translator: Oyen

The PE teacher led the new favorites to gradually approach the large army of Class One. Seeing the two people behind the teacher, the group of female students who were full of resentment just now, turned to each other and the neatly arranged team began to disintegrate from the inside. Once again they grouped together in twos and threes and they weren’t stingy with their compliments. 

Walking in the front was the PE teacher, and one step behind was Qiao Yichen, beside him was An Qi that was like a koala. The PE teacher talked and laughed with Qiao Yichen, and his attitude was very friendly. Qiao Yichen’s dark skin that was exposed all year round gave people an illusion of naivety and honesty, and his polite and standard smile also broke Lin Dongyang’s consistent perception of him.

F*ck! Just targeting me? This smile is so dazzling, heartrending!

With the distance between the two classes getting closer and closer, Class One, which had originally fallen out of favor, quickly changed with the direction of the wind, and the female students of Class One wore peach blossoms on their face, whispering things that made the male students of Class One feel provoked.

“Wow, that person is so handsome! Did you see?” 

“Tsk tsk tsk, a manly man!”

“I like the cute one next to him, like a little white rabbit.”

“I still like the grass in our class, a family-oriented man.”

“You can let it go, just give it up sisters! Liu Yiyi didn’t even catch him, and you still want to ‘hit the wall’ ah.”

In their minds, Liu Yiyi was their class flower, her skin was white and charming. In other people’s minds, she and Lin Dongyang were a match made in heaven, an ideal couple, but while the falling flowers are yearning for love, the heartless brook ripples on. Although Lin Dongyang was the perfect family-oriented man in their hearts, a flaw in an apparently perfect thing was that he had blocked the door to getting a girlfriend, leaving them with nothing.

The only good-looking man in the class didn’t want a girlfriend, which worried the young virgin girls of Class One. As for the other men in the class, ‘being short and ugly’ was a general and direct evaluation of them. The manly female students of the class all expressed one after another: they are all younger brothers who have to rely on our wings for protection!

So all the fertile water stayed at the outside field, leaving a group of tearful single dogs who were anxiously waiting.

Who said ‘the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first’?? 

Although Lin Dongyang was no more than 1.8 meters tall, he was a walking clothes rack, and his long thighs were particularly eye-catching among a group of ‘short and ugly’ guys, so when Qiao Yichen looked over he caught sight of him at first glance.

Their line of sight clashed with each other, and a dark tide was surging.

After following Qiao Yichen’s line of sight and spotting Lin Dongyang, the koala An Qi smiled deeper and waved happily to him, “Hi, senior!”

His smile was very contagious, and Lin Dongyang also sincerely smiled and waved in response, but thought in his heart: Does this kid know what happened to Qiao Yichen and him? 

“Kfjmtfg, ktja ugjvf jgf atfs lc jt!” C rtbga-tjlgfv sbecufg rlrafg jrxfv klat j ragjlutaobgkjgv nblmf, jcv lc ygbjv vjsiluta rtf vlvc’a tlvf tfg tecugs kbio-ilxf fzqgfrrlbc.

Vfflcu atlr rmfcf, atf wjif raevfcar bo Jijrr Ycf revvfcis ofia jrtjwfv. Qtja vb atfrf ofwjif raevfcar wfjc? Prc’a atfgf rbwfbcf tjcvrbwf lc sbeg mijrr? Sjufgis jrxlcu batfg mijrrfr, lrc’a la yfilaailcu sbegrfio jcv fifnjalcu batfgr!

“Wang Xiaomeng, can you wipe your saliva!” Fang Zheng warned bluntly.

Wang Xiaomeng could be said to be a representative of a group of ‘tomboys’, she and the men had only a difference in gender. She had short, clean hair, tanned skin, and she didn’t have the elegance and gentleness that a girl should have. At the communal meal before each semester holiday, they could see her unruly figure playing the huà jiǔ quán game, yelling: Hello ah good brothers, five classics ah, six six follow ah..That bold action was coupled with a casual wear that didn’t distinguish between men and women. At first glance, someone might think she was a short boy, as she couldn’t be identified as a man or woman when she didn’t speak. 

But it was human nature to love beauty, and even if she looked like a boy, it didn’t affect her keen interest in looking at handsome guys.

PE teacher: “The second year of the psychology department, first place in the long-distance race at the sports meeting.”

The PE teacher was at the sports meeting last week, but he had managed the long jump instead of the track and field events. As a referee, he definitely couldn’t leave midway, so he also took part in the closing ceremony. He watched the exciting award ceremony, and gloriously took on the task of cleaning the scene.

Although there are the top three places in the competition, the most impressive one is always the first place, so at the award ceremony, the PE teacher deeply remembered the first place. 

This was the first full-grade competition held by the school, and one of the classes he was in charge of won first place in the school! Even he felt that he was basking in the light, and had earned a lot of face among the other PE teachers.

Ah ~ this damn pride with nowhere to put it.

“We also got second place ah.” Fang Zheng stepped forward to earn face for his class. He was Class One’s class monitor! Class monitors had the responsibility and obligation to maintain every inch of dignity and peace in the class. The female students in the same class had abandoned the light and turned to the dark and even the PE teacher’s elbow had turned the wrong way. At this time, if he didn’t stand up to protect the nation, his morale would be greatly reduced and he would die!

“Who took part in the 3,000 meters of track and field in your class ah?” The PE teacher raised his hand and roughly scratched the top of his head. Originally he had been almost bald so he had left some stubble sticking to his roots and it made him look very tough! 

The class monitor solemnly pointed to Lin Dongyang and introduced him. “Our class grass! He is also very powerful in terms of face value!”

Lin Dongyang: “…” The first place was standing in front of him, what could he do as second place?

Moreover, he would never forget the humiliating scene in which Qiao Yichen deliberately slowed down and waited for him, then cursed him for being a weak chicken and then sped up to get rid of him.

When Fang Zheng said this, Lin Dongyang immediately became the focus of people’s line of sight. Everyone in the two classes looked at him in unison. He was embarrassed and he was a thin-skinned man. He whimpered embarrassedly and laughed, “No no, I can’t catch up with the first place.” 

This was the truth, he really couldn’t catch up, but in the eyes of outsiders it was the virtue of modesty.

While being modest, he also seamlessly praised this ‘Rich Master’ in front of him. Lin Dongyang showed his strong desire to survive while secretly glancing at Qiao Yichen.

After glancing at him, Qiao Yichen regained his stiff expression, fixed his eyes on the rubber track ahead, and evoked a fleeting little smile on his cold face, as if it had never appeared before. Lin Dongyang didn’t know whether he was mocking him for being self-aware or whether he was delighted by the flattery. Catching a smile in his eyes, Lin Dongyang’s heart couldn’t help but whisper: This guy is probably cursing me in his heart.

“Very good, very good! All very strong.” The PE teacher nodded again and again, and his face seemed even more proud. 

Despite the fact that PE was an idle profession, it wasn’t as leisurely as people thought. Every day, he raised his voice and exerted physical strength to train the future flowers of the motherland, and now his hard-cultivated ‘flower seedlings’ had achieved results. He had the same mentality as the parents who ‘look forward to success’. This was a kind of expectation and pride born from the heart.

After chatting for a long time, the PE teacher finally realized that it was time for class, so he solemnly took up the teacher’s dignified manner, blew the whistle around his neck and said, “Okay, be quiet, class is starting.”

The two classes quickly lined up in a neat line. With girls in front and boys standing behind, arranged in turn with their height, there was a sense of flower envoys. After standing, the two classes quietly waited for the teacher to give orders.

“As usual! Run two laps to warm up first. The class monitor leads the group, the second year students follow behind, don’t fall behind!” As soon as the PE teacher started the class, he became serious, which was totally different from the simple and honest person he was just now. 

“Yes!” A neat and loud voice resounded throughout the sports ground. In today’s PE class, Class One was particularly strong, and it seemed like they intended to overwhelm the second-years in terms of momentum.

“One, two, one! One, two, one! One, two, three, four! Keep up!” Fang Zheng ran at the front, conscientiously keeping the group tidy, shouting slogans in a loud voice, and arrogantly leading the way.

After running 3,000 meters on Friday, Lin Dongyang’s legs had hurt for two days. Looking at the stairway every day made him feel scared. For the first time, he lamented that the fourth floor was as high as a stairway to Heaven! Now that he has to run another 800 meters, it was simply life-threatening. With each step he felt the affectionate care of both soreness and weakness.

Not to run was out of the question. Don’t look at how Qiao Yichen hadn’t said a word to him until now, pretending to be like a familiar stranger, in actual fact, Lin Dongyang understood that Qiao Yichen had been mentally insulting him sarcastically from head to toe many times. 

This was only the first time they had met after the meeting ah. Lin Dongyang intuitively felt that the rest of his life would be really difficult.

After two laps, they had to walk slowly for another lap, which was also an old rule in the past. Afterwards, Lin Dongyang sat directly on the ground, stretched out his hand and pinched his calf, without any of the handsome image that the class grass should have.

The sports meeting had just been held last Friday, so the PE teacher graciously didn’t make them do 20 squats after running, but said, “Let’s do free activities today. I’ll give you a rest.”

“Yeah!! Free activities.” All of Class One cheered. 

“If you want to play basketball, volleyball or something else, ask the class monitor of each class to count how many of you want to play and they will go to the equipment room to get the necessary equipment. Don’t take it without permission. Dismissed!”

After the PE teacher finished, he wiped the sweat on his head. He looked even hotter and more tired than the students who had run two laps. Then he picked up the water cup placed on the side of the track and took a sip. Leisurely and carefreely he walked to the side of the lounge.

In addition to the sports ground, there was also a place dedicated to rest. The equipment room was next to the lounge, and there were specially registered personnel at the entrance to watch over it. Although the sports equipment was provided for students free of charge, it was also necessary to ensure that all of the sports equipment was returned.

After the group had disbanded, Fang Zheng waved his hand and shouted, “What do you want to play? Come and count! There will be no equipment for the one who isn’t counted ah.” 


“Soccer ball!”


As Class One’s class monitor, Fang Zheng always carried a signature pen in case it was needed. After counting one by one according to the number of reports, he went to the equipment room to get the sports equipment, and then gave the list to the staff on duty to verify. 

Compared with Fang Zheng’s counting method of yelling and making a mess, the second year students were much quieter as they orderly lined up to report to Qiao Yichen. By contrast, Class One was simply a messy vegetable market, which was disorganized and virtually crushed by the other party.

The two girls passing by Fang Zheng held their cheeks in their hands and said in front of him, “The class monitor in the other family is so handsome, tall, and cold.”

Fang Zheng’s face was black for a while. If you want to praise then just praise, why do you want to step on me!

“My God~ I’m in love.” 

“Be reserved.”

“No way. I’ll find a chance to ask for his WeChat later. If I can’t get the cold one, I’ll settle for the cute one.”

An Qi smiled in front of Qiao Yichen as he helped with the statistics, completely unaware that he was secretly being compared by female classmates in other classes. The key point was that he was still slightly inferior to his good friend by a margin.

Sure enough, cute is not worth mentioning in front of overbearing!