The bald teacher hit him with a piece of chalk and succeeded in stopping the magic sound from pouring into the ear.

Lin Dongyang stood up honestly and waited to be lectured. He admitted that his mind was crooked. It turned out that his imagination was too rich and not good. At noon, he said the words he shouldn’t have said because of his high imagination. Now he had sold himself in class because of his high imagination. 

A lesson was inevitable. The English teacher named him for his lack of classroom order. Lin Dongyang listened to the lecture obediently. The teacher couldn’t say anything else when he saw that he knew his mistakes, so he sat him down.

The English teacher was a returnee with a master’s degree. In the decades since he had taught at Nanhai University, he had seen all kinds of temperamental students. At this age, ‘you say they are not intelligent, and they can speak with clear and logical reason. You think they are intelligent, but they always don’t focus on where they should be used.’ To deal with these little boys, the teacher felt that he was hitting the cotton with a lot of force, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

“You are in your third year and you will step into the social internship work next semester. You don’t feel nervous at all. You sleep in class and play with your mobile phone. You are simply the worst student I have ever brought!”

It might be because the blackboard eraser was shaken too violently, which caused the chalk dust to stick to the glasses. The English teacher took off the glasses on the bridge of the nose, took two breaths at the glasses, then took out the glasses cloth from his pocket to wipe off the dust particles on it, and then put it back to talk. 

“Don’t feel that the future is far away. When you were young, you felt that it was good to grow up. Do you still have that idea when you were young? The future is actually very close. When you go to a position that you thought was still far away, you will find that it really arrived in an instant.”

Maybe when he is old, he always likes to watch some bright chicken soup for the soul to comfort the heart that still wanted to remain young, to be sad, to remember, and to savor the philosophy of life.

“Although it is not called youth if you are not crazy while you are young, but you must remember that youth will not be complete if you do not work hard while you are young!”

Bald teacher had been boiling his chicken soup for soul with passion and strong emotion, so he had no time to teach in class.

Fatty Han rubbed his stunned eyes and complained to Lin Dongyang in a low voice. “You are the devil, I just squinted for a while and was almost sent away by your debauchery laughter.”

He just dozed off in English class, only to lie down and squint for less than two minutes, Lin Dongyang’s terrible laughter exploded in his ears, scared his soul almost flew, and now his little heart was still pounding.

Lin Dongyang was straight at the moment, he was devoted to listening to the teacher’s speech, and refused to whisper to another as it was a bad habit. If it weren’t for the ‘large overturn scene’ in front of him, Fatty Han thought he was a good student who listened carefully.

There were only three classes in the afternoon. As soon as the English teacher’s chattered box was opened, it was as if the water of the Yellow River collapsed, until school was over. 

The students who had already been forced to drink several tons of chicken soup heard the bell for the end of class, which seemed to be a divine song to save lives. The English teacher finally picked up the textbook and shook the chalk that fell from it, then walked off the podium with his elbow, leaving the students a proud figure of ‘you are too young’.

As soon as the teacher left, the students were a herd of wild horses, throwing their hooves and jumping out of the classroom.

Fatty Han put away the English textbooks he used to cushion the desk while sleeping, and then the four of them left the classroom. On the way back to the dormitory, he pounded Lin Dongyang with the corner of the book, and asked, “Why did you laugh just now?”

Rbk tf kjr nfgs meglber jybea ktja tjqqfcfv pera cbk, ktlmt wjvf Olc Gbcusjcu vjgf ab yf rb jggbujca lc mijrr atja tf aegcfv j yilcv fsf ab atf afjmtfg. 

Ol Qfl jcv Ite Qfcyb kfgf jirb meglber, yea atfs vlvc’a tjnf ecmbcagbiijyif wbeatr ilxf Mjaas Ljc, rb atfs vlvc’a ajxf atf lclaljalnf ab jrx.

Lin Dongyang was all right. It seemed that the teacher didn’t teach him just now. He still looked as usual, “I just saw something funny. By the way, say, what gift is better for boys?”

After being named and lectured by the teacher, he didn’t dare to play with his mobile phone any more, and he didn’t find a suitable gift before.

Fatty Han caught a small hidden meaning in the words, and a malicious smile rose from the corners of his mouth. He replied in an annoying tone. “Send to who? It can’t be your Little Junior Brother.” 

Listening to Fatty Han’s tone, Lin Dongyang knew that his mind was crooked again and was too lazy to explain. He couldn’t touch Fatty Han’s brain circuit. It would only get darker and darker, so he directly admitted and said, “If you take someone’s things, you have to return something.”

In the back where Lin Dongyang couldn’t see, Fatty Han and Li Wei looked at each other with a sneaky smile and saw a tacit understanding in each other’s eyes.

Fatty Han: “Yang-zi, I have a suggestion. What do you think of the wristwatch?”


Li Wei understood and agreed. “That’s right ah, wristwatch shows a lot of temperament. Everyone is a man, and doesn’t wear any other jewelry all over the body. You don’t know how tall and heavy he is. If he is of such a fat physique, the clothes you buy are small. Isn’t it ridiculing him for being fat?”

Han Fatty got shot while laying down for no reason, and his eyes immediately killed his ally Li Wei. “Why me, I’m 1.82 meters! Strong, and I’m proud!”

Zhu Wenbo made a difficult joke once, and said it plainly, “If it’s a fat man like this, Yang-zi probably won’t be able to hold it down.”

The three laughed heartily, only Lin Dongyang’s face was black, and sure enough, the bad friend could rely on the sow to climb the tree. 

Several people gossiped naughtily and returned to the dormitory. Along the way, the three took turns brainwashing Lin Dongyang, which successfully made Lin Dongyang feel that it was better to send a wristwatch.

Lin Dongyang’s dormitory had upper and lower bunks. Opposite the bed was a wardrobe and study desk for four people. There were four notebooks in four places. Lin Dongyang threw the textbook on his desk and opened the notebook to search in ‘Mobao’.

Fatty Han leaned over with the chair directly, stretched out his round head, looked straight at the computer screen, and said he wanted to help Lin Dongyang pick.

After turning over two or three pages of the product list, Fatty Han pointed to the computer screen and said, “Click here and have a look, that’s it, the sapphire blue.” 

Lin Dongyang clicked on the product link. The picture showed a very delicate watch: a silver buckle, a sapphire blue dial, engraved with the time value represented by Roman numerals, neat and generous, giving a low-key luxury.

Fatty Han praised. “Cool! This is good.”

Lin Dongyang also thought it was good, he agreed with both color and style, it was the price…

Price: 750RMB 

Lin Dongyang shook his head. “Can’t afford it, can’t afford it, change.” When he said that, he was about to cross the product interface.

Fatty Han grabbed the mouse and explained anxiously: “Since you are giving it away, you can’t drop the price too much, right? If you have no money, this brother will lend it to you ah.”

Lin Dongyang: “Can I not return it?”

Fatty Han released the mouse: “Then forget I said that sentence.” 

“Fake brotherhood.” Lin Dongyang took the mouse again and looked at the product details page. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He sighed. “This watch costs me 750 yuan. I can’t afford to eat for the next half month. The key is to invite you to drink on Friday night. Really a house! …House what rains?” The words got stuck at the edge of his mouth.

“House seemingly endless rain” Zhu Wenbo came to the rescue

“Yes, that’s what it says. Worthy of being a top student in the class.” Lin Dongyang nodded in praise.

When Li Wei heard about buying a drink, Li Wei took over the conversation, “You can’t avoid this, it’s only once a year, it’s a must.” 

Fatty Han and Li Wei reached a consensus, “Yang-zi‘s birthday, don’t go back until you get drunk!”

Lin Dongyang gritted his teeth. “You group of dogs!”

Lin Dongyang’s family was ordinary, not rich but not poor. His mother was a primary school Chinese teacher, and his father ran some small businesses, so his life wasn’t strict. His family also only had him as a son, and naturally his rations wouldn’t be deducted. Lin Dongyang himself didn’t ask his family for more money. Therefore, his parents also praised him as sensible and knew that he loved his parents. Both elders were very happy.

Fatty Han put his legs up on his desk and swayed against the back of the chair, regardless of the chair’s feeling. 

“Can a living person still be suffocated by urine? Have you forgotten that there is a brother Wen in our dormitory who knows how to make money!”

This inspired Lin Dongyang, who turned to look at the quiet Zhu Wenbo and asked, “Brother Wen, is there any way to make money for me? This brother is a little squeamish in his pocket and needs to earn some food to make a living.”

Zhu Wenbo made an ‘OK’ gesture, and then sent a message to the part-time group. After a moment, someone replied. He showed Lin Dongyang his mobile phone and explained, “The weekend is full, There is only a part-time job on Thursday afternoon. Do you want to do it?”

Among the four people, Zhu Wenbo was born in a poor family. The three of them took two thousand living expenses every month, but Zhu Wenbo’s highest living expenses was only about one thousand. In college, it cost money to eat and drink three meals, one thousand wouldn’t last for a month. He didn’t smoke, drink or gamble. He had added many part-time workers. While he was at school, he used his spare time to do odd jobs to earn some extra money. It could be said that he was excellent in both morals and studies! 

Lin Dongyang didn’t understand the content and asked, “What’s this for? Send flyers?”

Zhu Wenbo: “No, it’s to act as mascot.”


Zhu Wenbo explained. “It is more interesting to act as a mascot in doll clothes and interact with others than handing out flyers. Now we need two part-time workers. The time is from 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. this Thursday. The salary is 200 yuan. If you go, I will reply to him.” 

“Where is it?” Lin Dongyang asked.

Zhu Wenbo: “Athena International Building Shopping Mall, take the No. 6 bus for about 20 minutes, it is not too far.”

“OK, for two people? Who will be with me, I don’t want to…” Lin Dongyang hadn’t done a part-time job and was eager to try, but he always wanted to find an acquaintance around him for the first time.

Zhu Wenbo waved his hand. “I can’t communicate well and can’t interact with others.” 

Li Wei: “Don’t look at me. I’m not going. What mascot? That kind of meng thing, I can’t act like that.”

Lin Dongyang shifted his gaze to Fatty Han, and Fatty Han shuddered fiercely. “What are you looking at, my figure is so big that the doll’s clothes are bursting, and instead of making money, I will lose money.”

Zhu Wenbo had already booked these two places and successfully counted Fatty Han, and then sent a screenshot of the location to Lin Dongyang.

Fatty Han said, “… Alright, I will accompany you to experience life, anyway, there is no class on Thursday afternoon.” 

The matter was settled in this way. Lin Dongyang communicated with the customer service not to put the price list in the express. He filled in Qiao Yichen’s mobile phone and name, and the delivery address was written at Nanhai University, and then he happily paid the payment. There was a courier collection point on the campus, and Lin Dongyang wasn’t afraid that he wouldn’t receive it.