Chapter 362: Believe in the plans of the Warring States Age!

A series of three dunes were smashed and turned into flying yellow sand. Jones was lying in the big pit he had smashed, and the feeling of stuffiness in his chest made him vomit a few mouthfuls of blood.

The power of this hammer is too horrible. If he is really hit, Jones must break several bones! Fortunately, in the end, Jones blocked the most dangerous first wave of shock with the turtle shell, and the sledgehammer hit him after slowing down the impact.

Otherwise, use your body to resist, then the end is really not too wonderful!

But even so, the terrible impact force hit him from a distance, and he didn't slow down for a long time!

"Grasp! Careful again!"

Ashamed, Jones was sad looking for a place to drill into.

Alabastan is simply his own nemesis!

Before that, he went to the sand crocodile with confidence and had trouble. However, he was negligent and was almost sucked by the other party!

This is not to say, and at the moment facing Tony, he is still full of confidence, but the face was beaten really hurt!

From the moment Tony appeared, he knew the identity of the other party.

After all, Loya can trust the other party to give Zefa the guy he guards after rushing to Albana, and there are only a few to count. The only thing that matched the characteristics was the Tony Mill who stayed with Shanks in the New World.

However, Jones does not think that the guy who entered the elite camp with Loya at the same time can be as good as even if he has been with the red hair for half a year, so he has always been fighting Tony with a play mentality.

Even after Tony showed a level that made him vigilant, this mentality has only become the mentality of the elders to see the successful young people.

But he did not expect that the other party still retained strength!

It directly caused Jones's severe damage, and facelessly faced Jiang Dong's elders.

After all, as the once famous hunter Jones, only defending and not attacking is not in line with his character.

Standing slowly, Jones rubbed his stuffy chest and stared fiercely at Tony's direction.

"Huh! You forced me! I was going to play with you, but now it looks like I have to give you some power!"

Unlike being trapped by Crockdale at the time, Jones was not seriously injured at the moment and still had enough strength to fight back.

Taking a deep breath, Jones's deformed part slowly returned to normal, and then his gaze fixed, and a majestic momentum emanated.

As he was about to rush to Cannibal Island to hunt down Drake, Tony stopped abruptly and watched Jones fly out.

"Cut! Annoying, and fight?"

The reason why sneak attacks are called sneak attacks is that they are effective only when the enemy is unprepared. Now that Jones knows his means, waiting for him will definitely be a harder fight than before.

He still has a hole card, but who can guarantee that Jones, who is now aggressive, is gone?

After all, judging from this momentum, the opponent is not hurt at all! Instead, it became more and more dangerous like an angry beast.

Clenching the sword, Tony held his breath and set his fighting posture.


A huge pile of sand dunes exploded under the unknown force, and among the flying yellow sand, a huge shadow came to Tony almost instantly.

"So fast!"

Tony's eyes were frozen and he was about to retreat, but a strange force stuck to his sword-bearing arm, then pressed it back to his chest, and then stuck to his side face ...


There was no pain, Tony just felt like someone was ringing a bell, and immediately he was aggressive. Then he turned into a cannonball and flew out fiercely.


The sea surface in the distance exploded a large cloud of water, and the rising seawater directly rolled up into the sky, hitting a seagull coiled around the coast.

In the splashes, Jones reached out his furry hand and wiped his nose, spitting his blood in disdain: "Well! Give me another crazy try?"

But at this moment, Tony couldn't hear him.

He was seriously injured, and his physical protection mechanism forced him into a coma. It is surrounded by dense granulations, while swallowing the seawater and devouring the surrounding marine fish, ensuring that the oxygen in the water supplies and restores the nutrients it needs.

Not far away was the navy that followed, so Jones was not worried about the other party drowning in the sea.

After humming, the tall silver gorilla turned and ran, leaving a huge footprint on the beach.

It wasn't until Turtle Island screamed and started to leave the coast slowly, the navy suddenly realized that they were panicking and preparing to go to sea to tony.


Just as the Navy rescued Tony, at the moment Albana, Loya had already completed a simple deployment.

"Leave tonight?"

"Leave tonight!" Facing Cobra's inquiries, Loya clapped her hands on the towel, then picked up a piece of fruit and scooped up.

In front of him was a neat plate of delicious delicacies. If anyone was not here, I am afraid that this would be a banquet arranged by Cobra for preparing a banquet.

But the chefs and maids and the guards who were present knew that this large table was nothing more than the navy dinner in front of them.

And ... this is already the third table!

Cobra was hesitant when he heard Loya's words, and seemed to be in trouble. Of course, it is not because of Loya ’s meals. The Neferutari family still has some money. Even if they do n’t, the outside people will provide enough food for Loya.

Cobra's embarrassment is, what would historical text do if Loya left like this? To know people's speculation, Cobra is not naive to think that only pirates will be interested in ancient weapons.

In Albana, for example, Gaka has arrested three groups of gangsters preparing to steal historical texts today. And these people are the good people of Albana!

Money has moved people since ancient times, and so has power!

For the opportunity to become a superior ~ ~ many people will take the risk and try to start with the historical text. Cobra's original intention was to detain him and convict him afterwards. But Loya directly seized power and executed him in the public court.

The troubled times must be repeated!

As a Chinese, Loa, who has read anecdotes from ancient and modern times, can understand more than Cobra.

Facing the endless stream of guys, only death and blood can extinguish the flames of their inner greed, Cobra is a good king, thinking for the people, belonging to the steadfast Mingjun. But it is not a hero who can rise from the chaos and conquer the world!

Knowing what Cobra was worrying about, Loya threw the apple into his mouth, swallowed it with a few chews and swallowed it together. Then he slowly said to Cobra: "Relax, this is the plan of the Marshal of the Warring States Period." "You can't believe it, but I have to believe in the admiral of the navy, right? The Marshal's plan has never been wrong."

Well, it does.

Rosinidi's death was just an accident ... yes, accident!