Lin Dongyang hung his legs outside the bed rail as he lay across the bed. He imagined his mobile phone as Qiao Yichen’s head and poked it hard.

[I don’t want anything] 

Qiao Yichen: [That won’t do]

Lin Dongyang: [What do you like about me? I’ll change it]

Qiao Yichen: [I like you because you don’t like me]

Lin Dongyang laughed angrily. Why didn’t he find that this bear child was very capable before? He was really good at disguising. 

[If this Laozi likes you, you just wait to cry!]

Qiao Yichen: [There’s not enough time to be happy]

For a moment, Lin Dongyang really wanted to send a voice message or call him directly, but his reason told him that he couldn’t do this or he would suffer…

It had been four months since he knew Qiao Yichen, and the other person had been showing off his well-behaved attitude from the very beginning. This had once made him think that he was a weak boy who only knew how to act like a spoiled child and could cry for a long time from a punch. Now, however, he was surprised to realise that the other party was originally a viper in seclusion. Quietly approaching the prey with a hypocritical mask, wrapping around the prey, and then attacking the most vulnerable part of the prey.

As he was now, he was being watched, and he didn’t know where the road waiting for him led.

Lin Dongyang spread his hands out looking as though ‘he likes to do whatever he wants’. He sighed and thought: When the boat comes to the bridge, it will come straight. Come on, let's hurt each other.

‘Ding dong’, his mobile phone rang again, and Lin Dongyang picked it up from where it had been thrown on the quilt.

Qiao Yichen: [I like the watch very much. The dress is just a birthday present, and I still have something for you. Just take it as a witness to our relationship.] 

Lin Dongyang: [I refuse!]

Qiao Yichen: [I already delivered the items to your class, and personally put it on your desk]

[Goodbye, blacklist, byebye.jpg]

Ktlr alwf, atf batfg qjgas rfca j obeg-rfmbcv nblmf wfrrjuf, jcv Olc Gbcusjcu’r tfjga atewqfv. Ktlr kjr atf olgra alwf atja Hljb Tlmtfc tjv rfca j nblmf wfrrjuf. Pc atf qjra, la kjr pera j mtja, klat j ugfja rfcrf bo vlrajcmf atja cfnfg mgbrrfv atf ybgvfg. Lf vlvc’a rjs jcsatlcu lo atf batfg qjgas vlvc’a jrx, yea cbk Hljb Tlmtfc kjr wbnlcu obgkjgv rafq ys rafq jcv mgbrrlcu atf ybgvfg, ktlmt tjv qertfv tlw ab tlr qglnjaf qijmf. 

He still clicked on the voice message as he wanted to hear what the other party would say. The low light chuckle came out through the mobile phone speaker: “It’s too late, I have the class and mobile phone number.” The implication was: I’m afraid you can’t run.

The voice was a little hoarse, and the slow speed was accompanied by a chuckle, with an unspeakable charm.

Lin Dongyang’s adrenaline soared and he got goose bumps. First, the other party’s voice really stimulated him. Second, he felt threatened and provoked.

He couldn’t help rubbing his arms, but he spat out: Do you chase girls like that, are you not afraid to scare girls into tears? 

Lin Dongyang had demonized Qiao Yichen in his mind. The cute image of the little milk dog that he had imagined before had become a hideous demon with two horns on his head, holding a pitchfork with a scarlet tongue to threaten him.

Sending roses, sending famous brands, and then telling the other party ‘You must collect what I give’ without negotiating. Such a violent and brutal pursuit of the heart was simply an ideal overbearing president. How many girls could be pitted? But Lin Dongyang no longer wanted to emphasize that he was a man…

No, it’s not an overbearing president, it’s a threat, an open threat!

As soon as the voice fell over there, the roommates were like cats, smelling the fishy smell, looking at Lin Dongyang in unison, standing together with sneaky eyes and a grinning smile at the corners of their mouths. 

The three gossiped from clothes to love, and then from love to riches, and then compiled a series of dog blood drama plots. Give them a pen, they were estimated to be able to write a rich tyrannical romantic love story.

Fatty Han replied with crafty-looking expression, “F*ck, this voice is powerful ah!”

With a flat yet pompous, intellectual tone, Zhu Wenbo wagged his head, “The sound of jade, going around ceaselessly.”

Li Wei became vulgar, grabbing the edge of the upper bunk bed and excitedly saying, “This voice, love, love!” 

Lin Dongyang sat up, his legs dangling from the edge of the bed, and said with a straight face, “Then you subtitute me to become a gay ba. If you are beaten into a pig’s head, don’t look for me.”

Now Qiao Yichen gradually showed the momentum of being difficult to mess with. To tell the truth, Lin Dongyang felt a little alarmed in the bottom of his heart.

Fatty Han, “Hehe, we can’t seize our brother’s love.”

It was good if he didn’t speak. When he spoke, Lin Dongyang blew up. He grabbed the pillow and threw it at him directly, “Love your uncle! It’s all your fault, you’re a pit digger.” 

Fatty Han hugged the pillow and stepped back to keep a safe distance, then smiled, “My uncle belongs to my aunt. I don’t agree with this marriage.”

“Get lost!”

Li Wei was at his bedside. “Yang-zi, why don’t you just face it? the three of us are your strong backing, and we can’t let you be bullied by your little junior brother.”

Lin Dongyang: “Your strong backing? Even paper congee is stronger than you.” 

Fatty Han hugged the pillow and said, “Yang-zi will be the wife of a wealthy family in the future.”

“The wife of a wealthy family? I’m a little moved.” Lin Dongyang symbolically echoed. He had no idea about Fatty Han’s dog mouth that could not spit ivory, so he followed his words and said, “Fatty, you raise 200,000 yuan for me, and I will change my personality.”

“No, 200,000 yuan? You’re asking me to pick up junk and repay the loan for the rest of my life ah.” Fatty Han raised his hand and threw the pillow back onto Lin Dongyang’s upper bunk, then pulled out his chair at the study table and sat down. He took out a pack of melon seeds from a drawer full of snacks and cracked them to eat.

Li Wei stepped forward and grabbed a handful of melon seeds and said, “Actually, we can only let nature take its course. No matter what the result is, it represents fate. Be at ease, Yang-zi. It’s almost time for our internships after the summer vacation. At that time, you won’t see him even if you want to.” 

The senior students of Nanhai University would leave school in October, in the first half of the semester, and officially enter society to experience the cruelty of life.

Lin Dongyang carefully considered what Li Wei said, and found that he was right. After the summer vacation, he would be almost saying goodbye to the school. At that time, Qiao Yichen would still be a junior. When he looked at all these troubles from that perspective, he found that there was no need to tangle at all ah!

After realizing it, Lin Dongyang was suddenly enlightened. He held the quilt and rolled into the innermost bed, ready for a good night’s sleep. When he was about to fall asleep, he remembered one thing. Afraid that he would forget it after sleeping, he rolled over to the bedside and asked Fatty Han, who was eating melon seeds, “How much were the drinks that day?”

Lin Dongyang returned to the dormitory drunk on his birthday night, had a high fever the next day, and was frightened by Qiao Yichen, so he had completely forgotten about it. Later, when Zhu Wenbo said that Fatty Han paid for it, he asked. 

Fatty Han took a small, cone-shaped, paper basket folded by a piece of paper, spit out the melon seeds in his mouth and said, “Don’t talk to me about this, I’ll treat you, this brother has money.”

Lin Dongyang directly transferred him 500 yuan with an online payment platform, and said contemptuously, “It makes me uncomfortable to owe someone.”

Fatty Han shook the melon seeds and clicked his tongue. “It’s really different to have a local tyrant boyfriend.”

“Go to hell, eat melon seeds and keep your voice down, I want to sleep.” Lin Dongyang said, and then rolled to the inside of the bed to get ready to recharge his energy. 

In a flash, it was the end of the month. Lin Dongyang really received the ‘relationship evidence gift’ Qiao Yichen mentioned, a white brand-name bag. Lin Dongyang said he was exhausted. But as soon as he said no, Qiao Yichen threatened him with words like ‘come to your class and put it on your desk’.

Lin Dongyang finally put the dress and the bag in the wardrobe hidden behind layer after layer, treating it like an offering to the God, almost to the point of lighting three incense a day. Thinking of waiting for his senior year when he would leave school to then quietly send it back to Qiao Yichen. Qiao Yichen could reuse it in the future and give it to his girlfriend. Anyway, the label hadn’t been removed. It could only be seen but not worn by him, he was purely providing a temporary locker.

For a while, the wind and waves were calm and after he leaves school in the future, no matter how big the waves were, he wouldn’t be able to catch him.

The dream was really well developed, but the reality was very bony. Lin Dongyang really didn’t expect to fall off his horse so quickly. He was caught off guard. It was more than tragic! 


In this sleepy season, the school leaders waved their hands and made a major decision—— to hold the school sports meeting in advance and advocate for the all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. Let the body and mind exercise, and don’t be listless every day in the beautiful time when the weather is warm.

The school sports meeting, which was originally held in early May, was moved one month in advance, and it was decided to be held in early April instead.

The school leaders also broke their hearts for the healthy and sunny growth of the flowers of the motherland. They discussed breaking the regular rules of the school sports meeting, and specially announced that this year’s school sports meeting would be held with a special competition system. 

The competition was no longer comparing with other contestants of the same grade, but comparing with contestants of different grades. It sounded very exciting to compete across grades! Regardless of grade, only men and women were divided. What you win is not the honor of the class, but the honor of the grade.

At this moment, the head teacher of the third grade class of the Art Department was holding up his beer belly. The buttons on his plaid shirt were trembling with his belly, and he could hardly grasp the clothes. He knocked on the podium with the blackboard eraser signalling the students below to be quiet. Then, holding the competition schedule in one hand and a black pen in the other, he yelled out loudly, “Actively participate ah! Who else is willing to sign up for the men’s shot put competition? Raise your hand.”

The students below were whispering, but none of them were willing to sign up. Lin Dongyang sat in the middle of the classroom, with Fatty Han and Li Wei on both sides, and Zhu Wenbo sitting on the other side of Li Wei. At this time, the head teacher finished speaking and was waiting for his classmates to actively participate.

Fatty Han was bowing his head and concentrating on playing with his mobile phone. Lin Dongyang pushed him slightly with his hand under the desk and whispered, “Fatty, the class teacher is calling you.” 

The lie of ‘the wolf is coming’ can only be used to deceive three times. However, during the student period, there was a lie that would continue to be believed even if it was a deception a hundred times. For example: the teacher came and the teacher looked at you…

Classmate Fatty Han suffered greatly. Hearing that the teacher had called him, whether it was true or not, he stood up with a stupid face first, and then looked at the teacher in charge on the podium with this stupid face.

He was about to ask Lin Dongyang in a low voice why the class teacher called him but the class teacher pointed to him with the form and said to the other students, “Look, this is a good example to learn from. Sit down.”

Then he lowered his head and put a tick on the competition list with a pen, saying, “Han Xiaojie, shot put.”