“Sorry, sorry,” Lin Dongyang immediately made a sincere apology.

The man’s face was dark and terrible, his thin lips pressed tightly, his eyes were gloomy and scary, he was neatly dressed in casual clothes, and he was taller than Fatty Han, except that there was a black sole print on his white shoes. 

Lin Dongyang made a silent evaluation in his heart: Good looking, looks like he doesn’t have a good temper.

Who can be in a good mood, after the white shoes have been stepped on???

“Pfft… cough, cough.” A male student with chestnut-coloured hair next to the man suppressed a laugh, and he changed the audio mode to vibration mode, restrained until his shoulder trembled.

He apologized, people were so crowded, so Lin Dongyang didn’t stand for a long time, staggered over two people, took the tableware, and went to Fatty Han’s side, and didn’t take this episode to heart at all. 

During the meal, the roommates talked, laughed and gossip, but Lin Dongyang always felt that someone was staring at him, very strongly! There seemed to be substantial interference in that line of sight, and he looked suspiciously at the smiling eyes.

It was the male classmate with chestnut-coloured hair, and opposite him sat the man whose foot was stepped on by Lin Dongyang.

Seeing him glance over, the chestnut-coloured hair male classmate waved his hand friendly at him with a big smile, while the man who he stepped on gave him a contemptuous look, full of disgust.

“Cough, cough, cough, cough…!!” Lin Dongyang was suddenly choked by a mouthful of rice, covering his mouth, and coughing violently until tears came out.

“What’s the matter Yang-zi? What did you see to make you so excited like this.” Fatty Han, sitting next to him, patted him on the back and considerately helped him.

It took a long time for Lin Dongyang to recover, drank a sip of hot water to moisten his itchy throat, shook his head and said it was alright, but never dared to look there again.

He hurriedly finished the rice in the bowl, the originally delicious food was stuffed with no taste, and he was too uncomfortable with that line of sight!!!

Zhu Wenbo wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses and ate slowly. At first glance, he was a kind of slow-tempered person. After all three people had finished eating, Zhu Wenbo had only eaten half. 

Lin Dongyang felt like sitting on pins and needles but still had to wait for him to finish eating. Zhu Wenbo pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and was surrounded by three people admiring his style of eating. He suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and hurriedly took a few mouthfuls, and then sent the dinner plate to the designated point, which was convenient for the staff to clean up.

Lin Dongyang breathed a sigh of relief and took the lead to go to the canteen’s entrance to wait for his roommate. That man’s aura was too strong, and the eyes staring at him were cold like a wolf. He also blamed himself  for stepping on others first.

Four people had just taken two steps out of the canteen when they heard someone shouting behind them. “Wait a minute, classmates!”

Lin Dongyang looked back, it turned out to be the same two people just now! 

What’s going on, little brother? I accidentally stepped on you, and you want to make trouble with me???

The chestnut-coloured hair classmate smiled warmly, and his shallow dimples made his face look immature. He didn’t look like a college student at all, but like a high school student who didn’t grow up. He trotted to Lin Dongyang’s side and stretched out his hand familiarly.

Lin Dongyang was stunned, but he politely reached out, shook hands with him, and asked. “What can I do for you?”

The chestnut-coloured hair classmate kept smiling and looked easy to get close to, but Lin Dongyang felt weary for his cheeks. 

“Nothing. I just think you’re pleasing to the eye and want to get to know you.”

Lin Dongyang: “…” This is a unique reason to pick up a conversation.

“Zs cjwf lr Cc Hl, rfmbcv sfjgr, tbk jybea sbe?” Cc Hl’r fsfr kfgf nfgs mifjg, tlvlcu atf riscfrr mbwqifafis lcrlvf.

“Yt, Olc Gbcusjcu, atlgv sfjg.” Olc Gbcusjcu mbeiv bcis gfrqbcv qfgoecmabglis. 

“Senior ah!” An Qi cordially shouted to greet the senior.

Ca atlr alwf, atf wjif mijrrwjaf ktb kjr rafqqfv bc ys Olc Gbcusjcu mjwf bnfg mjiwis. Llr fsfr kfgf vffq, tlr ojmlji ofjaegfr kfgf wbgf atgff-vlwfcrlbcji, jcv tlr fsfygbkr jcv fsfr ujnf qfbqif j rfcrf bo ‘ragjcufgr vbc’a ub cfjg’ xlcv bo offilcu, rb Olc Gbcusjcu ofia atja tlr fsfr ibbxfv ilxf kbinfr. Pa rtbeiv yf rmjgs obg atlr xlcv bo qfgrbc ab ufa jcugs, Olc Gbcusjcu atbeuta rfmgfais.

Watching his friend catch up, An Qi was very enthusiastic and had to introduce his friend to him.

“His name…” An Qi was interrupted as soon as he spoke. 

“Be careful next time you walk.” The voice was very magnetic, having a mature male deep and low voice, but his tone was very unfriendly! It was all to warn him.

After saying this, the man dragged the An Qi who wanted to come over and rub his face, and went away.

Four people froze at the canteen’s entrance, watching the domineering male student just now.

Li Wei, a melon eater who didn’t know the truth, said. “Today’s little junior brothers are very arrogant.” 

Fatty Han, a melon eater who didn’t know the truth, said, “Quite crazy, Yang-zi, what’s the grudge?”

With a dumbfounded face, Lin Dongyang replied, “Stepped on his foot.”

Li Wei couldn’t help laughing. “I said that there was a black footprint on the man’s shoe just now hahahaha.”

But Fatty Han suddenly looked at Lin Dongyang with an absurd exaggerated expression of admiration in his little eyes. He gave Lin Dongyang a thumbs up and said, “Awesome ah Yang-zi, your foot is really expensive!” 

Roommates: “???”

Fatty Han saw that the three had never seen the world. He rolled his sleeves and began to teach them popular science. “Didn’t you pay attention to the shoes on his feet? O&D, sports limited edition, I saw it on the official website a few days ago. I’ll search for you.”

Fatty Han liked the version of that shoes very much, so when he saw it on the Internet at that time, he took a look at the picture and didn’t pay attention to the price. He opened the mobile phone page to enter the O&D official website, and the most conspicuous on the high-end home page was the pair of limited edition white sneakers, marked with price: 48,888RMB

“F*ck!” Four people yelled in unison. 

Even if Fatty Han knew the brand, he also knew that these shoes were definitely not cheap, but when he saw the marked price, he was still shocked by the five-digit number. It was too expensive! Exceeding ordinary people’s consumption level, his monthly living expenses were only two thousand yuan, and the savings were only enough to buy one shoe, one ah!

It was just that goods had to be thrown away, and people had to die.

O&D paid attention to original design and fashion trends. It was mainly engaged in shoes and apparel. Each product started at a minimum of 10,000 yuan. Trends and prices firmly occupied the top of the same industry, leaving other well-known brands unmatched. It was called luxury apparel.

Lin Dongyang’s face turned pale, and the effect was comparable to putting on makeup cream. The roommate was still gloating, and simultaneously gave him a thumbs up and praised him: Yang-zi is mighty! 

Seeing that he was so frightened, Fatty Han finally reined in his laughter and patted his shoulder and comforted him. “Yang-zi, don’t be afraid, he didn’t ask you to pay for it. Look, you’re scared hahahaha…”

Fatty Han comforted him while laughing. It was true that Lin Dongyang’s dumbfounded expression was so funny that he couldn’t help it.

“Okay, okay, don’t laugh, we’re blocking the door.” Li Wei put his arm around Lin Dongyang’s shoulder. The four walked side by side on the concrete road when they came, digesting food after a meal by the way.

Lin Dongyang’s face looked like he just had a new lease of life. No wonder that man looked at him like he wanted to beat him violently. If it was him, whose expensive shoes were stepped on. He certainly cleaned up that person without discussion. 

Now Fatty Han was so impressed with Lin Dongyang that he couldn’t help but mention, “I especially like that shoe edition ah! However, country bumpkins don’t deserve O&D.”

Li Wei put his hand into his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes and handed them to his roommates. Fatty Han took one, but Lin Dongyang waved his hand, saying that he wasn’t in the mood to smoke now, while Zhu Wenbo was a merit student who didn’t smoke or drink and didn’t fight. He was honest and had the lowest sense of existence among the four of them.

If the four of them walked together, the first thing others paid attention to was the prettiest Yang-zi in their class, thin, tall and handsome. No matter how he wore his sportswear, he looked like a vigorous and sunny teenager, with two tiger teeth when he laughed. He was the face of their dormitory and class.

Then there was Fatty Han, who was as fierce as a bear. Although he wasn’t very good-looking, he was tall and very eye-catching. 

Li Wei’s appearance was ordinary. He had the face that the public wouldn’t take a second look in the crowd, but he had a tidy haircut.

Except for his good grades, Zhu Wenbo didn’t have other bright points, he didn’t like talking, didn’t make a new friend, his height was long and slow in action. Compared with Fatty Han’s physique was two extreme opposites. With his black-rimmed glasses, he had no aura.

However, wherever they went, the four-person group in their dormitory was a united team, and there was no internal conflict.

Li Wei lit the cigarette he was holding, then handed the lighter to Fatty Han and puffed out the smoke, saying, “Those who buy luxury goods tend to pretend to show off.” 

Fatty Han hammered Li Wei with his punching bag big fist, and he rather disagreed. “If you want to pretend to show off, you will not necessarily buy O&D. If you really buy O&D for boasting, once it’s stepped on like Yang-zi just now, it’s estimated that the other party will be seethe with anger, and must follow Yang-zi to fight until the last breath!”

Li Wei didn’t refute this, but nodded and replied. “It seems to be the reason.”

Zhu Wenbo, who cherished his words like gold, finally inserted a sentence. “I think the man just now is really rich, not pretending to show off.”

Lin Dongyang sighed up to the sky. “The world of the rich, us country bumpkins don’t understand ah!” 

Four people strolled around the campus slowly, and Fatty Han’s mouth felt itchy, he didn’t stop for a while and began to dig Lin Dongyang’s painful feet. “Yang-zi, I have to learn from you, and I want to step on O&D shoes in my lifetime. Try the foot feeling!”

Lin Dongyang raised his hand to fan away the floating smoke and said contemptuously, “Why, can you go to heaven if you step on it?”

The four people laughed together.

After being dragged back to the dormitory, An Qi began to complain, “Qiao Yichen, why did you pull me? I still want to get acquainted with the senior.” 

“There’s no need to get acquainted.” Qiao Yichen changed the dirty white sneakers, wore a gray cotton slipper, and then took them into the bathroom to clean them carefully with specially used cleaning fluid and soft towels, leaving a black mark on the white shoes, he grossed out.

“I just think that senior is very pleasing to the eye, and I admire that he can make you eat with that look on your face.” An Qi just wanted to know Lin Dongyang and thought he was so capable that he stepped on Qiao Yichen, apologized and ran away.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with this thing on others. The key was that this shoe was a limited edition that Qiao Yichen liked very much!

According to his black-bellied temper, An Qi felt that there must be a show at the time, but he ended up eating a meal with a stuffy temper, strange! 

Qiao Yichen faintly looked at An Qi, who was stuck in the bathroom door and chatted endlessly. “Shut up, Weiwei won’t like you like this.”

One word made An Qi close his chattering mouth very wisely. Who made this man his beloved’s brother? If Qiao Yichen said a few bad words in front of Qiao Weiwei, she would not give him a good face.

An Qi leaned against the door and watched Qiao Yichen clean his beloved shoes inside. He changed the topic and said, “Weiwei’s birthday is coming soon, and there is no class on Thursday afternoon. Please accompany me to Athena. I want to choose a birthday present for Weiwei. You are her brother and give me some advice.”

Qiao Yichen refused unceremoniously, “Not going.” 

An Qi didn’t panic at all with his arms folded, he still had a secret weapon that he didn’t use!

“Not going? Then don’t ask me how to chase girls in the future, I don’t know.” with an arrogant face that looked like ‘it’s none of my business’.

Qiao Yichen stopped his movements, looked at An Qi for a while without expression, and said, “Weiwei’s birthday is still more than a month away.”

Seeing him start to back down, An Qi’s tone was filled with smugness. “I can  prepare in advance ah.” 

Sure enough, Qiao Yichen finally compromised and said faintly. “Got it.”

An Qi smiled instantly, and immediately gave out the secret books summed up by chasing Qiao Weiwei from childhood. “I’m teaching you, you should coax the girl, give more gifts to make her happy, need to be cheeky to pursue, it doesn’t matter to get rejected, keep going! If you don’t take the initiative, there will be no results. Watch and learn. If you see your dream senior sister in the future, don’t say that I taught you to step on mine everywhere, and you can’t afford to lose that person.”

An Qi said in the instructor’s tone, He was still swaying around half a bottle, and had been chasing Qiao Weiwei for ten years! By using his proximity to the powerful to obtain favour, still hadn’t got it, and he was still bragging about his skills here.

“Fate really needs to be fought for by yourself, otherwise if you miss it, there will really be no room to turn back.” 

Qiao Yichen smiled, the three-dimensional features became a little gentle, and there was a trace of fascination in his eyes, and the haze in his heart was instantly swept away.


The third class in the afternoon was English class. Lin Dongyang looked at the blackboard with his head full of boredom, while his thoughts had already wandered around.

On the podium, a middle-aged English teacher with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses was tirelessly explaining the torturous grammar, which was like playing a lullaby that made people fall asleep. 

Sure enough, looking around, most of the students in the class hung their heads on the desks, with a slight snoring. Others were fighting with their eyelids with strong willpower. The textbooks were poked by signature pens, and they couldn’t see what was written clearly.

The English teacher looked like a middle-aged uncle in his early forties, but his shiny baldness shows his profound cultural heritage. Seeing the sleepy and half-dead students below, and just a very few who seriously attended the lectures, he pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose, ‘bang bang bang’, he knocked hard on the blackboard a few times, scared all those who were drooling all over the table and fighting up and down their eyelids that the sleepy bugs ran away in an instant.

The English teacher seemed very satisfied with the effect, and habitually pushed his glasses again, turned around to the blackboard and continued to sing the lullaby.

The wandering Lin Dongyang had been pondering a question that had nothing to do with the classroom: I refused the confession but accepted the roses, should I return the gift? 

After some ideological struggle, he finally made a choice between ’wealth’ and ‘righteousness’. He opened ‘moubao’ on his mobile phone and input a keyword on the search: a boy’s gift.

A wide range of goods were listed, including gloves, pants, necklaces and other miscellaneous things, but almost all of them didn’t appeal to the eyes, so it was too bad to give them as gifts.

He poked the screen aimlessly and continued to scroll down, and he didn’t know what to give. He just wanted to find something pleasing to the eye, at the right price, and looking for something that looked good. The list of goods slid down page by page, and he saw a different thing in all the clothes and accessories, which was particularly eye-catching!

“??? What is this thing? Tail? F*ck! What is this recommended thing!” Lin Dongyang was stunned. Looking at the realistic and furry cat tail, he thought it could be a gift. He couldn’t help laughing like a pig yelling in the classroom. 

At this time, the teachers and students were stunned!