editor: Storm

Fang Zheng shook his list and looked at Qiao Yichen with slight hostility. There is nothing that can be done, he had been vilified by his classmates as worthless. There would be no harm without comparison. The key point is why compare him with this kind of person who has obvious advantages! 

He took the list and led several male students to the equipment room angrily. Lin Dongyang sat on the running track without moving. When Qiao Yichen passed by him, his tall figure covered the sunlight and cast a shadow on the place where Lin Dongyang was sitting. He looked down and said, “You are really weak.”

Lin Dongyang stopped the motion of massaging the back of his leg. He raised his head and looked at the movement of Qiao Yichen’s figure, wondering in his heart: Was he talking about me just now?

“Thank you for the compliment.” Lin Dongyang didn’t care at all. Wasn’t this something obvious? It would be a waste if Qiao Yichen didn’t say a word to him during the whole class.

This scene was observed by the female classmates who had always wanted to create a chance to strike up a conversation with Qiao Yichen. They were immediately moved, as if they had seen signs of hope. After Qiao Yichen took the list into the equipment room, Wang Xiaomeng ran over to Lin Dongyang with two slender arms and at the same pace as Donald Duck. Following Lin Dongyang’s movements she sat down on the ground, crossed her legs carelessly, and asked, “Do you two know each other?” 


“The handsome guy just now, that manly man.”

“Manly man…” Lin Dongyang didn’t know how to respond to this adjective. It turned out that from a girl’s worldview, being unreasonable was tantamount to being attractively overbearing, and being arrogant was equal to being a manly man?

“Can be regarded as acquaintances.” Lin Dongyang replied.

“Then do you have his WeChat ah?” Wang Xiaomeng held the ground with her hands and drew closer to Lin Dongyang’s side, as if they were discussing some little secret.

“What, you want it ah?” Lin Dongyang smiled and looked at Wang Xiaomeng. He guessed the other party’s purpose from just two sentences. It was also Wang Xiaomeng who didn’t know how to cover it up, she so blatantly wanted Qiao Yichen’s contact information.

“Dgbatfg, tfiq wf, P pera ilxf atlr asqf.” Qjcu Wljbwfcu obivfv tfg tjcvr lc qgjsfg.

“… I advise you to give up, ah, this kind of person is not suitable for dating, you can only watch from afar.” 

“Qtja lo P pera kjca ab tjnf oec?”

“P gfrqfma sbe jr j wjc!” Olc Gbcusjcu ibbxfv jrtjwfv. Lf vlvc’a fzqfma atja atlr xlcv bo abwybs, ktb mbeiv yf ygbatfgr klat ybsr, kbeiv jirb ilxf j qfgrbc klat ojmlji qjgjisrlr ilxf Hljb Tlmtfc. Pa gfjiis gfogfrtfv tlr mbuclalnf nlfk. Lf atbeuta atja remt j ragbcu ulgi rtbeiv ilxf sbecufg ygbatfg asqfr, remt jr: Cc Hl.

Lin Dongyang: “Why don’t you wait for him to come out and ask him yourself?”

He didn’t dare to give out Qiao Yichen’s contact information at random. In the case that Qiao Yichen was unhappy and had trouble with the girl, wouldn’t he be digging his own grave? He had better put his own safety first. 

He would wait and see what kind of ‘chemical reaction’ would happen when Wang Xiaomeng’s active attitude collided with Qiao Yichen’s indifference.

Wang Xiaomeng was a little dejected when she saw that the shortcut was impassable, but when she saw Qiao Yichen coming out with a basketball, her morale was high again! She rolled up her sleeves, ready to meet the challenge.

Lin Dongyang: “…” Give a silent tribute in his heart: I wish you good luck.

Fang Zheng pushed a cart full of sports equipment while also carrying four shuttlecocks in his hand, and then distributed them one by one according to the list. Meanwhile Qiao Yichen, also a class monitor, walked out easily with just a basketball in his arms. 

This passive and negligent attitude made Fang Zheng despise him for a while. As the head of a class, Qiao Yichen did not pay attention to how he should act as a class monitor. But what made Fang Zheng even more distressed was that the girls in the class were so shallow, they were blinded by a face. It was so sad!

However, ridicule was just ridicule. Even though Qiao Yichen didn’t do his duty, his efficiency was much more effective. Obviously, the juniors in the psychology department were very considerate of their class monitor and went to the equipment room to get the equipment they needed according to the list. It turned out that Qiao Yichen just counted and gave the form to the guards for verification, and the rest was done by the classmates themselves.

In contrast, Fang Zheng was a miserable class monitor, doing thankless work, who was disliked by his female classmates, and labeled as inferior to others when compared face to face.

Sure enough! The world is all about the face! 

Wang Xiaomeng raised an eyebrow to Lin Dongyang, getting up from the ground very smartly with a spin supported by one hand. She patted the dust off on her trousers, arranged her clothes casually, and flicked her semi-short hair. Impassioned to go to the battlefield, her appearance almost looked like she was blowing a rogue whistle at a local hooligan who was molesting a good woman.

“Cough…” Lin Dongyang couldn’t help laughing as he looked at Qiao Yichen who knew nothing. He was looking forward to the next plot point ah.

An Qi took the basketball from Qiao Yichen. The first thing he thought of was Lin Dongyang, so he trotted over with the basketball, squatted in front of Lin Dongyang and said enthusiastically, “Senior, let’s play basketball.”

“No, my leg hurts.” Lin Dongyang smiled and refused the other party’s kind invitation. 

“Okay then, have a rest senior, I will play with Yichen.”

Really well-behaved ah, this was the little milk dog that he had originally imagined. Lin Dongyang now seriously doubted whether the words ‘yingyingying’ in the game were sent by An Qi to help Qiao Yichen.

Just as An Qi got up to leave, Lin Dongyang raised his hand and grabbed his clothes. He considered his tone before saying, “Have you known Qiao Yichen for a long time?”

An Qi squatted down again holding the basketball and answered, “I’ve known him since childhood. What’s the matter, senior?” 

Lin Dongyang gradually asked step by step. “Has he always kept a straight face?”

An Qi scratched his chestnut-coloured short hair and honestly replied, “Most of the time, but he isn’t a bad person.”

“Has he ever had a girlfriend?” This is the question that Lin Dongyang wanted to ask most. He wants to hear Qiao Yichen’s weakness or lethal point from An Qi’s mouth. Then if he was targeted someday in the future, there would be room for counterattack. He couldn’t just wait honestly for him to pinch him and do whatever he wanted, that’s not human. Being soft didn’t mean being spineless!



“Our school’s third year senior sister! He also asked me to teach him how to chase girls.”

“…” Is this about me? Lin Dongyang was silent. If he asked about this topic again, he might hear of his previously disdainful behavior from other people’s mouths. This wasn’t Qiao Yichen’s lethal point, it was his.

On the other hand, Wang Xiaomeng had gone unexpectedly out of character, she became coy. Her former loud voice was now like a mosquito, and she asked, “Junior brother, would you like to add a WeChat?” 

Qiao Yichen’s expression was indifferent, without tension or joy. He was wearing a loose T-shirt with abstract drawings printed on his upper body. The exposed forearm clearly showed that this person had worked out before. With a slight exertion, the muscle lines would appear. The black overalls and a pair of white shoes were very casual. There was only simple black and white colors all over him.

“Don’t have it.”

Qiao Yichen turned around and was about to leave. That resolute attitude made Wang Xiaomeng panic and she immediately revealed her true self, without suppressing her loud voice. “Mobile phone number is also fine!”

The voice was really loud, and it was better than the effect of a loudspeaker, causing An Qi and Lin Dongyang to look up.