Waking up, Lin Dongyang only felt heavy eyelids and a splitting headache, and there was no comfort all over his body, while Fatty Han’s two thick legs were pressing on his legs at this time.

“He’s dead.” Lin Dongyang wanted to push him away, but his arms were sore and his whole body was weak. He could only slap Fatty Han’s thigh with a loud slap. 

Han Fatty was groaning in his dream, and his instinct to protect from the pain made him move from the harm place. Lin Dongyang was able to get out of bed.

He had no impression of how he came back last night. He only remembered that Fatty Han and Li Wei poured him one after another, and then naturally got drunk.

Lin Dongyang frowned and smelled his body. There was a strong smell of barbecue and alcohol. After coming back last night, he didn’t realize it at all. Zhu Wenbo helped him take off his coat and shoes, and then let him sleep in Fatty Han’s lower bunk all night.

Lin Dongyang couldn’t stand the heavy smell that choked his nose. He opened his wardrobe and took out a change of clothes, then went into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, chilled his heavy head with cold water and began to wash. 

The dormitory of Nanhai University was equipped with a separate toilet and bathroom. Although it was a little simple, at least every dormitory had it, so it was much more convenient for students to wash. At this point, students from other colleges and universities in Anling City had expressed various envy. They were all public baths, and they couldn’t enjoy the ‘luxurious configuration’ of this single bathroom at all.

After finally removing the smell from his body, Lin Dongyang changed his clothes, went out of the bathroom and poured a cup of hot water.

All three roommates were just like dead pigs, especially Fatty Han, who turned over and started to snore, losing his mind!

Waking up drunk, he always felt very thirsty. Lin Dongyang had filled himself with three cups of hot water, but his headache wasn’t relieved at all. His throat was still hoarse and uncomfortable. With bursts of burning pain, his body was a little cold.

“Am I having a fever?” Lin Dongyang touched his forehead with the back of his hand, but his body temperature was still the same, and he couldn’t feel it. He looked at the time, 8:10am in the morning.

“Yang-zi, you’re up ah.” Zhu Wenbo stretched his head out of the bed rail on the upper bunk and asked Lin Dongyang, squinting his sleepy eyes. Because he had just woken up without glasses, Zhu Wenbo, who had been short-sighted seemed even more absent-minded, and his expression was a bit dull.

“En, my head hurts a bit, maybe I have a fever, and I can’t sleep anymore.” Lin Dongyang replied weakly.

“If it’s serious, I’ll accompany you to the infirmary to get some medicine.” Zhu Wenbo was about to get up. 

He was the only one who didn’t drink last night, and after dragging his roommate back, Li Wei and Lin Dongyang were very worry-free to sleep in bed, but Fatty Han was particularly able to toss around. Carrying people was physical and laborious, but taking care of people needed energy and was brain-consuming. After Fatty Han stopped, Zhu Wenbo washed up and went to sleep.

Lin Dongyang: “No, I’ll go by myself. By the way, remember to share the cake when you get up. This thing can’t be kept for a long time.”

The cake was ordered by Fatty Han and the three of them yesterday. They wanted to have a good time when they came back. As a result, they all got blackout drunk and placed it there.

Lin Dongyang rubbed his aching temples and went out of the dormitory with his student ID card. 

On Saturday morning, there weren’t many people on campus, either they got up early and went out for a date, or they were still sleeping.

Lin Dongyang entered the infirmary and measured his temperature. He actually had a high fever of 39 degrees. No wonder he felt chills and couldn’t lift up his energy.

Ktlcxlcu bo atf rmfcf ktfc tf kbxf eq lc atf wbgclcu, tf kjr bcis mbnfgfv klat j rwjii delia mbgcfg, jcv wbra bo tlr ybvs kjr fzqbrfv ab atf mbiv jlg. Mjaas Ljc kgjqqfv tlwrfio ilxf qbgx vewqilcur, ifjnlcu j tfjv ab ygfjatf bearlvf. Olc Gbcusjcu rajsfv eq jii cluta ilxf atja, fnfc lo tf vlvc’a tjnf j ofnfg, tf kjr ralii fzqbrfv ab mbiv kfjatfg. Ktf cluta lc wlv jcv ijaf Zjgmt kjr ralii nfgs mbiv.

The doctor took Lin Dongyang’s student ID card to register the patient information, and then gave him two bags of IV drip. 

During the infusion, Lin Dongyang boringly opened the mobile phone WeChat, only to find that there was a note of ‘Little Boyfriend’ at the top of the conversation list! And the avatar was just what Lin Dongyang was familiar with. A person with a backlight so the face couldn’t be seen clearly. It was estimated that he found the picture from the Internet.

Lin Dongyang: “F*ck! What happened?!”

Why did this ‘junior brother’ become a ‘boyfriend’ when he woke up??

He had a very bad premonition in his heart. With this premonition, he opened a dialogue. What came to his face was a large pile of chat records. Those imaginative words hit his face, which made Lin Dongyang not want to face it. 

Lin Dongyang was hanging a drip with one hand, but the other hand was shaking badly. He looked up a little bit. The more he looked, the more he wanted to pull out the needle in his hand, poke it on Fatty Han’s pig head, and put water on his brain!

“Die Fatty! I’ll peel your pig skin when I go back!”

This kind of full-screen coquettish words, besides the shameless Fatty Han, no one could do such a frenzied thing.

That sentence [baobei, I’m in art department third year class 1 oh] really poked Lin Dongyang’s heart. Fatty Han’s sentence cut off his hard-earned way to make a living. Under Fatty Han’s influence, he intuitively felt that he was getting closer and closer to death… 

Q: Is it too late to put him on the blacklist???

After reading the chat record, he couldn’t sit still and decided to save himself in case the other party didn’t take it seriously.

Lin Dongyang: [Are you there? I want to explain something to you]

Little Boyfriend: [Morning senior sister, what’s the matter] 

The other party replied quickly, Lin Dongyang had not yet organized the language.

Lin Dongyang: [It was about last night’s matter. I drank some alcohol on my birthday yesterday. My roommate took my mobile phone.]

For the first time, Lin Dongyang felt nervous when he chatted with Qiao Yichen, and his palms began to sweat, a little sticky and greasy.

Little Boyfriend: [Yesterday was your birthday? Sorry for being late, I wish you a happy birthday.] 

Once again, Qiao Yichen played his special function to automatically ignore.

Lin Dongyang: […Listen to me, I’m not going to date you, I didn’t say those words.]

Qiao Yichen sent a screenshot, the sentence ‘Be my boyfriend!’ It seemed to have its own light effect, and it was dazzling, almost blinding Lin Dongyang’s eyes.

Little Boyfriend: [This is what you said, I agree, do you want to back out?] 

Lin Dongyang wanted to cry without tears: [This is not what I said … I swear to God!] He was still struggling for his life. This was really not what he said.

[Art Department, third year, class 1, I remember] Qiao Yichen only answered this for his excuse.

Lin Dongyang was silent, it was his death. He had always hidden well before. At first, why Qiao Yichen sent flowers to the South Gate of the school in the morning wasn’t to preserve mystery, but because he didn’t know where Lin Dongyang’s dormitory. He only knew that he was in third year, but there were many departments in each year. Finding someone who only knew his family name was tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

Lin Dongyang felt that he was a piece of meat targeted by a wolf now, and he wouldn’t give up until he ate it. 

Lin Dongyang: [It makes my head hurt even more after talking to you]

He put down his mobile phone and rubbed his swollen temples, feeling very anxious in his heart. Why did this man keep staring at him?

At first, he thought about the fate of the game and the friendship with the same school. He wanted to act as an emotional guide, and vowed to save the lost teenager who was caught in the harm of online dating. Now, he’s good and went in by himself…

If time could be turned back, Lin Dongyang would definitely block and delete it. Saying: bye-bye to you. 

Little Boyfriend: [What’s the matter with you?]

Lin Dongyang: [Have fever]

Little Boyfriend: [Go to infirmary]

Lin Dongyang didn’t think too much and replied: [Already] 

Little Boyfriend: [Wait for me]

[???? what are you going to do?] Lin Dongyang’s back immediately stiffened and asked, but the other party didn’t reply after leaving a word. Lin Dongyang wasn’t calm.

[Qiao Yichen????]

[Qiao Yichen!!!!] 

“Don’t come here!” Lin Dongyang muttered to himself and looked around the infusion room. He was the only one who was on an IV drip in the infirmary early on Saturday morning, which clearly told him: Your senior sister is me, I’m your senior sister.

The infirmary was set up not far from the dormitory area, and it was also considered that if students had sudden symptoms, they could get timely treatment, but the current convenience had become the cause of Lin Dongyang’s panic. He calculated that the distance from the dormitory building to the infirmary was only a few minutes, and if the other party really wanted to come over, he couldn’t stop it.

He really hated this kind of action the most, he could do whatever he wanted. Why was he so hardworking!

“Doctor, doctor!” Lin Dongyang’s emotion was stirred up as he yelled. 

A male doctor in a white coat came over with a thick frown and an impatient look on his face and warned, “Don’t make any noise!”

“I want to pull out the needle.” Lin Dongyang spoke eagerly.

“What’s wrong?” the male doctor asked as soon as he heard that the patient wanted to pull out the needle. He thought it was physical discomfort after infusion. He immediately asked with concern. The school infirmary would never prescribe any heavy medicine to the students, just to see some minor ailments such as colds, fever, runny nose and so on. Students with serious diseases had to go to the regular hospital by themselves.

Lin Dongyang: “No, it’s urgent.” 

“How many milliliters have you just hung up? You haven’t even reached half of it. What’s urgent is that you can’t even treat your illness.” The doctor’s face changed again as soon as he heard that it wasn’t the medicine problem. He thought that today’s children were really mischievous. Their body was the capital of the revolution, but he didn’t care at all and recklessly exhausted his health.

“Don’t hang up, pull the needle for me now.”

No matter what the doctor said, Lin Dongyang insisted on pulling out the needle, but the doctor could not resist, so he had to pull out the needle and give him a two-day dose of oral medicine.

After Lin Dongyang took the medicine, he ran away in a hurry, as if there was a scourge behind him. 

Rongjing Bay was a high-end villa lot in Nanhai District of Anling City, which was also called the gathering place of gold owners. It was full of artificial beauty, rockeries, lakes and fountains, and even paving pebbles were arranged neatly.

At this time, a heavy locomotive came out of the special garage of a villa, and the black streamline felt like a vigorous panther waiting for a sprint, which surprised people that black could be so dazzling. The man sitting on the motorcycle was wearing a black helmet and his tall figure was so eye-catching that people couldn’t help wondering what kind of mysterious appearance he had under the helmet.

“Ge, where are you going?” A girl in a pink dress stood on the balcony on the second floor and asked the person below. Her long hair over her shoulder was soft and black, and her little face was delicate and lovely, as if she could exude a particularly sweet taste.

“Go to school.” Qiao Yichen propped up on one foot, looking back at Qiao Weiwei upstairs through the windshield of his helmet. 

“You have no class today, didn’t you just come back last night?”

“There’s something.”

He took out his mobile phone and saw more than a dozen unread messages on WeChat interface, all of which were sent by his senior sister, meaning she didn’t let him come over. She had already hung up her IV drip and left, even if he came, she wouldn’t appear, let alone for him to see.

Although it was a known result, he still twisted the motorcycle grip, started the engine, and rode off the dust. 

“You don’t lack money or face. Why do you insist on someone you’ve never met?” An Qi once asked him this.

Maybe it’s because of the little thing that isn’t worth mentioning when we met in the game. A person’s words can reflect a person’s heart, and Qiao Yichen wants to grasp that ethereal sense of belonging.