editor: Storm

Lin Dongyang tried his best to adjust his breathing. As he ran, his sweat fell rapidly, drop by drop, wetting the eyelashes along the corners of his eyes and blurring his vision. He stretched out his hand to wipe off the sweat on his face, and planned to make a final sprint. If he didn’t speed up, he wouldn’t be able to catch up with first place. 

Only the last lap was left.

But what happened next was exasperating and funny. Lin Dongyang sped up his sprint, but every time he was about to catch up with Qiao Yichen, he was ridiculed by his opponent, who then accelerated to throw him off just when Lin Dongyang was eager to pass him. This process had already been repeated twice.

The opponent seemed to slow down deliberately and wait for him to catch up. But just when he thought he could finally surpass the opponent to get first place, his opponent relentlessly poured cold water on his optimism and left behind a sarcastic smile to give him a taste of despair.

Even the audience outside the venue could see that the first place was deliberately teasing the second place. 

Lin Dongyang was so angry that he could still laugh when he had been running for so long! Is he still a human?! Such an obvious provocation, I can’t stand it ah!

He used the last of his strength to fight back. He couldn’t be ridiculed by the sophomore in vain. However, when he caught up with Qiao Yichen again, the other party didn’t give him a sarcastic smile, but instead opened his mouth and said, “Weak chicken.”

“I…” Lin Dongyang, who was deprived of oxygen due to long-distance running, nearly backed away. Before a swear word was uttered, his breathing was already chaotic and disordered, only panting, but the person who called him a weak chicken had run away freely and easily!

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, took a few deep breaths, and then stared at the back of the person in front of him. He gritted his teeth abruptly, and started up his fire power.

But in the end, he was still second, only 1.02 seconds away from first place. After running 3000 meters, Lin Dongyang only felt that the sky was spinning, the soles of his feet were stepping on cotton, and his legs couldn’t help shaking. He didn’t have any extra energy to find Qiao Yichen. With Fatty Han’s support, he walked slowly and shakily to relieve the dizziness symptoms.

The final ranking would be announced after the afternoon session. With Fatty Han’s support, Lin Dongyang walked slowly for about ten minutes before daring to stop and have a rest. Although his legs were weak, his mouth wasn’t idle. He kept scolding Fatty Han for pitting him all the way.

Seeing his floating legs, Fatty Han involuntarily felt ashamed. He didn’t retort or scold back, and said with conscience, “For a week, you shouldn’t get out of bed, this ge will take care of you in the future.”

“It’s not easy to make you say this sentence…” Lin Dongyang shook his legs and spoke with relief. 

After sitting down, Lin Dongyang immediately relaxed his legs. He felt that his whole person was light and the pain was relieved so his thoughts began to be distracted. He thought of the name called by the referee just now—— Qiao Yichen.

Dbat atf cjwf jcv atf ugjvf wjamt, jcv tf kjr j ilaaif yla mbcnlcmfv, fnfc 60% mbcnlcmfv, yea ecali tf ogjcxis ojmfv atf mbcolgwjalbc atfgf kjr ja ifjra 40% bo tlw atja yfilfnfv la kjr lwqbrrlyif.

If this is really the person… that little milk dog in my imagination would be nonsense. This person has a bad heart!

Olc Gbcusjcu atbeuta lc tlr tfjga, pera bcf qecmt mbeiv wjxf tlw mgs. Ktlr wbatfgo*mxfg mbeiv wjxf tlw mgs klat j rlcuif olra! Ktf rilutais ajiifg oluegf atjc Mjaas Ljc wjvf tlw lcralcmalnfis offi j rfcrf bo bqqgfrrlbc. Snfc tlr ojmf gfnfjifv j vbwlcjcmf jcv qbrrfrrlbc, ktlmt wera tjnf yffc yjv ab atf ybcf. 

But there was still a 40% survival rate, no need to panic.

After Lin Dongyang and Fatty Han helped each other back to the dormitory, Li Wei had just gotten up, and Zhu Wenbo was holding his laptop and binge-watching under the quilt. Fatty Han who looked at this situation was jealous. They got up in the morning and were busy with the competition. One threw a shot put and got a sore arm and the other ran until his legs cramped. How come these two fools are fine!

“You guys have come back, how was it?” Zhu Wenbo looked away from his laptop and looked at the two people who came in.

“What about being our logistics! Serving tea and water! Working extremely hard!” Fatty Han was envious and jealous. 

Zhu Wenbo smiled and paused the Wuxia drama he was watching. He pointed to Li Wei and said to Fatty Han, “It’s just the two of you, and the two of us. I have to do Li Wei’s logistics in the afternoon.”

Li Wei had just taken off the towel he cleaned yesterday from the balcony, ready to wash his face and brush his teeth. After listening to this, he naturally said, “You guys pitted me in so you are not allowed to have a personal assistant.”

Lin Dongyang couldn’t hold on any longer. His legs had trembled when he came off the field and now they have begun to soften. He sat in a chair and kneaded his legs with both hands to relax his muscles.

It was past 11am. Li Wei and Zhu Wenbo got up to buy lunch, otherwise they would have lied down until the moment before the competition. They all belonged to the ducks, and needed to be hurriedly driven onto the perch. 

Lin Dongyang and Fatty Han had just returned from the competition. One couldn’t lift their hand and the other couldn’t move their legs, together they had more or less lost all of their energy, so Li Wei and Zhu Wenbo directly helped bring them food without saying anything.

After the four of them had eaten, Li Wei went to the school sports ground after a little preparation. He said he would go to see the game first and stimulate his blood. Zhu Wenbo also went with him, but said: After sleeping until noon, he had a backache, so he needed to exercise his muscles and bones, which made Fatty Han feel sour again.

After the 3,000-meter run, Lin Dongyang was still sweating, and water could already be twisted out of the competition suit. At this moment, he only felt that his body was sticky, very uncomfortable, and there was a smell of sweat, which was really unbearable. So he took a set of clean clothes and walked into the bathroom, ready to wash away the sweat.


Qiao Yichen, who had also finished the race, was very tired, but overall he was still able to hold up well. He walked around in a corner of the slightly empty sports ground for about half an hour, and then went to rest in the lounge.

An Qi, running with vigorous steps, came bounding over. Compared with Qiao Yichen’s sweaty appearance, he was much more relaxed and didn’t even sweat.

“Let’s go, my high jump is over. Are you going back in the afternoon?”

An Qi was referring to going back to Rongjing Bay, not the dormitory. There was no competition for them in the afternoon, and the school didn’t have classes. Why should they stay in such a crowded sports ground? To eat dirt? 

Qiao Yichen nodded and said he would go back in the afternoon. An Qi sat down next to him and said, “Okay, I’ll tell the class teacher later. Let’s go back to the dormitory.”

The two had only walked halfway back when the class teacher called and said that they needed to request a leave form. An Qi couldn’t help but run back to the sports ground to write the leave form for both of them.

Qiao Yichen strolled alone on his way back, not anxious or impatient. He had no intention of waiting for An Qi, nor was he in a hurry to go back.

“You are a little fairy in the third grade of the Art Department, why do you run in places that smell like sweat?” A man’s obscene voice came from behind, followed by a shy smile from a girl feigning anger coquettishly. Her soft voice scratched the man’s heart and he wished to hold the beauty in his arms and ravage her on the spot. 

Liu Yiyi blushed, looking like an innocent little woman, and said, “Don’t be like this, we’re still human.”

“Okay, okay, okay, let’s go somewhere else, my little fairy, hehehe…” The man looked about thirty years old and his suit didn’t create the feeling of a gentleman, on the contrary, it showed a feeling of a beast in clothes.

Qiao Yichen looked over to where the girl’s voice came from. The first thing he saw wasn’t the girl’s bright face or her graceful figure, but the white bag she was carrying.

That bag was exactly the same as the one he gave to senior sister. 

In fact, this bag was very ordinary, except for the brand, it wasn’t a limited edition or a specific model, it was just a brand-name bag. But what was unusual was that he heard ‘Grade Three, Art Department, Class One’.

The same class, similar bag, how likely is it that it would be the same person?

Qiao Yichen stopped and watched the pretty girl with delicate and light makeup enter the man’s BMW car as the man closed the door of the driver’s seat.

Qiao Yichen’s line of sight was right at the back of the car. Looking through the rear window, he could clearly see the two people kissing fiercely inside. 

He couldn’t say how complicated his mood was, but there were some doubts and some hidden anger.

He took out his mobile phone and hovered over the mobile phone number that he had never dialed since the time he had saved it. After a pause, he pressed it down and put the phone to his ear. His deep and undisturbed gaze kept a close eye on the kissing woman.

After a few beeps, there was no answer, and the affectionate man and woman in the car had been separated. Qiao Yichen saw the girl pick up her phone and then put it down.

The car drove away, turned a corner at the fork in the road ahead, and disappeared from Qiao Yichen’s vision. 

The sound of a call automatically hanging up was heard in his ear. He stood expressionless in the same place and dialed the same phone number again, but it still hung up automatically after a long time…

He tirelessly dialed again, his tenacity and the cold air that gradually surrounded him, made other students passing by unconsciously retreat.

Fatty Han was leisurely eating melon seeds and binge-watching soap operas that he didn’t finish watching before. When the feelings were strong, he couldn’t help wiping away tears, and then he excitedly wailed like a groundhog.

Just when he was getting excited and had brewed a lot of emotions that were about to burst out, a piercing ringtone broke his swelling passion. 

The cheer that was about to burst from his mouth turned into a loud ‘F*ck!’

Fatty Han didn’t care about the ringing at first and continued to watch the drama with the piercing ringtones. Who knew the ringtones were endless! Even if it had been ringing for so long, it had also been ringing so many times!

“Your mother! I can’t stand it!” Fatty Han swore, grabbed Lin Dongyang’s mobile phone and pressed the connect button.

“Don’t rush it! He’s in the shower! Call back later! Annoying!” Fatty Han said that then poked the hang-up button without waiting for the other party to reply. Only then could he exhale the mouthful of stale air he had been holding in. Finally, he felt refreshed… 

The bathroom wasn’t soundproof, so Lin Dongyang could hear clearly what was happening outside. The ringing wasn’t stopping for a while, it was more urgent than a reminder, and he also became a little irritable. So he quickly finished washing, and exited the bathroom in a hurry, rubbing his wet hair with a towel to ask. “Who is it ah?”

“I don’t know, an unfamiliar number.” Fatty Han shook his head. When he had answered the phone, he looked at it and there was no name, so he wasn’t polite. He came straight out with a lion roar, and hung up unceremoniously before the other party could reply.