Fatty Han then realized that he had been pitted. His ass had just hit the stool when it immediately bounced back up. He raised his hands and anxiously shouted, “Class teacher, I don’t want to sign up!”

The class teacher shook the form, making imaginary gestures of Fatty Han’s body shape, saying, “You’re huge, don’t waste manpower. Stop talking and win glory for the grade.” 

After finalizing the facts, Fatty Han curled into a soft, discouraged ball in his seat, thinking about life. Meanwhile Lin Dongyang could not help snickering next to him, lying on the table and making the table shake.

“Yang-zi, you pitted me.” Fatty Han looked at Lin Dongyang grievingly.

“Laoban is right. You shouldn’t waste your physique.” Lin Dongyang pursed his thin lips and pretended to be serious, but his words cracked as soon as he spoke.

“You wait!” 

On the podium, the class teacher pointed to the next competition and shouted, “3000 meters men’s track and field competition, one name, who is willing? Raise your hand.”

As soon as the class teacher’s voice fell, Fatty Han grabbed Lin Dongyang’s hand and raised it. He was so strong that Lin Dongyang couldn’t pull out his hand for a long time.

“Okay, Lin Dongyang, 3000 meters.”

Fatty Han let go after the teacher had finalized his decision. He shook his legs triumphantly and felt happy after getting ‘revenge’. Lin Dongyang just stretched out his hand to scratch him, and they immediately pinched each other under the table.

Li Wei, who had stayed out of the matter, saw this scene and was secretly amused. He was instantly targeted by both of them.

Class Teacher: “Javelin throw, who wants to sign up?”

Both men who had just pinched each other stopped at the same time, and from an enemy to a friendly force, reached a consensus in a very short time. They pointed to Li Wei and shouted in unison. “Class teacher, Li Wei wants to sign up!”

Li Wei immediately shook his hands, almost shook his head into a swell, and strongly explained to the class teacher that he was unwilling, but the class teacher on the podium was disapproving and directly ticked his name on it. 

Li Wei gritted his teeth, and the two people pinching each other became three.

This pitting drama caused other students in the class to burst into laughter, and even the class teacher couldn’t help laughing and saying, “By recommending talents like this, you have saved me from a lot of work ah.”

Looking at this trend of pitting each other, Zhu Wenbo always felt that no matter what the next competition was, the three people would point at him and force him to sign up.

Therefore, before the teacher said the next competition, he gave his pitting roommates a preventive measure, lying on the table and saying to the three people, “Let me off! I’ll be your logistics. I will bring you tea and water and work extremely hard!” Sure enough, this condition made his pitting roommates excited, and he managed to escape from their clutches. 

Coafg atf wfc’r mbwqfalalbc qjgalmlqjcar kfgf rfifmafv, la kjr atf kbwfc’r mbwqfalalbc. Ktf qgbqbgalbc bo ulgir lc atf jga vfqjgawfca kjr atf tlutfra lc atf rmtbbi, cfjgis vbeyif atja bo atf ybsr lc atf jga vfqjgawfca. Ktfgf kjr j rfglber vfmilcf lc slc jcv sjcu, yea atf raevfcar lc atf jga vfqjgawfca gfis bc atlr ab wjxf atf qfbqif bcilcf ktb ifjgc JRJ wjmtlcf abbir pfjiber! Dfmjerf atfs wluta cba fnfc tjnf j ofwjif lc atflg mijrr.

Unexpectedly, the women’s registration soon ended. The female students in the art class were even more enthusiastic than the male students, competing to raise their hands for registration. The class teacher’s gratifying feelings: women strive for self-improvement and the women in ancient times compared favorably with men in terms of ability ah. But the male students are different, they shouted deeply in their hearts: they are all a group of masculine women!

The class teacher announced the matters needing attention and the competition time. They didn’t know what was wrong with the school leaders. The sports meeting, which used to be held on Saturday, was held this Friday. Beautiful words say: let the students combine work and rest, we cannot occupy the students’ normal Sunday time. If the whole grade stops classes on Friday, it is bound to be vigorous.

On the day of the school sports meeting, the usually empty sports ground was packed and not one drop of water could trickle through. There was a sea of people as far as the eyes could see and when the short people were forced into this sea even the tops of their heads couldn’t be seen. 

In order to avoid too much congestion affecting the competition the school divided the competition into noon and afternoon games. Lin Dongyang and Fatty Han were both competing in the noon games while Li Wei’s competition was in the afternoon.

At around 10am, Fatty Han, who had just come out of the field, flung back his head confidently, and made an OK gesture to Lin Dongyang.

“Yang-zi, give me a bottle of water.”

It was not Lin Dongyang’s turn to compete in the track and field competition, so he stayed at the free water supply place in his competition suit, which happened to be very close to the shot put field. He also watched the game just now. Fatty Han was really worthy of his body and performed very well. After watching it for a long time, Lin Dongyang didn’t find anything farther than what Fatty Han threw. 

Lin Dongyang picked up a bottle of mineral water and threw it in the direction of Fatty Han. Unexpectedly, it was thrown too high. Fatty Han surprisingly avoided it. The bottle of mineral water that was still flying in midair hit the head of the passing person directly.

Lin Dongyang roared in his heart: Dead Fatty, you were born to pit me!

The man covered his head, repressed his anger, looked over and asked fiercely, “Do you have eyes?”

Lin Dongyang felt that the person in front of him was a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen him. He smiled and raised his hand to apologize. It was really unintentional. 

“Big brother, are you alright?” Fatty Han asked, then bent down to pick up the mineral water on the ground and said to Lin Dongyang, “You should’ve thrown it low, but you threw it so high, my arm is too sore to lift up.”

Lin Dongyang had the heart to crush Fatty Han to death, but it wasn’t easy to attack in front of others.

“It’s you again.” The man said.


Just when Lin Dongyang was wondering how this guy knew him, a male classmate with dyed chestnut hair ran up to the man’s shoulder and smiled with a sunny face. He was wearing a special competition suit for this sports meeting. After seeing Lin Dongyang, he stared with wide eyes and said surprised, “Eh? Senior, you’re also taking part in the sports meeting ah.”

The school uniformly distributed a set of specially designed competition suits to the contestants of the school sports meeting, which also showed that the venue was more formal and grand. The bright red national flag color could be recognized at a glance in the crowd. Other students would know: Oh, this is a contestant of the sports meeting.

Lin Dongyang recognized the man who had taken the initiative to ask him questions in the canteen.

“Hello.” Lin Dongyang took the initiative to greet. 

“What a coincidence, we meet again.” An Qi replied happily.

Qiao Yichen next to him snorted and looked away. He still felt a faint pain in the place where he was hit.

“What’s the matter? What’s wrong with you two?” An Qi looked back and forth between the two people, and smelled a subtle smell.

He knew Qiao Yichen, and although he had a bad temper and a bad personality, he usually didn’t scowl coldly towards people he didn’t know. It must be this capable senior who provoked the demon. 

Lin Dongyang responded with a smile and unconsciously clenched both of his hands as he voluntarily admitted his mistake. “I accidentally hit him, sorry.”

“Oh, it’s alright senior, it’s all fate.” An Qi acted as a peacemaker and replied politely while still hooking Qiao Yichen’s shoulder.

Fatty Han stared at Qiao Yichen with his round eyes for a long time, before he sighed, “Isn’t it… the rich junior brother!”

Lin Dongyang’s head was full of black lines. Fatty Han must only remember that he stepped on the limited edition shoes. At this time, he really ‘mentioned the pot that doesn’t boil’. 

An Qi laughed, patted Fatty Han’s round shoulder and said, “This nickname is good, this one is indeed quite rich, and I’m jealous.”

Fatty Han cupped both of his hands and shamelessly said, “Confidant, confidant.”

Qiao Yichen had an unbearable expression. He frowned and patted the arm that was hooking on his shoulder before walking away arrogantly again.

An Qi: “Ha ha, he has such a bad temper. Senior, don’t mind him. Good luck in the competition ah!” After saying that, he waved goodbye, turned, and went after his friend. 

“Thank you.” Lin Dongyang has a good impression of this classmate An. He was handsome, sunny and kind in character, and liked to communicate with others. There must be endless topics when making friends with such people. While the other one, he felt that he was too unfriendly, and didn’t dare to provoke him. He suspected that he was a ‘cactus’ with thorns all over his body.

Lin Dongyang and Fatty Han went to a place specially designed for contestants to rest. They sat down next to each other. Fatty Han’s competition was over, waiting for the final result to come out, while the track and field competition was only halfway through and Lin Dongyang was still waiting to compete.

The red rubber track was divided into six small runways by white lines. There were two students in each grade and after one round of competition, the next round would start where the same three grades would be mixed. Finally, according to the total competition timing, the top three would be decided.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Fatty Han drank a bottle of water, and finally it was Lin Dongyang’s turn to compete. On the rubber track, the referee ticked off the names of the new round of contestants. 

“First grade, Liu Hao.”


“First grade, Li Haojian.”


“Second grade, Qiao Yichen.”



On the field, Lin Dongyang was shocked after hearing this name! He immediately turned to look. It was just one look, it didn’t matter, but yet his legs were almost all soft. The man who answered was the enemy he accidentally hit by throwing mineral water just now! 

Lin Dongyang’s brain was blank. A series of ‘Who am I? Where am I? What happened?’ was ringing in his head. He didn’t even hear the referee calling his name.

“Which is third grade, Lin Dongyang!” The referee, with a muscled body and tanned skin, shouted loudly with the list. Doing his duty, for fear that the names wouldn’t match, and the final report card would go wrong.

“Oh, here!” Lin Dongyang reacted and immediately raised his hand to signal that he was there.

Qiao Yichen glanced at him faintly and snorted again, showing inexplicable hostility. 

Lin Dongyang started doing preparatory movements, hypnotizing himself in his heart: it may be the same name but the school is so big, he couldn’t be so unlucky… The more he talked, the more frustrated he felt.

As the shooting sound was heard, all six people chose jogging with the lowest consumption, which was beneficial to this prolonged war.

There was a lot of noise outside the field. The shouts were getting louder and louder and the 400-meter circle of the runway was full of onlookers. With the passage of time, the competition was also gradually coming to an end, to the final sprint stage. Lin Dongyang already felt that he couldn’t hold up.

At present, his position ranked second, the first one was the guy with thorns all over, and the rest of the soft-footed shrimps weren’t to be feared.