editor: Storm

After Lin Dongyang came out of the cafe, he took a deep breath of air. The smell of oily smoke from the small restaurant filled Changming Street, which made Lin Dongyang feel unusually fresh. 

The bitterness remaining in his mouth hadn’t completely melted away. Lin Dongyang wiped the fine sweat from his forehead. Today’s temperature had reached an abnormally high 29 degrees celsius, which was as hot as midsummer. He was also wearing a long-sleeved sportswear jacket with a white short sleeved shirt underneath, so his back was a little wet at the moment.

He came to the restaurant alone, in the mindset of going into battle. After all, the matter had to be solved by himself. But today’s negotiation was not very beneficial to him. Whether it was good or bad all depended on Qiao Yichen’s attitude. The other party was now his ‘Rich Master’ and could not be scolded. The most fatal thing is that, not only could Lin Dongyang not fight but he also couldn’t argue about it!

Lin Dongyang supported his forehead for a while: he came out to face him and not only did he face a ‘Rich Master’, but he also now owed a foreign debt of 130,000 yuan!

Watching Qiao Yichen’s blurry figure walk away, Lin Dongyang took off his sportswear jacket, hung it over his shoulder, and began to walk slowly towards the school, in a pure white short sleeve shirt with half a cup of cappuccino left. 

The sports ground was right next to the white-marked asphalt road at the south gate of the school. Though surrounded by a two-person high iron fence the inside could still be seen clearly. At that moment, the cheers coming from the sports ground were very loud. With the many different layers of sound overlapping it became especially overwhelming. It was just short of 3:30pm in the afternoon and the competition was in full swing. Hot sweat was sprinkled on the scorched earth, and the whole sports ground was permeated with vitality, hot-bloodedness and youthful energy!

Lin Dongyang just happened to glance at the passionate scene at random, but he wasn’t in the mood to run in and watch the competition. He didn’t listen to his limbs when he ran 3,000 meters at noon and in the afternoon an even worse thing had happened, like a lump in his throat! He felt that his life had reached a low point and he was not in the mood to enjoy anything, so he went straight into the dormitory.

Two tall figures came out of the No. 5 boys’ dormitory building. Coincidentally, they saw Lin Dongyang enter the No. 6 dormitory building opposite.

An Qi, carrying a half empty backpack, looked at Qiao Yichen who had stopped at the door of the dormitory and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Qiao Yichen shook his head, and then walked out of school with An Qi empty-handed. At the corner of the road, he deliberately looked back at the dormitory building again.

That’s right, No.6.

“Oh right, why did you only come back after 3pm in the afternoon? I was so anxious that I called uncle Liu at noon and asked him to come early.” An Qi and Qiao Yichen walked side by side. He was slightly shorter than Qiao Yichen. Both in appearance and temperament, they were two extremes, one was cold winter and the other was warm summer.

Coafg atf ujwf ja cbbc, Cc Hl tjv jrxfv Hljb Tlmtfc lo tf kbeiv ub tbwf, jcv rqfmljiis kfca ab atf mijrr afjmtfg ab kglaf akb ifjnf obgwr. Cr j gfreia, atf qfgrbc vlrjqqfjgfv joafg tf olclrtfv atf wjaafg. Coafg kjlalcu lc atf vbgwlabgs obg j ibcu alwf, tf olcjiis rjk atf uibbws Hljb Tlmtfc mbwf yjmx klat j mbiv jlg. Lf olgra abbx j rtbkfg jcv mtjcufv tlr mibatfr yfobgf rjslcu atja tf mbeivc’a ub yjmx afwqbgjglis lc atf joafgcbbc, rb Cc Hl mbeiv bcis mjii Fcmif Ole jcv jrx tlw ab qlmx atfw eq ijafg. 

Qiao Yichen didn’t hide it and replied, “Seeing girlfriend.”

An Qi: “Ah? Why did you secretly see your girlfriend behind my back? Why don’t you let me take a look, how was it? Are you satisfied? Does it feel right?”

As soon as An Qi heard Qiao Yichen, with his smelly temper, had unexpectedly gone on a date, he knew without thinking that the other party must be his favorite senior sister. He immediately became interested and bounced around Qiao Yichen to inquire about the situation. After all, Qiao Yichen was a closed-door apprentice, trained using An Qi’s secret books. The technique of chasing girls should be said to be 100% safe! The senior sisters and the junior sisters were easy to grasp.

So An Qi didn’t think over: Then, what about that senior sister??? 

“Satisfied,” Qiao Yichen, with a blank face, said what he felt went against his heart.

“Your expression is wrong ah. When you mentioned your senior sister before, you looked like a young girl in love.” An Qi saw at a glance that Qiao Yichen was being perfunctory to him. The two of them had grown up together and had become roundworms in each other’s stomachs. He then asked, “Tell me where you are dissatisfied.”

“…” Qiao Yichen walked fast with both hands in his pockets, lacking in interest, fully expressing that he didn’t want to answer An Qi’s question. But with An Qi’s temperament how could he give up? He immediately ran to catch up, his eyes flashing with expectation, like a little white rabbit waiting for spiritual food.

If An Qi knew that his online dating girlfriend was a big brother, he would certainly laugh at him for half a year, and perhaps tell Weiwei the story. 

Returning to the dormitory, Lin Dongyang sat paralyzed on the chair with Ge You’s posture, looking half dead. The dark purple high-end gift box was still properly placed on the study table. Lin Dongyang said weakly, “Fatty, do you think this dress can be sold?”

Fatty Han had been blocked by Lin Dongyang and hadn’t followed to see the scene with him. He had to stay alone in the dormitory and watch soap operas. When Lin Dongyang came back, he immediately asked about the results, but he didn’t manage to knock loose any explosive news for half a day, so he had to give up.

“Sell? Why are you selling this?”

Lin Dongyang: “Why keep this? I don’t wear women’s clothes.” 

Fatty Han: “Hehe, maybe you’ll want to wear it in the future.”

Lin Dongyang: “… Regard my words as a fart ba.”

Lin Dongyang wanted to sell this dress to pay off his debt. Anyway, Qiao Yichen didn’t want it, and he couldn’t wear it again, so it was a waste. But the sale was very cheap. He still couldn’t afford the rest of the money. And even if he sold it a little cheaper, it would not be easy to sell. The rich didn’t care about the cheap price, who wanted to buy a second-hand product? Rich people had to save face ah. There were always those who had little money in their hands, but they must be afraid of being cheated. After all, the low price of 100,000 yuan wasn’t much cheaper.

Finally, he had to stop thinking about it and give up. The sports meeting ended officially at 5:30pm. This day, as predicted, was held vigorously. The painstaking efforts of the school leaders weren’t wasted as the students fought bravely and sweated in order to be first place. 

Lin Dongyang didn’t attend the closing ceremony. After Li Wei and Zhu Wenbo returned to their dormitory, their enthusiasm didn’t subside and they were so excited that they talked without rhyme or reason.

Li Wei shook Lin Dongyang’s shoulder and expressed his inexhaustible energy. “Our class monitor is the second best runner, it’s awesome ah Yang-zi. The teacher has accepted the award on your behalf!”

Lin Dongyang: “I’m second?”

Zhu Wenbo, who came in behind him, said, “Right ah, in the 3,000 meters track and field, of the whole school, the first and third places are both second-years. Yang-zi you occupy the second chair. The first-years were too weak and completely lost, they didn’t occupy a place in the top three.” 

Isn’t Qiao Yichen the first? Lin Dongyang roared in his heart, not paying any attention to what place he got. He recalled Qiao Yichen’s provocation to him during the game, calling him a weak chicken. That b*stard who asked him to pay back the money, came in first place. It really put him in a bad mood!

Lin Dongyang had a kind of vicious thought that ‘even if I didn’t want to take first place, I also didn’t want him to be first’. Although the other side was his creditor and he had to cater to him in front of his face, who cared how he made complaints about it in private?

Calling me a weak chicken! Making me pay back the money! Wow, how can I meet this man who is so bad to the bone!

The rest of the day was very comfortable. At noon, four people had lunch and pulled their chairs to the balcony to bask in the sun with their hands on their bellies. Room 403 was a small zoo where four single dogs lived. 

Despite the fact that there were so many girls in the art department, the rich water had all flowed out of the field! Apart from Lin Dongyang, the other three of them were stinky hard stones that no one cared about. Every day was very boring. Binge-watch and play games, occasionally go to the gym to play basketball, badminton, and so on. Life had nothing to look forward to. Sweet dates had nothing to do with them. They could only be envious and jealous of people in pairs, shouting ‘PDA should die quickly’ to console themselves.

Since meeting on Friday afternoon, not even a speck of a punctuation mark, nor stingy words, had been sent by Qiao Yichen to him on WeChat. Lin Dongyang was so comfortable and he had a big heart, so he gradually stopped worrying over what happened on Friday. Since the enemy wasn’t looking for him, he could still be foolish and not send anything to the door.

As a result, the comfortable days only lasted for two days. Since the start of Monday, Lin Dongyang had no chance to live a comfortable life. ……

Monday’s class schedule was very relaxed, with two classes at noon and three classes in the afternoon. Plus the third class was a PE class, which meant there were technically only four classes on Monday. Now, in their third year, if they wanted to do self-study at night they could, or if they didn’t want to go they could drop it. It totally relied on one’s own self-discipline. The seniors left school as early as the last semester, and now their juniors became the seniors of the school. 

On this day in PE class, a large group of students came to the sports ground with books from their first two classes, chatting in twos and threes. There were still traces of the school sports meeting held last week. The white competition line drawn on the rubber track was still brand new, and there were some little colored flags arranged in a row that had yet to be taken down. The colored flags fluttered with the wind.

As soon as the bell rang, class one quickly organized a team under the class monitor’s organization, waiting for the arrival of the PE teacher. At this time, the PE teacher they eagerly anticipated led another class into the sports ground, talking and laughing. The students of class one were like abandoned children, looking sadly at their PE teacher who had a new favorite class.

The PE teacher was a slightly older man, and from the outside, the looming scar on his bicep, under the short sleeved shirt, highlighted the unruly nature of his youth.

It was said that the PE teacher was the captain of the security force for six years when he was young and he had a good martial arts foundation. But now that he was older, he was a little sad from time to time. He had completely erased his threatening nature that caused the scar, and now he had become an idle PE teacher. However, it could be seen that he still had a little bit of edge from his old reputation. Looking at the brilliant vitality of the group, he also deeply felt that it was good to be young. 

The PE teacher blew the whistle around his neck and shouted, “Today, the two classes will be joined together ah. These are students from the psychology department. Their class has been moved.”

The new class was from the psychology department. Their lesson wasn’t supposed to be PE class, but their main teacher happened to be busy this afternoon, so he discussed with the PE teacher and asked if he could move their Wednesday PE class to Monday.

Every teacher had several substitute classes. Of course, the PE teacher was happy. Taking one class or taking two classes, it was still a lesson. Besides, if he adjusted the class, he could take a break on Wednesday, so why refuse?

As a result, this scene happened: Lin Dongyang and Qiao Yichen widened their small eyes to stare at each other with stupefied expressions. 

We can still meet in PE class? What f*cking dumb luck!