Chapter 363: Trends of the parties

"Marshal the Warring States ...?"

Cobra hesitated, but finally nodded and agreed.

Few pirates who can break out of the sky on the great voyage are not stupid! Those miscellaneous fish and pirates don't need to mention much, but those who mix well are simply monkey spirits one by one!

If Loya really took the historical text directly and shipped it back to the naval headquarters, I'm afraid they would not think that piece was real.

Because it is too blatant to do so. Even if you are the most powerful force on the sea, what is the difference between this behavior and death hunting?

Therefore, they will definitely feel that the real historical text is still hidden in Alabastan. The piece that has been removed is just a guise. After that, the world government will separately arrange for manual delivery.

It can be said that this is a psychological game.

And there is a great chance that this script will continue ...

If Loya's purpose was only to bring the historical text back, maybe he would just follow this line of thought. But this time, the real purpose of spreading the news of historical texts to the sea is for the growing pirate group.

If you do n’t come after me, then I ’m not in a hurry?

The history text cannot be lost, but such a god-given opportunity to fight the pirates should not be missed!

Therefore, after careful consideration, the Marshal Warring States ordered Loya to operate in two ways. While leaving the true historical text in Albana, order a large number of soldiers to stay there, creating the illusion that they have not taken it away. At the same time, another forged historical text was taken away from Albana, and his subordinates were ordered to sneak out to sea.

Those pirates who can get the news will definitely think that the piece smuggled out of the sea by the navy is the real one, and the one left in Alba is fake. At that time, Loya will converge the generals of the apes and barbarians, enough to crush any guy who peeks at the text of history.

And by virtue of Loya's high-speed maneuverability, even if the stele left in Albana is lost, he can stop the other party before they go to sea.

Can fly, it's just wayward!

After a pause, Cobra opened his chair and sat opposite Loya. He lowered his voice and said to him, "The Marshal's plan is indeed perfect, but he doesn't know that Robin is still alive. During the time you left Alabastan What if Nicole Robin had betrayed her? She's the son of a demon! "

With his previous experience, Cobra was extremely jealous of Robin. Being able to unknowingly steal the command of Baroque under the cloakdal's eyelids is enough to see what a dangerous woman this is.

It wasn't that he wasn't confident or could not trust the capabilities of the Navy, but he knew that Robin was not a guy who could be controlled. Once Loya left, the ghost knew what she would do.

After listening to Cobra, Loa stopped and wiped the corners of her mouth with a towel.

"You can rest assured that she can't do it even if she wants to betray her now. You don't need to know the specific process. You just need to control your mouth and don't tell her that she is still alive."

"... understood ... you are really a guy who can't see through." Cobra gave a comment after a moment of silence.

"Thank you for the compliment," Loya said with a smile.

Based on the fate of the entire Alabastan, Loya believed what Cobra would choose.

After all, with his current strength, things like destroying the country don't need so many twists and turns.


Great Fairway, New World, Dresrosa.

The long-lost silence appeared in the luxurious palace, and the air was filled with suffocating pressure, as if some ferocious beasts were entangled here.

Looking at Doflamingo, who was silent on the throne, even his closest deputy, Torrepol, was afraid to exhale at this moment.

Pika died, dying of dynamite rock, leaving no bones.

This is the most significant loss suffered by the Don Quixote family in recent years!

As the top cadre of the special commander force of the family, the Pika Army, with his death, the Pika Army was also forced to disband and be split into the remaining legions.

But that's just one reason to silence Doflamingo.

The other is the exposure of explosive rock.

Those pawns that have spent the entire family's years of hard work exposed seven or eighty-eight in this naval inventory, and the losses are not significant. The Dragon team even sent CP0 agents to contact too much Flamenco, believing that his hand was stretched a little too long, and to suppress its transactions in the dark world, which is commonly known as knocking.

The entire Don Quixote family, in these short days, the funds and influence have shrunk greatly, and it is no wonder that Doflamingo has shown such depression.

But now, the news that just came is even more shocking for a group of people.

A dignified navy hero, Tekken Karp officially landed in Dresrosa, arrived at the site of Qiwuhai, and is now shopping on the commercial street!

Who is Karp? I'm afraid few people in this sea can say that they don't know him. Roger's era of great sailing was deeply rooted in people's hearts, and Karp, who was preached to have arrested Roger himself, also became famous. Coupled with his remarkable record, he has driven One Piece to despair several times. Who dares to ignore it?

What's more, this time he also had a clear taste of demonstrations, as evidenced by the artillery that had been erected on the high cliffs of the port.

There is no point in talking to him or pressing people as Qi Wuhai. Even if Tianlong people put pressure on the navy through the world government, there is no reason at this moment.

Former naval general Zefa was seriously injured by explosives, I don't know if he will die! I can still sit here safely, which is the best proof of the world government's suppression of the incident.

Otherwise, Karp has definitely rushed to the palace to kill him.

There was no way to keep silent, Doflamingo tilted his head and made a coughing noise in the neck joint.

"Torrepol ..."

"Yes, Master!"

"Stopping any trade with the underground port these days will not allow the Navy to find more problems."


"Violette ..."

"I'm here, Master."

"You're in charge of receiving those navies, be careful, and try not to conflict, you understand?"


Rolling names one by one, Doflamingo slowly arranged everything and waved his hands to let them go. Leaning against the wide seat of the throne, Doflamingo's mouth gradually pulled out an exaggerated arc.

The empty palace hall echoed with creepy laughter ...

"Well! Listen to the voice of all things ~ ~ I can't hear the wailing of those who died, and the family records did not go wrong! Fate? Everything is a joke!

After leaving the palace, the Don Quixote cadres who had not yet separated saw a soldier rushing forward. After noticing them, the soldier stopped to salute, but was forced to breathe on his knees because of his dry mouth, and he stood up for a while and said to Torrepol.

"Hurry ... urgent message!"

"Speak slowly, speak slowly. Young Master is in a bad mood today. Don't bother him if there is nothing too important."

Waving his cane, Torrepol said to the soldier.


The soldier took a deep breath and looked solemnly: "The news has confirmed that Alabastan has buried historical texts about the ancient weapon Pluto! According to the information returned by the spies, the admiral's yellow apes and barbarians are on their way to Alabastan. , And it is expected to be delivered to Holy Land Mary Joa in a week! "
