea~ it was so delicious that my cheeks were about to melt away.”

“Rea—really? I’m so happy. I will surely make it again.”

“I will be waiting for it nee-chan. Oh, right. Where are you now, nee-chan?”

“What do you mean by where am I?”

??! What the? Suddenly her voice became two octaves lower.

[TL note: For those who don’t know, octaves: ]

“I’m so sorry. It must have made you feel uncomfortable.”

“No, It’s not Sorata’s fault. Actually, the present situation is at fault. I’ll try my best to get home as soon as possible.”

“It’s fine; take it slow, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”

“What do you mean? Does Sorata want me to stay in this purgatory longer than needed?”

Where is this purgatory even located?

“Ah no. That’s not what I meant.”

“For the time being, I’ll come home as early as possible.”

“Understood. I’ll be waiting for you nee-chan.”

“Eh? Sorata will keep waiting for me? Okay, understood. I’ll be right back at this moment.”


“Aa, it got disconnected. I wonder where she is now.”

I promised to wait for her. So let’s just relax and waste my time watching some television.

On television, an often broadcasted quiz show was being streamed.

A few minutes later.

*clattering sound

There was a sound of keys unlocking.

Did nee-chan come back home?

I head towards the entrance.

And over there was… 

“Aa Sorata? You are Sorata right? It’s Sorata! Sorata!

“Umm, who might you be, and why do you have the keys to this house?”

“Eh~ Sorata. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten about me, alright? Because you and I are going to get married.”
