Chapter 260: Sexy Demon

Name:No Otaku with Harem System Author:
Chapter 260: Sexy Demon

"Let me see if I understood..." – I massaged my forehead. – "A demon appeared in the room while you were cultivating, she thought you are Qin Chao and tried to tempt you through seduction and promises of power to give her the Inborn Demon Body and your soul"

"That's right, these idiots from the west think they can do whatever they want in our immortal land" – Luo De snorted disdainfully.

"And your solution was to capture her after hitting her?" – I sighed.

"Whether they are men, women, elders or children, showing mercy to the enemy is being cruel to oneself" – Luo De snorted again with disdain. – "The small fish swim in the narrow paths of the river while the dragons transcend the skies without fear of thunder and storms"

... What?

"The old man said that insignificant people worry about the little things and strong people chase the top" - System Goddess sighed.

"Whatever" - I sighed and looked at the crystal sphere in my hand.

The sphere was the size of a golf ball and inside it could be seen an unconscious woman covered with deep wounds that in a normal person would have cost her life.

[Name: Rosy Dessy

Source: My Beautiful Teacher

Categories: Woman. Secondary heroine. Sexy demon. Qin Chao's Harem (Spoiler)]

I can feel a strong bond between us through the thread of fate, but there also seem to be some problems with the Plot.

To begin with, although she was predestined to be QinChao's lover, I can see that her destiny is being obstructed by a tragic destiny so technically her life is no longer tied to the plot of 'My Beautiful Teacher'.

This appears to be the work of a Higher Entity, though it may also be a plot error caused by multiple storylines clashing. I'll have to investigate this mess.

The other factor is that [Paranoia] didn't tell me about this woman since her life isn't in danger right now, it seems that Luo De has accepted the idea of being my subordinate so he wants to see what I will do with this woman.

On a side note, she is not the daughter of the leader of the 'Followers of Lucifer' faction and is not related to a Higher Entity, rather she is the daughter of the Satan of Gaia.

In the time when Gaia was the Will of the World, deities from all mythologies used to exist, although some deities were a bit different from the mythological records.

To clarify, beings such as demons, evil deities, or corrupted deities are still deities, an example is Satan.

I've been gathering a lot of information through [Reader's Perspective] since the Ichijo family doesn't know about Alaya so I have to do my own research.

I found out that after the fall of Gaia, many deities were sealed away or killed for being a threat to humanity and the surviving deities made a slave deal with Alaya.

Among those deities is Satan who is now the ruler of the underworld in 80% of the world while few countries like Japan and China have their own underworlds.

The underworld is where souls full of negative karma and sins are purified to reincarnate within Gaia and thus the number of living beings does not decrease.

As a side note, the biblical god was one of the deities that perished in the confrontation against Alaya and now the biblical Heaven is administered by Michael and Raphael.

The plot in Gaia is enough to create an individual story, but the stupid author likes to make things more complicated than necessary. Asshole.

Anyway, Kon lived in the Age of Gods and met Satan.

According to her, Satan was a self-centered, narcissistic idiot obsessed with proving himself superior to the biblical god.

His greed for territory was immense even before the fall of Gaia so he had many conflicts with other God Kings such as Huitzilopochtli, Zeus, Amaterasu, Shiva, and Odin.

Again, the mythological records are not accurate in terms of hierarchies as regime changes sometimes occurred.

When Alaya started the rebellion against Gaia, Satan was one of the first Guardians to betray Gaia, even coming up with the idea of using the Four Dogs of the Apocalypse to destroy Gaia and the rebel Guardians.

It was because of this that Satan gained the greatest authority over the souls of sinners. Satan gains a bit of energy with each purified soul so now he should be one of the most powerful deities in this world, although unpredictable situations can always happen.

Finally, there is a non-intervention agreement between the different territories, so a biblical demon should not be in China since that is a violation of the agreement.

Now I have to analyze the situation.

Yang Chen only uses brute force and is not taking advantage of Hades's divinity which is very similar to Rushia's divinity, an authority over death that allows resurrection, and control of dying souls and I even have a feeling he can use abilities to cause instant death.

Zeus may want to wait for Yang Chen to learn to harness his divinity to put his plans into motion.

On the other hand, Satan is interested in Qin Chao's Inborn Devil Body and was willing to sacrifice his own daughter to get it.

Zeus is being backed by Beast VII and it's possible someone else is backing Satan for something troublesome.

To all this, it is added that the barrier that protects this world has cracked so that the Higher Entities of other worlds can exert some influence in this world through pawns.

Seeing it this way, this world is doomed to perish.

"For now I'll take care of this, you keep cultivating" - I sighed.

Luo De snorted in disgust. – "Brat, I am not an old dog that needs your words to live, this Luo De knows how to face the winds and seas without help"

"Yeah, sure, that's why you ended up in a cheap vase" - I rolled my eyes.

Luo De glared at me with hatred. – "Those damn stinking monks set me up with that harlot! She pretended to be a hostage and then stabbed me in the back of her when I went to save her!..."

Luo De's scream was so loud that if it weren't for the [Anti-Rasen] barrier, his voice would have been heard throughout China.

Luo De took a deep breath and then sat down cross-legged to continue cultivating without wanting to talk any further.

I took out some food and put it on a wooden table. – "Eat something, even if you now have a young body, you are still a decrepit old man and it will be a waste if you starve, and do not worry, this food is free of impurities so it will not harm your body"

Luo De widened his eyes and looked at me resentfully. – "I don't need your sympathy"

"I am mentally incapable of feeling sympathy" – I shrugged. – "But you are my subordinate and it will be a nuisance if you die of depression so if you need something just say so and maybe, just maybe, I will help you"

"Tch, you stinky brat" – Luo De closed his eyes again, but he looked calmer.

Regardless of race, age, or strength, loneliness is harmful, especially after experiencing deep pain such as loss, betrayal, or disappointment.

While I don't care about Luo De's emotional state, he can be a valuable pawn so I can't let the pain of his past hinder his growth.

Even if I have to use [Mythomania] to pretend to care about him, I'll befriend him to be a strong sword to help me deal with my problems.

I sighed softly and left the house to appear in an abandoned building out of sight of any supernatural entities.

I put on a spirit formation designed by System Goddess which will make it look like I'm a cultivator skilled in alchemy and formations, then I changed my appearance to the cultivator Harem King.

[Paranoia] warned me not to use [Reader's Perspective] on the demon woman so I'll have to investigate more subtly.

"Hey!" - Nyaruko frowned. – "I am not disgusting, I took a bath this morning!"

"You're a waifu so you can be an otaku without being gross" – BB rolled her eyes.

"... Good point" – Nyaruko smiled.

I understand BB a little, many times I had to punish Umaru because that brat refused to take a bath for several days.

I turned my attention to Rosy and smiled kindly. – "You really don't need me to help you get back home?"

"I'm okay~" – Rosy smiled seductively as she prepared to leave.

I showed sadness and disappointment making Rosy's smile grow unconsciously, she believes that she has already managed to leave a significant mark on my heart.

As we talked, I introduced myself as Harem King, a beginning cultivator who came out of the mountain to learn about the world.

Rosy was very interested in me since I am a mix between strength and stupidity which makes me an excellent tool.

I sighed in disappointment. – "Can I see you again?"

"Of course, after all, you have to take care of me~" – Rosy smiled as she playfully placed her finger on my chin. – "I will be in the city for a few days so you will have to look for me~ If you manage to find me, I will give you a special prize~"

I feigned excitement while trying not to roll my eyes.

Rosy slipped her hand between her breasts and pulled out a black steel amulet with blood-red satanic symbols on it. – "Here you are honey, with this you can contact me if you miss me too much, although I warn you that I will ask you for something in exchange for a date~"

I accepted the amulet and pretended to be excited since the amulet had the same flower smell as her body, then I took out a jade bracelet and handed it to her. – "Since I will not be by your side use this, I cannot let your life be in danger"

Rosy tried hard to hide her surprise as the bracelet was a powerful defensive artifact comparable to a heavenly treasure in this world. That artifact was designed to withstand five attacks from a Higher Entity at the level of Haachama so it is a true treasure in this world that restrains the strength of most entities.

This isn't something System Goddess did but something I stole from one of the cultivators who was killed by Haachama, six attacks were too much for the unlucky idiot.

Rosy put on the bracelet and smiled tenderly like a maiden in love.

Although most of her expression is just acting, deep down she is genuinely moved as this is possibly the first time someone cared for her safety aside from lust.

I really am a magnet for tragic women...

Rosy kissed me on the cheek, but then she seemed surprised at her own actions, although she managed to hide her surprise.

I froze as if that kiss had turned off my mind.

Acting like an idiot is exhausting...

"See you soon~" – Rosy smiled seductively and left as she shook her hips in an exaggerated way to accentuate the sexiness of her butt. I don't complain.

I left a spatial mark on Rosy so I can track her movements so can see that she's still in the city, luckily she seems to know how to hide from the cultivators so I don't have to pay attention to her for now.

"Senpai, will you go back to your businesswoman's or will you resign yourself to the fact that you won't be able to rest today and continue with your plans?" – BB asked with amusement.

I sighed and changed my appearance to that of a gas-masked special forces people. – "The Plot will drag me into something stupid so I am going to get ahead of that shit"

So I headed to the location of the gangs with no supernatural backing.

I used acupuncture and neurology to alter gang members' minds to be more violent and troublesome while also modifying their bodies to reach the peak of human potential.

Now, this city will face criminals capable of breaking steel with their bare hands...

This will also encourage the development of the other protagonists which is technically a good thing for China, but this is just a distraction.

While the government is in charge of suppressing the criminals, a mysterious disease will begin to spread in the suburbs.

Fever, muscle aches, rash, migraine, loss of smell and taste, diarrhea, insomnia, and cough.

It is not a deadly disease, but it is highly contagious.

Most importantly, it is a biological disease with no supernatural origins, so the protagonists will not be able to cure it with cultivation techniques, and the disease can adapt to different medications, so self-medication will only strengthen this disease.

I have to congratulate the Department of Biological Engineering in my personal world, my beautiful wives did an excellent job.

This disease could become a global pandemic, so the virus was developed to die in a certain time without leaving sequelae in the patient.

If the infected person receives a lot of nutrients to compensate for diarrhea, then he or she will be healthy after two weeks, so the death rate will be very low, even for low-income people.

The point is not to exterminate humanity, but to damage the economy.

The efficiency of the government will manage to prevent this virus from spreading throughout the country, but it will be enough to damage several companies which will cause riots.

Nyaruko says that I'm more yandere than Chiyo, but I think this is a natural reaction, nobody hurts Senko.


Stupid feelings of attachment.



Author's Note:

To clarify, on Gaia supernatural entities are heavily suppressed so entities capable of erasing universes will be overwhelmed by the Guardians of Alaya.

There are entities capable of overriding these restrictions such as system users, BB and Abby, but it is still dangerous to act carelessly.

For example, Alaya has the Throne of Heroes (Fate) where the Servants are.

In the larger context, most Servants are as weak as a fly and useless outside of Gaia, but within Gaia, they have advantages in combating foreign entities.

These advantages are restrictions, a foreign Higher Entity has a hard time dealing damage to Guardians and Servants so they can be overwhelmed even if they are stronger than Gaia's natives.

While Luis has plenty of advantages in causing apocalyptic mayhem, that doesn't mean he's invincible even with Van Gogh (Azathoth) on his side.

It can be said that in this version of Gaia the Counter Force is as OP as a fanfic protagonist.

Finally, Luis is a strong system user but not the strongest, his biggest advantage is his harem with the Outer Gods and System Goddess.

Anyway, I appreciate the comments and I will try to clarify any doubts, a hug <3