[Li Dongyang]: Did you send the roses?

[Little Junior Brother]: You found out. 

When Lin Dongyang was about to ask him why he wanted to send roses, the other party sent a message first.

[Senior sister… I like you.]

Seeing this direct and clear confession, Lin Dongyang almost didn’t breath for a time and almost passed!

He was really scared! 

What should he do if he was confessed by the same sex? Go online, very urgent!

The other party didn’t give him time to relax at all, and threw another heavy bomb.

[Can I chase you?]

WTF? Brother dei?? Do you want to play online dating with me?

Lin Dongyang’s handsome face was almost distorted into a visual meme, and his heart turned on a fatal complaint mode: Do you know that I am ugly or beautiful? Do you know my height, weight and measurements? The most important thing is: Do you know if I am a man or a woman?!

You don’t know anything! Still daring to chase him, young people are very bold ah.

He quickly replied NO! Then he felt that the refusal attitude was not firm enough, but also wanted to use ten fingers to display to him the ‘top ten dangers of online dating’, only blaming the small screen of the mobile phone, which didn’t allow ten fingers to operate.

He also went to Baidu to search for how miserable it was and how miserable the failure cases were. 

For example [3 years of online dating girlfriend unexpectedly looks like this! I’m withered…]

Another [I made an appointment, I have to finish it with tears T﹏T]

And then [Photoshopped! Only when we meet do we know how powerful beautify filter is!] so on…

Earnestly teaches the little junior brother to give priority to his studies and be the socialist successors with positive basic and prosperity. 

He typed so many words that he only hoped that the other party would stop saying such irrelevant words as ‘I chase you’. As a result, they gave only one comment on his painstaking persuasion—— I’m not them.

Lin Dongyang: “…”

So I just eat radish and worry about it?

[Little Junior Brother]: don’t rush to refuse me, you can think about it first (aggrieved. JPG) 

Olc Gbcusjcu kjr j yla jcugs ktlif rlaalcu bc atf mtjlg, yea ktfc tf rjk jc juuglfnfv fzqgfrrlbc ogbw atf batfg qjgas, j afjgoei, kffqlcu ilaaif wlix vbu oijrtfv lc tlr wlcv, kjuulcu tlr rtbga oeggs ajli jcv yfuulcu tlw ab gfmbcrlvfg, klat j ibnfjyif ibbxfv bo jrxlcu obg jvbqalbc.

I’m finished, in the end my visual imagination was so meng…

Imagination was always presented in the most perfect form. Lin Dongyang was just melted by the image of his brain, his thoughts began to disperse, his mouth couldn’t help but curve, and his hands didn’t listen to his command.

[Then, I’ll think about it] 

As soon as the words were sent out, Lin Dongyang slapped his mouth. F*ck to think about it! I lose my mind, seeing the aggrieved expression then change sides immediately.

The other party replied happily: [Senior sister is so nice!]

Nice? Ah, young!

Lin Dongyang felt a little hot and annoyed, and even the air had a burning discomfort. He replied: [You go to class], he didn’t read the message from his mobile phone anymore, but sat in a sun lounger, with his hair drenched in regret, muttering to himself: why does he send out that sentence! 

University courses weren’t like a middle school or elementary school that spent the entire day in the ocean of knowledge. From morning self-study to evening self-study, the university courses were arranged in a scattered way. Lin Dongyang only had class on the first 2 classes at noon on Monday, and no classes were arranged for the latter two.

He glanced across the many teaching buildings, stayed for only a second before leaving, then got up and got out of the seat with his mobile phone, and walked towards the dormitory building.

It was a wonderful world. They were so close, but they didn’t know each other.

Qiao Yichen, a second-year university student at Nanhai University, male, was twenty years old this year. This was all Lin Dongyang knew about that little junior brother, and there was also a virtual relationship—— online game lover. 

Originally, Lin Dongyang liked to play a Xianxia online game. Because the female characters were good-looking, he registered as a female account. He met Qiao Yichen by coincidence and became a companion in the game.

The so-called curious coincidence, only after adding WeChat did he know that the other party was a classmate of the same school one year younger than him, so they called each other as junior brother and senior sister. However, Lin Dongyang almost retired from the game pit now, and thought that their relationship existed at both ends of the network cable, so there was no need to explain too much, but he didn’t know when it developed into an uncontrollable situation.

Lin Dongyang deeply introspected himself, and finally felt it better to teach the timid little junior brother a lesson and let his online love die.

Want to chase me? The probability is zero. 

Along the way, Lin Dongyang was absent-minded, looked down and slowly returned to the dormitory. Nanhai university was an old famous school in Anling city. Its educational conditions were good and its accommodation conditions were not bad. The dormitory doors were equipped with anti-theft locks, which could be turned from the inside and needed keys from the outside.

Lin Dongyang found that the door was locked when he pushed the door. Generally speaking, the door would not be locked if there was someone in their dormitory. Most of them were half-closed, making it easy to get in and out.

He reached for a set of keys in the pocket of his sweater. There were three keys and a pig pendant hanging from the key ring, it was his zodiac sign. Two of the keys belonged to his hometown and one belonged to the dormitory.

He turned the lock, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw the three roommates standing in a row, each with their hands in their trouser pockets, an expression ‘we have been waiting for you for a long time.’ 

Lin Dongyang paused, kept pushing the door and asked, “Didn’t you go out ah?”

Fatty Han lifted his double chin and motioned for him to close the door. “Waiting for you, close the door quickly and come in. We have something to ask you.”

After Lin Dongyang closed the dormitory door, Fatty Han took the lead in saying, “Confess leniently, resist severely.”

“Be honest.” Li Wei echoed. 

Zhu Wenbo pushed the heavy glasses on the bridge of his nose and picked up his signature pen and notepad, looking like a serious recorder.

The atmosphere, exactly like a critique general meeting!

“You… What are you doing ah?” Lin Dongyang’s eyes glanced at the rose on his desk and looked at the solemn and upright posture. He leaned against the door with a guilty heart and smiled awkwardly.

Fatty Han and the three of them glanced at each other, reached a consensus, and began to torture Lin Dongyang in turn. 

Fatty Han: “First, let me talk about how you defile the young man.”

Lin Dongyang: “…No, what to defile ah, fatty. We just chatted and didn’t do anything.”

Fatty Han stared. “What else do you want to do??!! At the beginning, I believed your deceitful mouth, pure netizens, pure ‘balls’. The roses are all delivered to hand, don’t you tell me?! Don’t ask me to steal your pants in the shower and lift your quilt when you sleep!”

Lin Dongyang: “F*ck, it’s so cruel.” 

Li Wei stepped forward, patted Lin Dongyang’s shoulder and said with great enthusiasm. “Yang-zi, we have been sleeping together for three years. We won’t laugh at you for being gay. Say it, we’re still brothers!”

“Do you believe me when I say I’m straight?” Lin Dongyang wanted to struggle again.

The three shook their heads at the same time.

Lin Dongyang withered… 

He didn’t dare to say the matter of being confessed, otherwise Fatty Han’s saliva would definitely be able to spray him to death. To say who was wrong, the roommate must point to him in a particularly uniform manner, without giving a chance to explain.

Fatty Han and the others negotiated before Lin Dongyang came back, and they wanted to use this opportunity to dig out Yang-zi‘s little secret, and then guard it for him, so as not to be forced by the junior brother. After all, a roommate was like a brother, and a brother’s life was like their own life, which must be taken care of.

Seeing that Lin Dongyang was silent, Li Wei launched a deadly three-day series of questions. “Have you seen each other? Do you like him? When are you going to meet?”

Lin Dongyang shook his head and replied, “No, I don’t like him, won’t see him.” 

“Sc*mbag!” The three said in unison.

Lin Dongyang: “…”

After the torture questions of Fatty Han and Li Wei ended, Zhu Wenbo began to lecture with his notebook. “How long have you known each other?”

“Three or four months.” 

“Does he know your gender?”

“Don’t know.”

Since Lin Dongyang knew that Qiao Yichen was a classmate in the same school, he deliberately avoided some topics when chatting, such as: What dormitory do you live in? Do you have classes at XXX time? What canteen do you eat in? Wait …

According to his usual chatting statistics, Qiao Yichen only knew: Yangyang, mobile phone number, and third-year university senior sister. The mobile phone number was still given when adding WeChat. Now Lin Dongyang didn’t dare to pick up calls from strangers. 

Zhu Wenbo nodded understandingly, the pen dance in his hand was mellow, and he was muttering words in his mouth.

“Step 1: How to support a gay roommate.”

“Step 2: How to make a bold confession to a male student.”

“Step 3: 100 ways to confess your love.” 

“Step 4: ….”

Lin Dongyang has a black line on his forehead. He now feels like a young maiden who was forced to marry by a matchmaker, and his three roommates were the matchmaker who forced an honest girl into prostitution!

Seeing more and more outrageous roommates, Lin Dongyang planned to change the subject, otherwise the old story would be turned out.

“Already what time, you guys tortured me to confess for so long, why don’t we rest??” 

As soon as Fatty Han heard this, he immediately looked at the time. It was already 11:30am, and the integrated school time at noon was 11:40am, so he unexpectedly unwittingly reached the meal time. If the ink was written for another ten minutes, they would have to wait a long time to buy a meal.

They immediately dismissed the meeting, changed their slippers and dragged Lin Dongyang to the Zizhu canteen and ran to the canteen. Many of those freshmen and sophomores were still at school, so they had to take up seats first so as not to be crowded into dogs.

The canteen in the school was always roasted by the students because the dish wasn’t delicious and the aunt had trembling hands. But, everyone’s appetite was very high.

Nanhai University had three canteens, four people came to the number one Zizhu canteen, when the school bell rang, and after a while the canteen continued to pour into the crowd. They casually picked up two dishes and one soup and found a seat against the wall. 

Lin Dongyang went to the designated point to get the cutlery for four people. There were more and more people. He wanted to pick a place with few people.  Suddenly, he was hit on the back. It was so powerful that he stumbled and just stepped on the shoes of the oncoming person.