Lin Dongyang released the mouse and stared at the game interface. Qiao Yichen poured all the meat dishes, which were the only ones that were good, into the lunch box, and ate them directly. Seeing Lin Dongyang clicking on his character information, he didn’t make a move to stop him, and he didn’t say a word of explanation. He was so calm that he didn’t even frown.

An Qi had been curious and watched for a long time. He appreciated Lin Dongyang’s whole record-breaking chic style and couldn’t help but be surprised, “Senior, you also play this game ah?”

Lin Dongyang then regained his mind, cast his eyes on An Qi, smiled back and said, “Oh, I’ve played before.”

An Qi: “No wonder, you played really well!” 

An Qi peeled off the mask applied to his face, then patted his tender cheeks very carefully, and gradually massaged along the side of his face. Looking at this cumbersome scene, Lin Dongyang couldn’t help feeling in his heart: He is really an exquisite pig boy, better at maintaining his appearance than a girl.

“Thank you, then I’ll go back first.” Lin Dongyang then got up and started walking towards the door.

“Wait, I haven’t given you the money for the meals yet.” An Qi raised his hand and asked him to stay.

“No need, I just brought it along the way.”

“Then, thank you senior. I’ll invite you to dinner some other time, let’s add a WeChat first.” An Qi was so excited that he opened his profile on his mobile phone and handed it over without waiting for the other party to answer whether he was willing or not.

Kbkjgvr remt j kjgw jaalaevf, Olc Gbcusjcu ufcfgjiis mbeivc’a rjs cb, rb tf jvvfv Cc Hl.

“St? Mfwjif jmmbeca? Ktf rfclbg’r ufcvfg rfaalcu lr kgbcu, P atbeuta P tjv jvvfv la kgbcu.”

Ktlr kjr atf rfmbcv alwf rbwfbcf tjv jrxfv remt j defralbc. Ktf olgra alwf la kjr atf ulgi klat j gbecv ojmf, jcv cbk la kjr Cc Hl. Olc Gbcusjcu rwlifv jkxkjgvis, “Lftftf… P rfa la kgbcu.” 

Qiao Yichen, who had been eating in silence, spoke up at this time, and said in a commanding tone, “Change it back.”

An Qi didn’t understand the meaning of these three words, but Lin Dongyang understood, and set the WeChat gender to the correct one in front of his supervisor. In fact, after he had confessed, he wanted to change it back, but he just kept forgetting about it.

After Lin Dongyang left, An Qi smeared the remaining facial mask essence on his face and asked Qiao Yichen, “Senior came to see you?”

He didn’t understand how the two people who were still at war and almost fought each other earlier, had then delivered meals to the house, in person, as if nothing had happened. He was very clear about Qiao Yichen’s temper. Moreover, the senior was so good-natured, so An Qi was sure that the senior was forced. 

Qiao Yichen threw the finished lunch box into the trash can and asked An Qi, “Are you familiar with him?” The implication being: it’s not for me, it must be for you.

Unexpectedly, An Qi replied seriously, “Familiar ah, I have seen him three times!”

Qiao Yichen: “…”

Sure enough, An Qi had never grown out of his familiar stupidity. No wonder Weiwei always disliked him for being too naive. An Qi’s notion of being a friend was, ‘as long as you look good at the beginning, you can be a friend regardless of whether you are good or bad’ Qiao Yichen stopped paying attention to An Qi who was bubbling stupidly, took out a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth, and then sat back in front of the computer. He saw the game interface that was still displaying his character information. Partner ID: YiLu YangGuang, Declaration of True Love: I’m waiting for you. 

After Lin Dongyang walked out of the gate of the No. 5 dormitory building, he started scratching his head and thinking about the meaning of the three words ‘I’m waiting for you’. After all, before he retired, the column of the Declaration of True Love had still been empty.

Wait for me? Wait for me to return to the game? What an unpredictable man.

He shook his head to deny what he had just thought and while doing so threw his messy and unreasonable thoughts out of his head, staggering to the opposite dormitory. Fatty Han came out of the bathroom with a washbasin, which contained the sweaty clothes he had worn yesterday. In this weather, he would start sweating if he went out for a while. And if he didn’t change his clothes for a day then within a radius of five meters ‘birds would meet a violent death’.

“You’ve come back, what took you so long?” Seeing Lin Dongyang coming back, Fatty Han greeted him. 

“I came back after eating.”

With a blink of his eyes, the day had passed. Lin Dongyang, who had no night activities, pulled out his chair and sat down. Then he took out his mobile phone to change An Qi’s username into his actual name. He clicked on An Qi’s Moments and when he saw the background cover, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Wow~ awesome!”

The background cover of An Qi’s Moments was a photo of him with a mysterious bike rider wearing a helmet. He couldn’t look away from the handsome black motorcycle underneath. Which young person didn’t have a bit of wildness in his bones? Lin Dongyang admitted that he liked this type of wanton and unrestrained freedom, but like was just like, and eventually he had to face the reality in front of him. Such vehicles ranged from hundreds of thousands to millions of yuan. To him, a man who couldn’t get 130,000 yuan, and finally had to rely on hard labor to repay his debts, there were only four words to describe them: It’s all floating clouds!

After his eyes finished craving, Lin Dongyang continued to scroll through An Qi’s other posts. In addition to some selfies, there were also daily photos with Qiao Yichen. Lin Dongyang said to himself: Qiao Yichen’s own Moments are empty, without even a single selfie, but he is quite active in other people’s Moments. 

Lin Dongyang, who was browsing through An Qi’s posts, received a WeChat message from Qiao Yichen: [your friend Qiao Yichen transferred 10,000 yuan to you, please confirm the acceptance]

“???” Lin Dongyang was stunned by this generous transfer. After reading his character information he had just changed his mind about Qiao Yichen in his heart. At this time, Qiao Yichen’s unexpected operation made him think: Is this to support me?

[What are you doing?]

[Meal money for this semester] 

Lin Dongyang couldn’t help but expose a radiant smile on his lips. He had no intention of asking for money for the meal. Unexpectedly, Qiao Yichen transferred ten thousand without a word. Unable to contain his joy, he couldn’t help doing a selfish calculation.

It was the beginning of April, so there was only about three months before the summer vacation in July. Qiao Yichen and An Qi had four meals a day without breakfast, and one meal, without anything else, cost 20 yuan at most, which was 80 yuan a day, and with a total of 90 days in three months it would be 7,200 yuan.

There was a flash of light in his eyes: A profit!

[Thank you, Chen-ge!] 

Lin Dongyang, of course, clicked to confirm the payment. The charge for manual labour was good. Moreover, it was the kind of running errands every day for three months. It was only natural to collect a tip, the extra 2,800 yuan was for his own running errands’ fee.

Seeing that the double-digit balance of WeChat had instantly risen to five digits, Lin Dongyang inflated with satisfaction. If he had money, he could do whatever he wanted. He was delighted to abandon himself.

The other party had always been very cold and didn’t reply to him again, but the grievance in Lin Dongyang’s heart had vanished like smoke from the impact of this grand transfer. He wasn’t a petty person. If it wasn’t for Qiao Yichen’s bad temper, maybe the both of them could be brothers.

But then again, can you still be brothers after being romantic partners?