On the night of his birthday, Lin Dongyang pulled out two bright red banknotes in his pocket, and said in his heart: The first pot of gold in his life is about to leave him before it can be covered in his heat.

It wasn’t easy to make some money. Last time in the Athena Shopping City, Lin Dongyang didn’t dare to keep looking at his mobile phone after learning that Qiao Yichen was in the same place. No matter what Qiao Yichen said, he didn’t reply until the end of his work at 8pm in the evening. He just took off the oversized auspicious costume and ended the day in a panic with the work pay given by his boss, and the experience was very poor! 

Lin Dongyang knew clearly that even if they bumped into each other, they were strangers and didn’t know each other, but the word ‘to feel guilty as a thief’ always had its forming meaning, and Lin Dongyang had a guilty conscience.

The three roommates unanimously agreed to go to the night market stalls on Changming Street. They weren’t interested in any hotel or KTV. They liked this down-to-earth place, bustling with activities, and could order liquor, openly eat and drink.

Changming Street was about one kilometer away from Nanhai University. It took only ten minutes to walk. There were small restaurants during the day and food stalls at night. It was a paradise for nearby citizens. Every night, the scene was popular, and the most important thing was that the food wasn’t expensive! In other barbecue shops, they couldn’t buy this amount for the same amount of money.

The bellows puffed smoke, and the smell of barbecue floated in the air, making people drool. Although he shouted that he couldn’t eat more junk food, his body was very honest, kidney sausage tenderloin, abalone oyster crayfish, string after string, leaving oil in the mouth, unable to resist the temptation of junk food. 

The small stalls were full of customers. The four of them waited for a while before they found a place to sit down. The boss’ wife came up enthusiastically to greet and handed over the menu. Fatty Han ordered a lot of meat skewers and shouted to the boss’ wife to put out three jugs of beer first!

In an instant, the boss’ wife smiled more openly, squeezed her old face into an old wrinkle, and expressed her happiness with a strong smiling face.

The boss’ wife quickly placed the beer. Lin Dongyang’s eyelids raised and said, “Fatty Han, aren’t you afraid going to drink to death here?”

He was an average drinker and didn’t touch alcoholic drinks every day. With a 3L capacity, he would be unconscious after drinking at most one-third of it. Fatty Han just put it up for three jugs, and he estimated that he would go to school lying down.

Zhu Wenbo never drank or smoked. They all knew this in their dormitory, so they didn’t make it difficult for him, so he directly gave him coke instead. Besides, if the three of them laid down, they would have to leave a person to collect the corpses. Zhu Wenbo was their dedicated ‘corpse collector’. Every class party or birthday party, Zhu Wenbo alone took the three back to the dormitory, Fatty Han doubted how his small body had endured so many times. Regarding this question, Zhu Wenbo responded indifferently: “Person can be forced out.”

Fatty Han replied, “What are you afraid of? Anyway, there will be no classes tomorrow, it’s Saturday. How comfortable it is to get drunk and have a good sleep!” He filled the glass and immediately smothered it in one gulp. Like drinking a cold drink, he guessed that it went down before he could even taste it.

Li Wei replied, “Fatty is a heavy drinker. Yang-zi, don’t compete with him. Drink as much as you can, just have a happy birthday.”

The meat skewers came up one plate after another, and the whole table was filled. Everyone was happy today, and it was great fun to clink glasses and eat skewers. In the early stage, the three of them were normal, but in the later stage, their styles changed suddenly, and their brain was filled with alcohol, which had swallowed the IQ of the three of them, turning the other party into a mentally handicapped person who didn’t know what they spoke. 

They didn’t know who started it. They turned the topic to ‘falling in love’. Fatty Han, a veteran single dog, was jabbed on the table and began to cry sadly. “Every time my mother called, she told me to find a girlfriend, Wuwuwu, if I can find it, do I need to hurry?”

After speaking, he picked up a bunch of skewers closely intertwined and stuffed it crisply into his mouth, wiping tears as he played with the skewer, how funny it looked.

Ol Qfl rtbbx tlr tfjv jcv rffwfv ab yf bea bo tlr wlcv. Lf qblcafv ab Mjaas Ljc jcv rjlv, “Lftf, sbe tjnf ab ibrf kfluta. Tbe’gf abb oja.”

“P vbc’a cffv sbe ab afii wf lo P cffv ab ibrf kfluta.” Mjaas Ljc jcuglis raeoofv jcbatfg mtlmxfc klcu lcab tlr wbeat. 

Lin Dongyang’s eyes were blurred, and he grabbed his mobile phone and flipped through the chat records for the three people. He showed off in front of the sad Fatty Han and said, “I have someone chasing me, but I don’t want it! I will always be the brother you can’t get!”

Hearing that, the single Fatty Han cried even more heartbreakingly.

Some people around the tables glanced at their side curiously. Zhu Wenbo ate quietly and drank coke, and listened calmly to the raspy shrewd roommates, blablabla… and became accustomed to it.

Zhu Wenbo was the only one of the four people who didn’t drink at all. Looking at the three staggering people on the table, his brain hurt. He knew it would be like this, and he would come to clean up the mess when the three people were drunk. Fortunately, Lin Dongyang and Li Wei were thin, he could still go back to pick them one by one, but if the five third years university student as thick as Fatty Han laid on the ground, it would be like a dead pig, and he could only be pulled back by dragging. 

Fatty Han staggered to his feet, drank the last glass of beer, and shouted boldly, “Today’s meal is on me, so don’t fight with me!” After saying that, the one who stumbled with his left and right foot had to pay. Zhu Wenbo was afraid that he would have a bruise and swollen face when he fell. His face was already quite round, and he couldn’t see it even after falling.

Zhu Wenbo’s thin shoulders resisted the heavy mission. He stretched out his hand to stop the taxi, and then stood Lin Dongyang on the left and Li Wei on the right. After arranging for them to rear the place to stop the taxi, he came to drag Fatty Han. Without getting drunk into a muddy puddle, he could still stumble and walk, otherwise if he laid down, he wouldn’t be able to move him forward to the taxi.

When the taxi driver saw that Zhu Wenbo was busy arranging three people, he said with some appreciation. “It’s not easy, young man.”

Zhu Wenbo sighed and resigned himself. “I’m used to it.” 

Nanhai university campus could let taxis and private cars in and out. The taxi drove directly to dormitory building no. 6 before stopping. Zhu Wenbo paid for the car, and then drove them up the stairs. Fatty Han himself staggered behind.

Dormitory buildings in Nanhai University were arranged according to the number, from No.1 to No.9, and their dormitory name was 6403, which stood for Room 03 on the fourth floor of Building No.6, but they were used to ignoring the number of buildings in front and directly calling it 403 in the back.

Opening the dormitory door, Zhu Wenbo first put Li Wei on his own bed, and then put Lin Dongyang on Fatty Han’s bed.

Their beds were side by side, Li Wei and Fatty Han slept in the lower bunk, and Zhu Wenbo and Lin Dongyang slept in the upper bunk, but now Lin Dongyang was so drunk that he could not climb up at all, so Zhu Wenbo put him on Fatty Han’s bed and waited for him to sober up. 

Zhu Wenbo rubbed his soft arms, and the combination of both of them nearly crushed him.

Lin Dongyang moved and seemed to want to turn over, but in the end, he only moved and failed, and the phone in his pocket just slipped out. Zhu Wenbo was afraid that he would crush the screen, so he picked it up and put it on the opposite table.

Fatty Han slipped into the dormitory, directly pulled a chair and sat down with his eyes closed and his head tilted.

The screen lit up with a ‘Ding Dong’ sound, and Lin Dongyang fell asleep, while Fatty Han opened his unfocused eyes. He laid down on the table and stared at the mobile phone screen. After swaying for a long time, he finally got a clear look at the contents on the screen. 

[Senior sister]

Fatty Han opened his mouth and gave a series of creepy laughter, as if he was out of breath as he followed intermittently, not to mention how scary it was.


Zhu Wenbo always had a bad feeling. Fatty Han wasn’t serious when he was normal, let alone when he was drunk. 

Sure enough, in the twinkling of an eye, he was poking at the mobile phone screen with a smirk. Zhu Wenbo immediately took it, and a sentence had already been sent in the dialogue. Although there were a few unrelated words in the middle, and felt very confusing after reading it, but it would be obvious after reading it a few times. Fatty Han wrote should be:

[baobei, I LOVE YOU!]

Zhu Wenbo immediately withdrew this message, but it was still too late. The other party seemed flattered that there was a sense of caution in the sentence.

[Senior sister, you… agreed?] 

Zhu Wenbo was about to reply: Brother, you read it wrong, but Fatty Han pulled his clothes and said vaguely, “Brother Wen, Yang-zi‘s…long-life event, we have to help him, we have to help…”

Zhu Wenbo: “Don’t meddle randomly.”

Fatty Han poured a glass of cold mineral water on the table directly into his stomach, and the cold feeling flowed down his throat to his abdomen. In an instant, all his bones felt cool, and he spoke quickly, “Today is Yang-zi‘s birthday. We have to surprise him, don’t you think it would be nice to give him a boyfriend.”

Fatty Han firmly believed that Lin Dongyang liked this little junior brother but was afraid to open his mouth for fear of being abandoned after revealing his secret, so he secretly complained about unrequited love through the Internet. It sounded so sad that he wanted to help his brother get out of unrequited love! If he liked anything, got it first. 

Zhu Wenbo: “It’s good, but Yang-zi, he…”

Fatty Han: “We agreed at the beginning that we wanted to help Yang-zi, right? Listen to me, just write it like this.”

After he spoke, Fatty Han pulled off his collar, revealing half of his round shoulders, blinked at Zhu Wenbo several times, pinched his throat and matched his slightly tipsy expression, saying, “Junior brother, do you want a lovely and charming me?”

Zhu Wenbo almost spit out the grilled skewers he had just eaten. Fatty Han, who was drunk, his coquettishness was out of a certain level, which was really beyond Zhu Wenbo’s tolerance. He had seen the most spicy sight in his lifetime! 

“Send it! What are you doing? My pose is already good.” Fatty Han urged.

It was a shame that Zhu Wenbo wouldn’t do it! Fatty Han grabbed the phone, and then took a sip of cool drink to wake up some dizzy heads, and ‘dadada’ typed a line of words, which was short, terrible and rude!

[Be my boyfriend!]

It was quiet for a long time over there, and maybe he was frightened by this kind of conversation. After all, all he received before were rejections. 

[Little Junior Brother]: Senior sister, have you considered it clearly?

[Consider what ah, just agree and the matter is finished.]

[Little Junior Brother]: Although I don’t know much about senior sister, I am very happy that senior sister agrees.

[What do you want to know?] Fatty Han enjoyed chatting while drinking, and Zhu Wenbo watched it with relish. Only Lin Dongyang, who was sleeping, didn’t know it yet. When he woke up, he had a boyfriend. 

[Little Junior Brother]: I want to know everything about senior sister.

Fatty Han put down the mobile phone, took out a measuring tape from his drawer, and put it on Lin Dongyang’s body, making a laborious gesture, saying three sizes, which were exactly Lin Dongyang’s measurements.

Zhu Wenbo suppressed a smile and said, “Is the chest small? Don’t let that junior brother feel that Yang-zi’s chest is inadequate ah.”

Fatty Han patted his thigh, “Right ah, then add more to the chest measurement, creating a big chest and outstanding b*ttocks.” 

Fatty Han re-calculated the numbers and sent them together with one sentence: [Take a look at the three measurements?]