editor: Storm

Li Wei, Fatty Han and Zhu Wenbo felt happy after sweating so much. They threw their soccer ball into the cart when it was pushed past them, greeted Fang Zheng, and then walked towards Lin Dongyang. 

Fatty Han casually wiped his sweat and shouted, “Yang-zi, let’s eat.”

It was 5pm in the afternoon after the third class. It was a little early for dinner, but their stomachs were already protesting because of their excessive physical exertion.

Lin Dongyang maintained the stiff posture of lifting his foot, just like playing one-two-three Statues. Fatty Han looked at how he was standing and asked confusedly, “What’s the matter, Yang-zi? Your legs hurt? Come on, I’ll carry you.”

Fatty Han came forward and showed off his broad, sweaty back. His cotton short sleeves were soaked. Lin Dongyang got goose bumps and pushed Fatty Han away, who was half-bent over. The smell of sweat was heavy enough. 

Qiao Yichen looked down to check the list in his hand and without even looking up said, “It’s your choice.”

His voice wasn’t loud. It sounded like he was just inadvertently muttering to himself, but Lin Dongyang heard it clearly.

“You go back first. I’ll help the class monitor pack up the equipment and go back later.” Lin Dongyang replied.

Fatty Han had seen Qiao Yichen’s face twice but all of it had flashed in a hurry. With his mindless way of doing things, without deliberate guidance, his reflex was usually very slow. At the last sports meeting, it was only after Lin Dongyang talked with Qiao Yichen for a long time that Fatty Han had suddenly realized that Qiao Yichen was the junior whose shoes were stepped on.

At the moment, Fatty Han, who had just finished playing soccer with his heart and soul, didn’t recognize the second-year Qiao Yichen, but this was actually a common occurrence. If he did recognize him, it would be abnormal.

Fatty Han didn’t care much, wiped off the sweat that was constantly oozing on his face and said, “That’s okay, we will go eat first, do we need to bring some back for you?”

Lin Dongyang: “No need, I’ll go by myself later.”


The three walked side by side through the large iron gate and out of the sports ground. Li Wei held Zhu Wenbo’s shoulders and said, “See through but don’t say it, Chinese virtues.”

Zhu Wenbo took off his black-rimmed glasses. The lenses had become wet from the sweat dripping off his hair, which blurred his vision. He rubbed his glasses and tacitly said, “We can only do what we can.”

Fatty Han, this forgetful fool still looked confused and didn’t know what to say, “??? What are you talking about?”

Yc atf cluta atf rqbgar wffalcu fcvfv, atfs xcfk jybea Olc Gbcusjcu’r ojmf-ab-ojmf wffalcu. Coafg jii, ilnlcu lc atf rjwf gbbw obg atgff sfjgr, atflg afwqfgjwfcar kfgf nfgs mifjg ab bcf jcbatfg jcv jcs ilaaif jycbgwjilas mbeiv yf rffc atgbeut. Dea fnfgsbcf tjv atflg bkc ilaaif rfmgfa. Olc Gbcusjcu mtbrf cba ab ajix jybea la ja atja alwf, rb jiatbeut atfs gfjiis kjcafv ab xcbk atf mbegrf bo fnfcar atfs mbeiv cba jrx abb wemt jybea la. 

“I was talking about what we should eat for dinner.” Li Wei changed the subject, talked about what to eat for a while, and slowly moved away from the sports ground.

Lin Dongyang stayed under the disguise of helping the class monitor clean up the mess, but all he did was stand beside him and put his hands in his pockets, watching very leisurely. Fang Zheng’s side had been tidied up and he was pushing the cart to move all the equipment back to the equipment room, which would be checked by the guards again.

After Qiao Yichen checked and came out of the equipment room, Lin Dongyang stepped forward and asked, “Talk, what’s up?”

As the two men stood on the track, the second years walked past them one after another. They looked at the confronting two from time to time, bowing their heads and whispering about the feud between their class monitor and the third year senior. 

“Of course it’s your turn to show your worth.”

“Every man has his principles. I can tell you first, I will not do excessive things.” Lin Dongyang speculated wildly: The whole school is very big, and the second years also have a lot of free time. What can I do to help? Is it possible that he wants me to be a thug?

“If you can’t do anything else, just buy me a meal twice a day.” Qiao Yichen said it lightly.

“Buy a meal?!” Lin Dongyang was surprised to find out that if someone wanted to punish you, even trivial things would not be spared. “You don’t have hands or feet? You want me to buy you a meal, do I also have to feed you?” 

In response to Lin Dongyang’s accusation, Qiao Yichen replied confidently. “Could it be that you think you should be idle?”

“Are rich young masters’ hands and feet disabled?”

“If you don’t do it, I can help you become disabled.”

This sentence ruined Lin Dongyang’s mood. The first time he didn’t care, the second time he ignored it, but hearing Qiao Yichen’s threatening words again and again made him more irritable. Faintly smiling, with a rarely seen ruthless expression, he said “Although I don’t like fighting very much, but, if you really want to do it, I can accompany you.” 

When the conversation could no longer continue, the atmosphere between them became tense. At the point where sparks were about to explode, the surrounding students were keenly aware of the imminent danger, and walked around like ants near water. An Qi waited for the guards to check the equipment before running out and seeing such a scene. He walked forward and asked suspiciously, “When did you get familiar with each other?”

“Very familiar.” Qiao Yichen gritted his teeth.

“What are you doing? Why are you acting like enemies? Let’s have a meal with senior.” Although he didn’t know what happened, An Qi could feel the dark sword flying wildly in the atmosphere. He grabbed Lin Dongyang’s clothes and smiled, becoming a peacemaker, for fear that the two men would start fighting if they didn’t agree with each other again.

The corner of Qiao Yichen’s mouth raised. Looking at Lin Dongyang with a fake smile he said, “Dormitory building 5, room 312.” 

After he spoke, he exuded a cold air that could make people freeze, and walked away with An Qi who looked like he wanted to reconcile.

Lin Dongyang exploded with swear words and looked angrily at the empty sports ground. He kicked away the pebbles by the roadside, exhaled a foul breath, swore while going out of the sports ground, but in the end he still walked towards the canteen.

At this time, when school was out of normal hours, there were very few people in the canteen. He looked through the food windows one by one, and finally chose a tomato with scrambled egg and steamed fish meal for himself. He ate his meal first in the canteen, and then chose two dishes at random.

Since he was asked for a meal, he had the right to choose. Lin Dongyang held his breath and picked out his least favorite celery dish, however he still had the conscience to choose more meat dishes. He swiped his campus card and walked out of the canteen with two identical meals. 

Dormitory building No.5 was opposite to the dormitory where he lived. After Lin Dongyang climbed to the third floor, he followed the room numbers, and found room number 312. He stood in front of the closed dormitory door and took a few deep breaths to ease the discomfort in his heart. Then he bent his finger and knocked on the door three times.

“Who is it ah.” A clear voice came from inside, and it sounded like An Qi.

The dormitory door opened a crack, and a deathly pale face appeared in the gap. An Qi’s face was covered with a facial mask. The facial mask attached to the skin looked mournfully white at first glance, and the slightly long hair on his forehead was pushed back by a headband. Lin Dongyang was shocked by this scene at first sight.

“Senior?” An Qi opened the door of the room to welcome Lin Dongyang in. 

Lin Dongyang’s Adam’s apple rolled, even in the broad daylight, a pale face suddenly sticking out from the door was still very scary.

“Senior, why are you here?” Because of the facial mask An Qi had applied it became a bit inconvenient to open his mouth, so he half-closed his mouth and asked indistinctly.

Although Lin Dongyang was unhappy with Qiao Yichen, he had a good impression of An Qi. He suddenly visited and was questioned because of it, but the shameless reason made him quite embarrassed, so he just smiled and said, “I bought you meals.”

Lin Dongyang handed one of them to An Qi. He deliberately bought two identical meals, so that at least An Qi wouldn’t think that it was specially for Qiao Yichen. 

“Eh?! Senior is really nice! Come in and have a seat.” As soon as An Qi became happy, the facial mask wrinkled. He immediately smoothed it and patted it gently. Then he took the meal from Lin Dongyang’s hand, closed his mouth and went back to his study table to enjoy his beauty time.

After entering the dormitory, Lin Dongyang couldn’t help but feel sour. Dormitory building No.5 of Nanhai University had two-person apartments. Lin Dongyang had only heard about this but had never explored it. When he stepped into the ‘legendary’ double room at this time, he couldn’t help feeling that the space was really big. It could even fit potted plants and shoe cabinets. In comparison, the dormitory for the four of them was already extremely crowded without adding anything.

Lin Dongyang put the other meal in his hand on Qiao Yichen’s study table. Qiao Yichen was playing a game with a headset. Lin Dongyang looked at his computer screen, and was suddenly hit with a sense of familiarity. This turned out to be his favorite Xianxia game.

“Are you still playing?” Lin Dongyang couldn’t help but ask, leaving behind the negative emotions of gnashing his teeth before. 

As the last skill was used, the four golden characters meaning ‘invincible’ appeared on the screen. When Qiao Yichen took off his headset and looked at him calmly, it was impossible to tell any superfluous emotions, and he simply returned a word, “En.”

Lin Dongyang couldn’t help sighing. He hadn’t retired for more than two months but this newbie Qiao Yichen had already excelled in a lot of skills. Although there was no lack in the auxiliary effect produced by the God level clothing, his movement and consciousness had indeed improved.

Opening the meal, Qiao Yichen frowned, “I don’t eat celery.”

Lin Dongyang: “I didn’t know about this, just make do with it.” 

The game on the screen had already been withdrawn, and the game characters wearing God’s costumes were standing in front of the dungeon teleportation array. Lin Dongyang’s fingers itched. 80% of his enthusiasm had faded away in two months, but he still couldn’t help but miss the reunion after such a long separation. This was a game that consumed his countless efforts day and night. If he chose to play professionally at the beginning, he might have made some achievements, but he had given up.

Qiao Yichen put aside the celery that seemed to be boiled in water and only chose to eat the meat dish. He didn’t make it difficult for Lin Dongyang by asking him to take it back again. He saw Lin Dongyang’s eager eyes and got up to give up his seat.

“Try it.”

“Err… I’m not familiar with the operation now.” Lin Dongyang evaded. Although he really wanted to, he hadn’t touched the game much for two months, so he must be rusty. 

“It’s not as difficult as a full-level simple dungeon.” Qiao Yichen held his meal and waited for him. He wanted to see how the person on the record list really operated.

Lin Dongyang touched the headset, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to sit down and fight again!

He used to be proficient in the operation, and the auxiliary bonus of God’s equipment was also very high. He predicted how to avoid all the fatal dirty moves of the boss dungeon. His fingers were dancing on the keyboard, but his body was as firm as a rock, and his expression was more serious than Qiao Yichen had ever seen before.

The public channel scrolled past a message [Congratulations to the player ‘Chen Yang’ for refreshing the new record of ‘Mud Swamp’] 

[Who broke the record? Awesome ah]

[Look at the character information ah, it’s godfather YiLu YangGuang’s partner]

[Isn’t YiLu YangGuang quitting? I was in his guild before.]

The record refresh caused an enthusiastic response, and the public channel started the chat mode again, from which Lin Dongyang noticed two main points, Qiao Yichen’s game ID: Chen Yang, and the other was: Partner. 

After he withdrew from the battle, he decisively clicked on Qiao Yichen’s character information, and the scene in front of him made his heart thump.

Is Qiao Yichen such a nostalgic person? He obviously acts like he dislikes me…