CH 22

Name:Netkama Punch!!! Author:
After refusing to meet Shin Heejae, I didn’t log into the game. And for the first time in a while, I was watching YouTube.

However, although I didn’t search for it, Shin Heejae’s channel popped up on my recommendation feed. Frowning, I clicked [Don’t recommend this channel], but then a small message notification popped up at the top of my phone.


[this is a lie, right?]


I hastily pressed the message notification, and below the link, Hyejin had sent an emoticon of a cat tilting its head.

In the preview that showed up on the link, as expected, Shin Heejae had uploaded a pink thumbnail called [Together with my lover♥Arcadia sweet pair♥].

“Damn it……!”

Scratching my ears in shame, I texted Hyejin,


[let me explain…] 



[oppa… perhaps, did you really become a netkama because I told you to try it?]

[ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠah shit lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol] 

Hyejin filled the chatroom with endless laughter as she jumped to her own conclusions without knowing how I felt.

I felt like I reached the limit of my patience so I typed [stop] and stopped chatting, but Hyejin just switched to laughing with [ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ].

Come to think of it, it had been such a long time so I had forgotten that similar to Shin Heejae, Hyejin also liked to tease others and collect screenshots and videos of certain people. Of course, it’s better than Shin Heejae, but…….


[what is with you two’s nicknames lolㅎ]


I warned Hyejin.


[stop it]


[ack lolololol im sorry i was wrong ><]

[lolol but how did you seduce him??] 

I was thinking about sending another warning. I quickly gave up when I realized that even if I told her, Hyejin, who was currently extremely excited, wouldn’t listen.


[He’s just following me around by himself…]


[shit lololololol]

[That bastard has good eyes…]




[i should be the only one who knows that oppa is cute lol]

While saying what she had always said, Hyejin giggled and laughed.

In the past, when Hyejin said this, I once wondered “Hey, do you possibly like me?” but I became aware that she didn’t. 

Hyejin’s ‘cute’ is just like a word that sticks to the end of a sentence. Should I say it’s like a speaking habit? And Hyejin’s ideal type are rags……, is what I’ve been saying to myself…….

“Rb, lo sbe rabq jcv ibbx, rtf’r j ilaaif kflgv, abb…….”

P rtbbx ws tfjv jcv rlutfv. Zfjcktlif, fzmlafv Lsfplc’r wfrrjufr kfgf qbeglcu bea. 


[lololololol ah shit]

[what if heejae can’t stand up now because he’s traumatized?lololololol]


[oh come on]



[heejae… this is all your karma…] 


[hah, but… we can’t meet up with him and kick him, right? i wanted to go check once to see if his face was real, though ㅠㅠㅠ.. if not, should I go instead, oppa, and pretend to be you?]


[that’s impossible] 


[right lololol I’ll be noticed right away lololol can’t control my excitement these days lolol]

P kjlafv obg Lsfplc’r fzmlafwfca ab reyrlvf, rajslcu rlifca. Dea atfc, Lsfplc revvfcis jrxfv wf j rtjgq defralbc.


[no but why did you help during the siege this time ㅠ]

[you should have just done 3:1 with Siben]

[Heejae also needs to lose a castle to begin a real life lol]

Pa kjr jc lrref P tjv yffc lucbglcu. P kjr rqffmtifrr jcv ojiafgfv, yieyyfglcu obg j ktlif, atfc mjwf eq klat jc jcrkfg atja fnfc P atbeuta kjr mgevf. 


[lolol no I just took the staff and told him to get lost lolol]

[the timing wasn’t right, so after I got the staff we somehow ended up fighting]


[oh oh then did you sell that staff??]


I was speechless again this time.

I was silent because I didn’t know how to answer, but Hyejin seemed to be waiting for an answer, so I squeezed my brain to make an excuse. 


[maybe it’s because it’s expensive… no one is buying it lolol]


[omg oppa!!!!!! You know Oaura server’s no.1 right?? Yuna] 

[yesterday they broke their staff’s enchantment? so]

[because of that yuna has been looking for a +9 staff like crazy since yesterday]

[they’re a real pushover so its a chance to sell it at a high price lolololololololol]

Of course, I had to agree and take this chance, but I suddenly felt stuffy  and dizzy inside. However, Hyejin started to plan alone with a smile. 


[If you just claim that it’s for the server transfer fee i feel like they would give itlololololol]

[yuna is famous for good deals]

[and right now I’m in a group chat room that has yuna] 


Do you want me to give them your contact??

Since Hyejin was taking it this far, there was no way to justify turning it down. And, Hyejin was also a person who would notice something strange if I refused this proposal.

I didn’t want to, but……. In the end, I was forced to accept Hyejin’s proposal. 


[lololol ok lets go]


[oppa, but tip me 100,000 won hehe] 


[who are you]



[friendship is crazy right?]


[lolol go try and bargain well…]



Looking at the excited Hyejin, I was unhappy for some reason. It was like someone was cooly pushing my back towards the problems that made we think about quitting several times.

* * *

You are not registered as a friend.



Hyejin connected me and Yuna with our messenger IDs in less than an hour.

Even after entering the chat, I didn’t say anything because I was hesitant for some reason, but Yuna greeted me as soon as she came in. Since then, I couldn’t ignore it, so I tried my best to answer.




[You’re selling a +9 staff, right?]




[Please show me the detailed options for the staff]


[Oh, give me a second] 

Logging in…



I accessed the game, opened the equipment window right away, and put the mouse cursor over the staff. 

While taking screenshots to display the options on the staff well, I felt like I was being dragged to the slaughterhouse. I knew that it was the most expensive item to sell at this point, but I wasn’t excited at all. Even though it was an opportunity to make a lot of money without spending a penny of my own money. On the contrary, I started dawdling.

I pondered where this feeling of discomfort came from.

“Is it because the options are so fraudulent…….”

While I was agonizing over an excuse that I couldn’t understand myself, Yuna had sent a question urging me. 

I showed them a screenshot that I took at first glance. Yuna seemed quite happy to see the detailed options of the item.


[That’s extremely goodㅎㅎ]

[It’s better than the one I used beforeㅎ] 


[Ah, yes…]


[I’ll buy it, how much are you thinking?] 

I knew in my head that about 12 million won was a price that could be sold quickly, but I kept thinking about it while buying time by chatting [Wait a minute].

I felt strangely uneasy. Of course, taking from such a powerful person would naturally make you feel anxious about how to clean up afterwards, but……. Rather, it was something more uncomfortable fundamentally.

How would Shin Heejae react if I took and sold the staff? Judging from the fact that he just gave it to me, it didn’t seem like it would have  much of an effect on him, but…….


I imagined Shin Heejae shaking with betrayal, and eventually stayed quiet.

However, from Yuna’s point of view, it seemed that dragging out my time was a strategy to raise the price. They presented a blank check in a cool manner, as if they had a gold spoon.


[ㅎㅎ I’ll pay as soon as its said if it’s a reasonable price] 

[Give me your account]


[No, that’s…]


[Do you have any other problems?]


[No… it’s not a problem…]


[But why are you taking so long…?]

[I heard you told the agent that you were in a hurry]

I couldn’t say anything at Yuna’s sudden appearance of irritation. In fact, I had been dragging on for more than 30 minutes after the first word of our transaction began.

In addition, when Yuna mentioned the organizer, I was anxious that if the deal was destroyed here, Hyejin would hear about it. 

“I’ll sell it for ”18 million won.“

As a result, I ended up asking a far-fetched price. I was embarrassed after sending it. No matter how one  said it, it was because it was ridiculous enough to feel like a joke.