Chapter 364: Historical text

With the appearance of the historical text of the ancient weapon Pluto, countless forces on the sea are about to move, one sailing boat quietly sailing out to sea and heading for Alabastan.

Many of them understand their own jeopardy. Compared with the fierce group of pirates, they are only an insignificant role.

But dreams are always there, just in case hell?

And ... compared to becoming one piece, grabbing a piece of historical text should be much simpler, right?

Well, it must be much simpler.

So with this expectation, another group of young people embarked on the road of no return.


Loya found the coast of the desert island of Dragon Scale, and dozens of warships were neatly listed here. Looking out, the entire desert island was surrounded by a large number of navies. A cannon and tower sent out erected the entire building. The island is built like a copper wall and iron wall.

On such an insignificant island, the world's best-known powerful people gathered here, urging the soldiers to dig. Those are the powerful lieutenants from the naval headquarters. Any one who releases it will cause a strong existence that can cause waves!

Because the matter of mining is of great importance, even the ordinary and gentle fire of the mountain can not help but look serious at this moment, squinting and holding arms to patrol around.

Behind this group of generals, a tall man in a yellow and white striped suit is sitting on a chair, reading Erlang's newspaper with his legs up.

That's a special supplement added by the Shampadi Newspaper. As the world's largest newspaper, it is possible for them to make special supplements, which means that something extraordinary must have happened.

Looking at the color photo of Albana in the newspaper, the yellow ape pursed his lips, and could not help raising the newspaper a bit: "It's terrible, terrible, it happened!"

The above described in detail a series of events in Alabastan, from the rebellion launched by the Baroque Work Agency to Cobra's speech, announcing that the historical texts were handed over to the world government, which are clearly recorded here. In terms of strength, it can be considered quite detailed.

Of course, they were not clear about Zefa's serious injuries. After all, in a battle of that kind of scene, a battlefield reporter could not approach it at all.

With the advent of this supplement, the waves of the sea have become even more dangerous.

This is the case of the journalism industry. They don't care how much the news of Alabastan will spread after the news spreads around the world through the news bird. As long as there is a gimmick, it will attract everyone to buy newspapers.

However, this incident was obviously significant and beyond imagination. After such disguised troubles for the navy and the world government, they turned their heads and vowed to the Emperor Qiwuhai.

Pirates are always pirates, and so is Qiwuhai. Everyone knows that as long as Qi Wuhai makes a mistake, the world government will take back the title and clean it up. Generally speaking, they are still opposed to it. It's just that over the years, none of the seven Wuhais have been caught, so this rule has become a decoration.

But this time the problem was a big one. In order to record the historical texts of ancient weapons, Cloakdal deployed a bold plan to steal the country!

think about it! Even the countries that are members of the world government or the powerful Alabastan cannot escape their doom. So which countries have the other seven Wuhai acts endangered?

This is a very scary question!

Seizing this, the news agency shook its flag and shouted about the various arrogant acts of Qi Wuhai, even shouting the slogan of abolishing Qi Wuhai.

In this regard, the ape can only evaluate one sentence: "This group of people is really a group of crazy dogs, who catches who bites who!"

Before Drake rebelled from the navy, they followed the naval criticism of the navy, thinking that the navy is now corrupt and that they exemplified the crimes committed by the naval scum on the sea, distorting the face of the Warring States spirit.

But now he scolds Qi Wuhai, even without changing his lines!

Leaving aside the group of unscrupulous journalists, looking at the full-body photo of Luo Ya below the newspaper, Huang Yuan pouted: "However, Luo Yajun, you will really trouble me! Only when I heard the news of Uranus, I directly found Pluto over there, when are you going to get out of Neptune? "

There are three ancient weapons in total, and two of them have been taken out by Loya. With this luck, or the ability to cause trouble, the yellow monkey really admired Loya in his life.

At this time, a soldier ran over to salute the ape: "Report! General Ape, the warship is ready to go to sea at any time!"

"Hey! Got it ... Really, it will take a long time to get out of the boat before going out to sea." The ape slowly stood up and picked up the cloak of the general on the back of the chair.

"I really envy Sakakis. I don't need to do anything while staying at the headquarters ... Can these guys not be considerate of us old guys?"

Regarding the yellow monkey's complaint, the soldier pretended not to hear, and stared at the sea without squinting.

"Ah, rush to Alabastan from here for a week, forgive me ..." The ape mumbled as he stepped onto the deck. Soon, the ship made a loud whistle and slowly sailed off the coast.

Loya followed Molia before, following his route, it took a full month to reach Alabastan! Now the Warring States requires the apes to arrive within a week, even with the help of the Navy's secret routes, this is definitely not an easy task.


"Well, it turns out that the best archeologists are also the best counterfeiters!" Looking at the falsified historical text in front of him, Loya was surprised.

In this regard, Robin patted the dust on his busy day and night, tore off the gray apron wrapped around his waist and tossed it aside, and said to Loya a little speechlessly, "Master Loya, since you know me Archeologists, don't force me to do profanity! "

For Robin, historical relics are the most precious treasures in the world and cannot be profaned or trampled. However, the person had to bow her head under the eaves, and this matter was very important, and she had to create this imitation stone monument in accordance with Loya's requirements.

Relying on her keen sense of cultural relics, this imitation is enough to be false and true, and even Loya had to quietly leave a mark on it to distinguish it clearly.

"Well ... Well ~ ~ You have to think like this, Robin, your desecration of cultural relics is actually protecting real historical texts. Sometimes in order to protect something, even if you devote yourself to it The darkness is fine, not to mention just a copy of it once. "

After listening to Loya's explanation, Robin did not speak, and continued to pack his tools.


A dull sound sounded in the empty cave, looking at Loya who lifted the tall stone with one hand slightly, Robin asked softly: "Where do you want to transport this thing next? Send it directly Naval headquarters? "

"I can't tell you ..." Holding a stone weighing several tons with one hand was as easy as holding an apple. Loya walked out of the cave and said to Robin, "I Talked to Cobra, and for the next time you will temporarily hide in the palace, and someone will pick you up in a few days. "

"... Okay, Lord Loya."

Looking at all the juggling workers in the cave that were destroyed and frozen into statues, Nicole Robin felt cold and could not give up any resistance.