As things went on repeatedly like this, Lin Dongyang thought that Qiao Yichen would make him start to have a restless life. Even if he ate, he would eat bird legs flying in the sky and shark fins swimming in the sea. But after three days, nothing happened. Qiao Yichen wasn’t dissatisfied with whatever food Lin Dongyang brought him. He wasn’t a picky eater, except for when it came to celery. After going back and forth, Lin Dongyang finally let go of the last line of defense in his heart. 

Because of the fact that he always packed and brought meals these days, his roommates asked whether he was raising someone. Delivering meals every day was simply the most common thing for young lovers who were passionately in love to do.

Lin Dongyang then said, “Oh, it’s all caused by poverty. I’m working hard for money.”

Fatty Han: “I think your life has been very good recently. Coming back to the dormitory every day with a smile on your face, are you really seeing someone?”

Lin Dongyang: “… What plot are you arranging for me secretly? Don’t think so much about it, the meals are for Qiao Yichen, he…” 

Before Lin Dongyang could finish the following words, Fatty Han opened his big mouth and let out a groundhog shriek, “Ah! Are you two developing so fast?”

Black lines appeared on Lin Dongyang’s face. “… Developing your uncle ah, I really want to hammer you Fatty, I am now carrying a foreign debt.”

It was only then that he told his roommates what Qiao Yichen said about the discount and repayment. But he only said that the purpose of delivering meals was to have a good relationship. After all, he was forced to be a layman. Even if he told others, he couldn’t tell his bad friends. He would be laughed at for half a year.

Lin Dongyang didn’t blame Fatty Han for this incident. In the final analysis, it was because of himself. If he had made a straightforward explanation when he first received the roses, he would not have the following mess. One wrong move makes all the following moves wrong, there was no medicine in the world that could cure regret.

After listening to this, the three people were stunned. Fatty Han was a little confused. “Is there still this kind of plot? I thought you were both already done with each other.”

Lin Dongyang was helpless. “Maybe in this lifetime our eight characters are unsuited to each other.”

Li Wei also expressed his surprise. When he saw the two of them meet in private in PE class, he and Fatty Han had the same idea. Now he could only clench his fist. “We support you mentally.”

After the explanation, his roommates finally stopped guessing about his behavior. 

On this day, Lin Dongyang came to Qiao Yichen’s dormitory room with two meals as usual. An Qi was so moved that he came to deliver meals in person every day, the first thing he did when he opened the door was to give him a big hug, which scared Lin Dongyang into lifting the lunch box for fear of spilling it.

An Qi: “Senior, how can you be so good~”

Lin Dongyang smiled happily on his face, while swearing mmp in his heart: You think I volunteered! But he turned around and said, “A senior brother should take care of his junior brother.”

Valii kfjglcu tlr tfjvrfa, Hljb Tlmtfc gjlrfv tlr fsfygbkr ilutais, jcv abbx j ojlca uijcmf abkjgv atf vbbg. Ycis bcf ibbx rtbkfv atja tf vlvc’a yfilfnf atlr jkxkjgv-rbecvlcu gfjrbc ja jii. 

Coafg atgff vjsr bo nlrlalcu jcv byrfgnlcu, Olc Gbcusjcu obecv atja Hljb Tlmtfc ilxfv ab qijs ujwfr joafg rmtbbi ja cbbc, erejiis gfjv tlr afzaybbxr ja cluta, jcv kjr nfgs rfio-vlrmlqilcfv lc fcafgajlcwfca. Qtlmt wjvf Olc Gbcusjcu, ktb kjr bcmf wlgfv lc atf ujwf rkjwq, lwqgfrrfv.

An Qi offered Lin Dongyang his chair to rest. Lin Dongyang waved his hand and said, “No, I’ll go back in a minute.”

An Qi quickly gave up and sat down to contentedly eat the ‘love bento’ sent by Lin Dongyang. His inner affection for him had reached its peak!

Qiao Yichen was in a multi-person team, and the game had reached the climax stage. Lin Dongyang stood behind him and followed his operation. 

In the current game, two of the four-person team had been gloriously sacrificed, leaving only one healer who couldn’t heal and Qiao Yichen as the output. It was very difficult for them to fight against the ultimate boss.

The more Lin Dongyang looked, the more anxious he became, and he couldn’t help commanding behind him, “The healer isn’t strong ah, your skills ah, hide and don’t rush.”

Qiao Yichen frowned as he fought the enemy head-on, but because of a mistake in his operation, he was robbed of two-thirds of his HP by the boss’ dirty trick. He was about to lose. At best, his HP could resist for a while, but not too long.

Lin Dongyang swore behind him. The boss’ next action would be released soon, but Qiao Yichen was still standing in the attack range like a statue that had no idea how to avoid it. 

Lin Dongyang couldn’t stand it anymore and bent over quickly. He covered Qiao Yichen’s hand that was grasping the mouse, held down the skill and direction keys with his left hand, and with a quick wobble of the mouse avoided the fatal blow. After jumping again and again his chest was pressed to Qiao Yichen’s back, like the posture of hugging the other from behind, while his fingers quickly typed a series of instructions in the team chat: [Step back and heal, I rush]

A team that lacked tacit understanding and command would be scattered and it would never produce the desired effect. Fortunately, the healer who couldn’t heal still had the desire to survive so he obeyed the command and retreated out of the scope of attack, and finally unleashed her greatest action.

Regardless of this extremely awkward posture, Lin Dongyang still moved smoothly, slashing left and right without being sloppy, and the boss was slowly becoming exhausted, like a cat chasing a mouse.

When the four golden characters meaning ‘Invincible’ appeared on the game interface, Lin Dongyang breathed a sigh of relief close to Qiao Yichen’s ear. 

[Thanks for your advice, I’m not very good at playing yet.] The other party sent a thank you. Lin Dongyang was too invested and was about to reply: It doesn’t matter, it’s a good fight, in order to comfort the newbie who was unfamiliar with the operation, but before leaving the mouse, he heard an impatient sentence, “Let go!”

Lin Dongyang hurriedly removed his hand from the mouse and stood up straight. Reflecting on how awkward his posture was just now, he smiled embarrassingly. “I was in a hurry. I didn’t pay attention to it.”

Qiao Yichen sat up straight, just now Lin Dongyang’s sudden leaning motion had caused his back to hunch, and he had been forced to maintain that same aggrieving posture until the end of the game.

At this time, a friend application was sent on the game interface. Lin Dongyang took a closer look and found that it was that healer’s game ID, but Qiao Yichen directly pressed ‘X’ without a second thought. The means of refusal was extremely cruel. 

For a time, the atmosphere was very quiet, except for the sound of An Qi eating. When Lin Dongyang was about to say goodbye and leave, Qiao Yichen spoke again. His expression was serious, so serious that the former sentence and the latter sentence seemed to be from a different person.

“Do you still like this game?”

“I like it.” Lin Dongyang replied sincerely.

“Then why did you quit?” When Qiao Yichen said this, the strange feeling in Lin Dongyang’s heart became particularly strong. Maybe at first he wanted to keep such a little heartbeat alive, but now facing a real opponent, he couldn’t tell how he felt when Qiao Yichen asked this. Did he look forward to it? But that would be very contradictory. 

“I just think it consumed too much time. I’m about to graduate.” Lin Dongyang calmly said his true thoughts. He was already in the second semester of his third-year, facing the problems of employment and life. He wasn’t a professional player, so it was time to retire.

Qiao Yichen didn’t speak. At this time, An Qi’s mobile phone rang, breaking the suffocating silence in the room. He answered the phone, replied and hung up soon. Then he turned to Qiao Yichen and said, “Yichen, I may not have time to accompany you. My father just called me and asked me to go to Gaoding exhibition with him on Saturday.”

Seeing that both of them wanted to discuss things, Lin Dongyang said. “Then, I’ll go first, you talk.”

An Qi: “Is senior leaving?” 

Lin Dongyang: “En, I’m going back first.”

“Is senior free on Saturday?” An Qi asked.

Lin Dongyang was a little confused. Aren’t they going to discuss their things? Why did he suddenly ask him? he replied, “Eh, I’m free.”

An Qi happily recommended to Qiao Yichen, “Then, Yichen, you can go with senior. I’m sure he can give you a good idea.” 

Lin Dongyang, who didn’t know what to say, immediately refused. “Not going!”

This clean rejection caused Qiao Yichen to frown again, and said discontentedly, “What good idea can he have?”

“It’s better than choosing it yourself. How can you be perfunctory about Weiwei’s coming-of-age ceremony?” An Qi said, ignoring Qiao Yichen, he pleaded with Lin Dongyang, “Senior, can you help me? He can’t choose the gift, I have no confidence in him at all.”

Qiao Weiwei was An Qi’s treasure, so he paid more attention to her coming-of-age ceremony than her brother, Qiao Yichen. He was ready to be pleasantly surprised, but Qiao Yichen had nothing. He made an appointment on Saturday to personally accompany Qiao Yichen to choose the most satisfactory birthday gift. However, something happened, going to the Gaoding Exhibition that day would definitely be to visit and to customize his clothes. Maybe he would have to stay for a whole day, and he also had to go to his father’s company on Sunday, so he didn’t have any spare time. 

It turned out to be about choosing gifts. Lin Dongyang, who knew the reason, looked at Qiao Yichen weirdly and said, “I think he can choose the gift.” The dress and the women’s bag were still lying in his closet.

In order to convince Lin Dongyang, An Qi showed strong evidence, “He really can’t. You don’t even know that I had to choose the dress and bag he gave his girlfriend. He has no idea what girls like.”

Lin Dongyang’s little expression of watching the good show froze instantly. Looking at An Qi, he suddenly thought: It’s you!

“It’s not the first time he screwed up.” An Qi scowled miserably and looked at Lin Dongyang with his big eyes full of desire, which was enough to see how worried he was about Qiao Yichen. 

“How many disappointing things have you done, for him to have lost all confidence in you?” Lin Dongyang couldn’t help teasing.

Being attacked by the two of them, Qiao Yichen smiled angrily. His aura suddenly changed, and he returned to the way he was when Lin Dongyang first met him. His eyes were full of ridicule as he said to Lin Dongyang, “That’s okay. If you can’t find what satisfies me, I’ll pack you up and give you to her.”

“That’s not good! Weiwei is my girlfriend.” An Qi retorted with a wide stare.

“I didn’t say that I would go!” Lin Dongyang just wanted to get out now but it seemed that it was too late. 

“You must choose a satisfactory one for me!” Qiao Yichen emphasized the word satisfactory, with a feeling of gnashing his teeth.

Lin Dongyang finally realized what was meant by no zuo no die. After saying just a few more words, he had lost all his free rest days, and he was very disappointed. If he refused at this time, he was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to get out of the door of room 312. After spending several days with Qiao Yichen, he always had a feeling of being subdued by others. It wasn’t easy for him to owe money!

Fortunately, it was not difficult to go shopping, so he simply agreed, “I’ll go, I’ll go, but I don’t know about the gift. You can look and buy it yourself.”

Hearing his promise, An Qi instantly felt relieved, his puffy face becoming bright and sunny. “Then, I will have to bother senior. I will go to Gaoding exhibition to bring a gift back for you.” 

Qiao Yichen turned away and stopped looking at him. He quit the game and started eating. Lin Dongyang also said goodbye to An Qi and ran away. Everything was normal, but at the same time not normal.