editor: Storm

Lin Dongyang put a towel on the back of his chair, picked up his mobile phone and looked at the call logs. Unexpectedly, there were 13 missed calls. It’s no wonder Fatty Han blew up, who wouldn’t suffer if it rang for thirteen minutes in a row? 

He was a little confused, and didn’t understand who was in such a hurry to find him. There was no contact information for this person on his mobile phone, ah, was it the wrong number?

Just when Lin Dongyang was wondering if the other party had dialed the wrong number, that disturbing sound of the mobile phone rang again. Fatty Han, who had just sat down on a chair and picked up a small snack in his hand, jumped three feet high and bared his teeth as he seized the phone. He wanted to pull out the other party through the mobile phone screen and beat him up violently!

Lin Dongyang held out his hand against the crazy Fatty Han, holding his mobile phone and hesitating to answer it in the end. He usually didn’t answer the phone from strangers. As for the reason, it wasn’t that he had given Qiao Yichen his mobile phone number when he used to play the game before, but that he didn’t have Qiao Yichen’s mobile phone number. So it was just in case.

The other party really had perseverance. Lin Dongyang counted that it had been ringing for about 30 seconds. Fatty Han was almost ascending to heaven. Lin Dongyang thought that this person might be really in a hurry even if he had the wrong number, so he shut Fatty Han up and pressed the answer button. 

“Hello, who are you looking for?”

Only a shallow breathing could be heard on the other end, as if it wasn’t this person who had been calling all the time. It took a long time for them to calmly say, “I am Qiao Yichen”

It was so stable that he couldn’t hear any anxious emotions.

Lin Dongyang froze for three or four seconds before he replied, “You dialed the wrong number!”

Hanging up the phone immediately, Lin Dongyang threw his mobile phone on the study desk, and he didn’t worry about whether it fell heavily or not. He put his hands on the table to support himself and said, “Fatty, my legs feel weak.”

After hearing the other party’s self-introduction, Lin Dongyang’s legs really weakened and he was frightened… He took every precaution, how could he still survive after receiving a call from Qiao Yichen.

“What’s wrong? Losing your soul after picking up the call.” Fatty Han, who had finally calmed down, held back his anger, as he picked up the snack again and began to eat. Turning grief and indignation into an appetite.

“It’s Qiao Yichen.” Lin Dongyang said half laughing and crying, he really didn’t know what expression he should put on in order to respond to the situation. 

“Pa ta”, The bag of potato chips in Fatty Han’s hands fell to the ground. Crisp potato chips spilled out of the bag and broke into pieces.

Disregarding the potato chips falling on the ground, Fatty Han turned to Lin Dongyang and said, “Oh no, I seem to have said something just now.”

He remembered saying “He’s in the shower!”, who knew if the other person would think “She’s in the shower”, my goodness, this was a big misunderstanding…

The mobile phone rang again, and Lin Dongyang looked at the number on the screen weakly and helplessly as he didn’t have the strength to touch it. 

“What to do ah!” He pulled his somewhat damp hair into disarray.

Obbxlcu ja Olc Gbcusjcu’r afgglolfv wjccfg, Mjaas Ljc, ktb kjcafv ab rwlif yea vlv cba vjgf ab, mbcrbifv tlw jcv rjlv, “Qts vbc’a sbe wffa?”

Olc Gbcusjcu olcjiis ifa ub bo tlr wfrrs rtbga tjlg jcv rjlv, “P rtbeiv tjnf jigfjvs rffc tlw.”

Mjaas Ljc, “Sc? Qtfc vlv sbe gfmbuclhf tlw?” 

Lin Dongyang lowered the ringing phone, ignored the caller ID that was still dialing, and then told Fatty Han about the roll call at the noon competition.

“Enemies on a narrow road ah Yang-zi, do you have a painful conscience now?” After listening to the story Fatty Han made sarcastic remarks and didn’t show any brotherhood to those in distress. He also said enviously, “Not meeting an ugly person in online dating is not bad. The other side is so handsome and so proud, how about you consider testing it out?”

Fatty Han, as a melon eater, was not afraid of big things and had always been encouraging Lin Dongyang to confront this issue face to face. 

Lin Dongyang: “Who is online dating with him?!”

Fatty Han: “Already accepting the gifts but don’t want to admit ah, who sent the roses, who gave the dress, and who gave the bag? If I was a woman, I would throw myself into his arms and call him husband!”

“You f*ck… you’re not a woman, am I a woman?” Lin Dongyang wanted to curse, but when the dirty words came to his mouth, he thought there was no point in reasoning with Fatty Han. Do you expect Fatty Han’s dog mouth to spit out ivory? Forget it, dogs are more reliable than him.

Lin Dongyang waved his hand and stopped paying attention, thinking to himself: Qiao Yichen had his number and didn’t call once for four months. What kind of wind caused him to call today? This deadly serial call was really going to kill him. He still wanted to sneak away until the summer vacation. 

At this time, a WeChat message lit up the mobile phone screen.

Qiao Yichen: [I want to see you]

Lin Dongyang frowned, and his sixth sense keenly smelled the danger. Did this man take the wrong medicine today? It felt that he was a little bit angry.

Seeing Lin Dongyang’s appearance that refused to listen to any advice, Fatty Han shook his head and said sadly, “I tell you what. You see, the other is sincere, sending you roses and a dress. His only request is to see you, but you are so heartless! Ah, man.” 

“…” Lin Dongyang replied, “Then, can you give me an idea?”

Fatty Han rolled his eyes, “You rejected the idea that I thought of, so you can only drag it out now, and leave the rest to God’s will.”

This was exactly what Lin Dongyang wanted to do. Thus he decided ‘what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over’ and he planned to turn off the mobile phone and let go.

Unfortunately, just as Lin Dongyang’s finger touched the switch button, the other party sent another message in a hurry, completely eliminating his idea of shutting it down. 

[You can choose not to come. I will simply wait for you at the door of your class on Monday. By the way, I have your class schedule.]

Lin Dongyang supported his forehead with one hand, and his vision was full of gold stars. It looked like his blood pressure was a little bit high.

The last road was blocked, and Lin Dongyang couldn’t pretend to be invisible any longer. After many missed calls, he finally replied positively: [I left school already]

Lin Dongyang was at the mercy of bad luck today, drinking cold water and getting food stuck between his teeth. It would have been okay if he hadn’t said it, but now that he had, Qiao Yichen was even more sure that the woman who had passionately hugged and kissed another man in the car was him. But Lin Dongyang didn’t know that. He was still jumping around on the edge of death. 

[I must see you today!] Lin Dongyang could literally feel that the anger value of the other party was soaring.

Lin Dongyang bit his lower lip in distress, his sharp teeth biting his lips until they turned pale. Fatty Han stretched his head and took a peek at the chat log, and then persuaded him, “Yang-zi, I think you should calm down, or just see him. Can you hide from Monday to Friday? Is it possible that you can turn into a big girl?”

The word ‘big girl’ seemed to inspire Fatty Han’s brain, and in a moment a bad idea formed in his mind. He nodded secretly, thinking that this method was absolutely feasible!

“Ai, ai, ai, I suddenly have a good idea.” 

Fatty Han’s anxious appearance of giving treasure made Lin Dongyang raise such a faint glimmer of hope, so he tried to listen to him. Believing that Fatty Han still had a good idea in his head, he asked, “What’s the idea?”

Fatty Han rubbed his hands and smiled, “Didn’t he give you a dress? Why don’t you disguise yourself as a big girl! You look pretty, and it is absolutely not out of sorts for you to disguise as a woman. How about it? Is it the best plan?”

With a look of searching for praise, Fatty Han was extremely inflated, and he felt good about himself. There was no more advanced idea in the world than this.

“I’m a man and you are asking me to be a woman, did you get your f*cking head caught in the door or kicked by a donkey!” Lin Dongyang simply wanted to pry open Fatty Han’s round head to see if it was filled with paste. What strange brain circuits were these? Would normal men think of wearing women’s clothes??? Not to mention that he was a straight man! Sure enough, the expectations for Fatty Han should not be too high. The gap between expectations and reality was more stimulating than a roller coaster. 

As soon as Fatty Han saw that he didn’t agree, he immediately said excitedly, “This is a sign! When the time comes, if he really found your class, where will you hide your face?”

While speaking, he patted his thick cheeks with a ‘papapa’ and his face turned red from trying so hard to explain it.

Looking at Fatty Han’s red face, Lin Dongyang felt his own face hurt. He agreed and said, “It seems to make sense.”

Seeing that Lin Dongyang looked like he was warming up to the idea, Fatty Han opened his wardrobe without saying a word and took out the tightly wrapped gift box from within the neatly stacked pile of clothes. 

Fatty Han shook his hands excitedly, as if handling some sacred relic. Carefully, he opened the gift box and took out the sky-high priced dress. He held it up against Lin Dongyang, clicking his tongue. “Extremely beautiful. Try it quickly!”

Lin Dongyang thought that Fatty Han had the ability to be the head of sales, or maybe he himself was just a muddlehead, because he actually listened to such absurd things.

“Eh? It’s exceptionally well-fitted. He must have ordered it according to your three sizes, really considerate. But your chest is too flat to hold it up.”

At this time, Lin Dongyang was wearing a deep V sleeveless white dress. He had just taken a shower so he had also put on knee-length underpants, which were made completely invisible by the long dress. This, combined with his messy short hair and the slippers he wore, made him look funny and caused the sky-high priced dress he wore to give off the feeling of cheap goods, while he stood there with a straight face at the mercy of Fatty Han. 

After finishing speaking, Fatty Han turned back to his study desk, opened the drawer, and took out two big red apples from it…

“F*ck your uncle!” Lin Dongyang’s exploded in an instant. He immediately unzipped the invisible zipper on his waist, stripped the dress from his body, and threw it back into the gift box. He didn’t intend to develop in the direction of a cross-dressing boss!

“Then what do you want to do? You don’t want to disguise yourself as a girlfriend but you also don’t want to face him. If you have the ability to provoke others, you must have a card to counter them ah.” Fatty Han had a big apple in his hand as he angrily complained about Lin Dongyang taking off the dress. Then he took a bite of the apple in his hand, muttering as he ate.

After such torment, Lin Dongyang felt that his six roots were clean. He looked at the white dress on the table and thought for a moment. There was an expression of ‘indifferent to life and death’ on his face. What’s the big deal? Was he afraid of a brother three years younger than him? He would never admit that he was scared and weak just now.

“Then I’ll play a card ba.”

Fatty Han: “??? Are you serious??”

Lin Dongyang took a deep breath. Since he couldn’t continue to live like this, why not just make it clear? 

With the sense of grief and bravery of a strong man with a broken arm he picked up his mobile phone, tapped letter by letter, and clicked to send.

[Actually… I’m a man, sorry…]

There was no reply from the other end. After Lin Dongyang confessed, he stared at WeChat nervously. He deliberately turned up the sound on his phone to make it easier to receive. With a heavy heart waiting for the verdict, three minutes passed. Ah, how uncomfortable it is to hang between life and death.

WeChat was silent for five minutes. There was still no message from the person who used to reply almost every second. 

With a ‘Dingdong’ sound, Lin Dongyang’s heart suddenly rose to his throat, but he didn’t dare to read the message that had been sent. Fatty Han impatiently urged him to hurry. Lin Dongyang turned his mobile phone over and saw the sentence that had been sent on the screen:

[Come and meet ba, brother]

Lin Dongyang, who was called brother, felt a burst of weakness. His courage that had called the other side as younger brother just now was instantly withered. He secretly thought: He won’t want to hammer me, right?!

[Let’s not meet anymore] Lin Dongyang was very frank. For the sake of personal safety, it was best not to see each other. Just send the previous clothes and other things back. 

[At 3pm in the afternoon, at Lujiao Xiang Cafe. Whether you come or not, you will have to deal with the consequences yourself.]

Lin Dongyang touched his head as he smiled stiffly. Whether he could survive until the summer vacation all depended on whether his head was strong enough…