Lin Dongyang carefully applied the medicine to the injured area to help heal the bruises while Qiao Yichen simply turned his back and said nothing. The two of them had a very tacit understanding to not speak as the movements of Lin Dongyang’s hands didn’t stop.

Maybe because the force applied became heavier by accident, Qiao Yichen instinctively protected himself from the pain and dodged a little. Lin Dongyang considered the strength of his hands and asked, “Does it hurt?”

“Be gentle.”

“Now you know it hurts ah. The hot water can’t compare to how much this hurts, don’t move! If you move then I will use more strength again ah.” Lin Dongyang’s tone was threatening and it mixed in with his dissatisfaction at Qiao Yichen’s refusal to listen. His threatening words were clumsy but effective. Qiao Yichen really didn’t dodge anymore and Lin Dongyang continued, “Be content. You are sick, but you still have me to serve you tea and give you medicine. Last time I had a fever I was on my own.” 

“That time you went to the infirmary for an IV drip?” Qiao Yichen answered with his back facing Lin Dongyang.

Lin Dongyang stopped his hand movements as the scene at that time, and the cause and effects of it, flashed through his mind. It involved his previous dark history so Lin Dongyang was a bit embarrassed as he asked, “You really came?”

He remembered, at that time Qiao Yichen had said to wait for him, he was so frightened that he pulled out the needle and ran away. In the end, he didn’t know whether he was telling the truth or not. Now that he thought about it, fortunately he had run fast at that time, otherwise he might have had to treat his fever while lying wounded in the hospital.

It was undeniable, Qiao Yichen’s tense muscles beneath the palm of his hand had told him the answer.

Talking about the seemingly ridiculous history before, in fact, the two of them had really gone through a lot. Qiao Yichen turned to look at him, smiling and with teasing eyes, his tone became peculiar. “You run fast, otherwise I… ah! It hurts!”

At first, Lin Dongyang’s fingers were gently applying the medicine on the bruises on his back. But when he heard Qiao Yichen’s tone of planning to settle accounts at an opportune moment, he increased the force of his hands, and he heard a loud cry of pain as he wished.

“You!…” Qiao Yichen turned his body and glared at Lin Dongyang, who was smiling tolerantly. Lin Dongyang stretched his hands to straighten his shoulders, and seriously said, “Sit down, I haven’t finished applying it yet.”

After putting some medicine on the bruises on his back, Lin Dongyang handed the ointment to him and said, “You can apply it on your chest yourself.” 

Qiao Yichen: “You’ve got to finish what you started,” he recovered his normally cold attitude, tilting his head to look at Lin Dongyang with his naked and wounded upper body. He looked a little sloppy but he was bound to take revenge for the teasing just now.

Lin Dongyang: “??? I’m kind enough to help you, how can you make a face when you still rely on me?”

Qiao Yichen frowned and immediately turned on his unreasonable mode. “You eat what’s mine and also stay at my place. Shouldn’t it reflect the labour value? I could spend money to hire a nanny who is more diligent than you.”

Unreasonable, was Lin Dongyang’s first impression of Qiao Yichen. It may have been because in the middle, Qiao Yichen’s occasional aloofness confused his perception, but it made him gradually think that Qiao Yichen was actually not that unreasonable. Who knew that this bastard could switch so freely. 

“Okay, I’ll take this labour as my accommodation fee for tonight,” Lin Dongyang picked up the ointment he had thrown on the bag again and sat cross-legged in front of Qiao Yichen ready to apply the medicine. The injury on his back was very serious, but there was only a bruise on the left side of his chest.

Lin Dongyang lowered his head, the wet tips of his hair just brushing Qiao Yichen’s chin. Qiao Yichen was uncomfortable, but he couldn’t retract what he had just said. So, he tried his best to ignore the awkward feeling and make himself act calm.

Because of the light issue, Lin Dongyang had to lower his head to see clearly. The tips of his hair touched Qiao Yichen’s exposed skin, which made him feel itchy and the smell of clean and refreshing shampoo lingered on Qiao Yichen’s nose. Qiao Yichen lowered his head. Lin Dongyang, who had been forced to obey at last, made him feel much better after he had been teased, and his discomfort faded.

In the silent bedroom, the two people breathed smoothly in sync, and there was no more tit-for-tat argument. There was even a little comfort in the atmosphere. Qiao Yichen was in a momentary trance, and felt that this strange feeling was quite good. 

Lin Dongyang squeezed the ointment onto his index finger and lowered his head to see the bruise. However, he couldn’t see clearly because he had lowered his head to cover the light above. He jerked his head up and the back of his head hit Qiao Yichen’s chin with a ‘bang’.

In an instant the harmonious and comfortable atmosphere disappeared.

Qiao Yichen, whose mind had been wandering, was hit by this unexpected impact, and his eyes turned red. He covered his chin and looked at Lin Dongyang incredulously, unable to say a word.

Lin Dongyang also grimaced in pain and rubbed the back of his head, the bump was really painful!, “I just felt like blocking out the light.” 

After a while, Qiao Yichen moved his hand away from his chin. His angular chin was red as he gritted his teeth and growled, “Get up! I’ll do it myself!”

Lin Dongyang had become a little immune to his time bomb like character, which would explode from time to time. One second, he could be an aloof male god, that no one could get close to, who cherished his words like gold and didn’t care about anyone. The next second, he could seamlessly turn into a prickly teenager with a poisonous mouth, who deliberately nitpicked and found faults. He could switch his emotions so easily, he would be afraid if he didn’t have a split personality. Lin Dongyang thought to himself: It’s right for me not to have to do it.

“Say it earlier ah, I’ve already squeezed it out,” He said as he rubbed the white ointment from his index finger onto Qiao Yichen’s ribs, then wiped the residual ointment on his hand on him as well and said, “Apply it yourself.”

Qiao Yichen’s face was uncontrollably dark. It should be said that he hadn’t looked good since he was hit, but Lin Dongyang was completely oblivious to it. He lay down lightly on the bed, only to have the back of his head, which had just been hurt, suffer yet another battering, as it hit the laptop’s keyboard resting next to him. Although it wasn’t heavy, the pain was still there. 

“I went out without looking at the horoscopes. From now on, today will be my taboo day!” Lin Dongyang cursed, got up, and grabbed the laptop next to him. The dazzling line chart disappeared and the screen returned to the window’s home page because of his touch. Lin Dongyang saw an icon on the interface, which was his favourite Xianxia online game before.

He instantly propped himself up in bed, finding something interesting to do to pass the time in this boring environment.

Qiao Yichen applied the ointment evenly by himself. For fear that the ointment would stick to his pants, he pulled them down a little bit, and the old scar that was as hideous as a centipede crawled out.

Lin Dongyang clicked on the game. The game interface showed Qiao Yichen’s account, and the password was set to remember. He looked at Qiao Yichen with delight and asked, “Can I play with your account?” 

In fact, Lin Dongyang had logged on to Qiao Yichen’s account in the past, and he had formed a partnership with Qiao Yichen because he was impressed by the in-app-purchase godfather’s divine costume.

Qiao Yichen was lowering his head to apply the medicine, and Lin Dongyang followed his gaze and fell upon the hideous scar. For a moment, his excitement and joy dissipated.

“What happened to you here?” He asked hesitantly. This old scar with a length of about 10 cm went across the left waist and abdomen. Looking at such an old scar, it was as if he could see what had once been a blood-soaked wound.

Qiao Yichen’s tone was light and indifferent as he said, “It’s from when I was a child, it won’t go away.” 

“It looks serious.”

“I’ve gotten used to it.”

His passion to play the game just now was washed away. Lin Dongyang actually began to sympathize with Qiao Yichen a little bit. The disaster they experienced together during the day was still deeply imprinted in his mind. Lin Dongyang admitted that he was indeed pretending to be calm at that time. He didn’t know what would have happened if they were caught.

People had an inexplicable fear of the unknown. But to overcome the fear, one must first overcome their own fear of fear. Lin Dongyang knew he couldn’t do it. After experiencing this kind of thing once it would be hard to forget, but Qiao Yichen said he was used to it. 

What have you been through to say the words ‘used to it’ in the face of such a torturous situation that seems to be tinged with blood?

Qiao Yichen applied the ointment, and when he saw that Lin Dongyang had hijacked his laptop to play a game, he asked, “Bored?”

Lin Dongyang nodded as Qiao Yichen took the mouse, clicked to log into the game, and then let him have the laptop. “Then you play. There’s no other way to spend your time here.”

After saying that, he took out a book from the bedside table and carefully flipped through it, entering a ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode. Lin Dongyang didn’t ask any questions either, lying on the bed and playing the game honestly. 

Perhaps because he drank the fever-reducing medicine, Qiao Yichen soon began to feel drowsy and sleepy. Lin Dongyang let him continue to sleep and he went to the living room to play. He didn’t feel sleepy after sleeping for such a long time in the afternoon.

Lin Dongyang walked out of the bedroom with the laptop in his arms, and deliberately closed the bedroom door in order to avoid the sound of his keyboard tapping being too loud and affecting Qiao Yichen’s sleep.

Lin Dongyang placed the laptop on the sofa, his entire body lying on the soft sofa lazily. On Qiao Yichen’s game account he was trying to beat his own dungeon records, which was also his main interest in playing the game previously.

Superb skill equaled difficult operations, combined with deep awareness and excellent movement, these things were indispensable. In addition to the high output of the divine costume, the result was self-evident. Lin Dongyang, who possessed all of them, was unstoppable all the way. His divine costume was majestic and had special effects! 

Another safe round of dungeon clearing passed. Before returning to the dungeon’s transmission array, a little sister who had just formed a team was excited and yelled in the private chat that she wanted to bond with him.

Lin Dongyang: [I have bonded already]

The little sister clicked on his character information. There was a bond indeed, but whoever would let go of this high-quality man was a fool, so she kept up her efforts and chatted privately: [I will leave ah, if brother adds me.]

In front of the laptop, Lin Dongyang sighed: So openly seducing someone?? When I, this legal wife, am not around? Bah! What legal wife? 

Lf bglulcjiis vlvc’a kjca ab ybatfg klat atfw, yea atf batfg qjgas qfgrlrafv. Llr qglnjaf mtja xfqa qbqqlcu eq jcv la kjr nfgs vlragjmalcu. Olc Gbcusjcu jvwlgfv atlr qfgrbc’r qfgrfnfgjcmf yea ja atf rjwf alwf tf kjr jccbsfv. Mlcjiis, tf mbeivc’a yfjg la jcswbgf. Lf rklamtfv ab atf mbwqeafg lcafgojmf, bcmf jujlc milmxfv bc atf ujwf, jcv ibuufv lcab atf oeii-ifnfi jmmbeca tf tjvc’a abemtfv obg j ibcu alwf.

For no other reason than to make it clear to the bothersome little sister to stop. He wanted to spend his boring time playing games, not catching peach blossoms. After he logged in to his own account, he went straight to the location of Qiao Yichen’s game character, and then gave his character a ‘lover’s kiss’ in front of the little sister. One isn’t enough, so give another!

Lin Dongyang’s imperial sister’s S-grade divine costume was noble like an Empress. At that moment, the cute and helpless looking imperial sister nestled close to Qiao Yichen’s game character, doing the love action unique to those who have bonded. The possessiveness was very obvious.

He clicked on the little sister’s private chat: [Little sister, it’s not good to seduce other people’s partners.] 

[And you are??]

[This person is mine, I don’t approve of you.]

[The game isn’t real, this gege’s consent is enough]

[Good, strong, little girl, how do you know it’s not real?] Lin Dongyang used his female game account to pretend to be the imperial older sister, and his tone revealed a warning: [Seducing my partner, do you want me to teach you how to play this game?] 

[This record was replaced, right? Why so arrogant about it?]

Although Lin Dongyang’s account was still on the record rankings, after a few months of being retired, his game ID had long since disappeared from the public view. Besides, not all players would notice this kind of high skill player anyway. Some people played games just for seeking fun, and played by themselves. Others played games to seek skills and set records. Lin Dongyang belonged to the latter, but at the moment he was being questioned by a low-level player about how his record was replaced, Lin Dongyan’s little temper flared up.

He had no intention of becoming entangled with this person. However, this person’s attitude was very greedy. There was a saying: If you respect me one foot, I will respect you ten feet. In other words: If you respect others, others will respect you.

Lin Dongyang was just about to reply, when Qiao Yichen’s game interface received a private chat: “Gege, add me as a friend ying~] 

This person must not know that Lin Dongyang had opened both of the couple’s accounts. Seeing the contrast before and after, he laughed happily. He was considered to have seen a white lotus, green tea b*tch in the game.

He deleted the words [Go away] in Qiao Yichen’s dialog box and re-typed [Let’s duel, you and I can both output damage.]

[yingyingying, I don’t have any good equipment.]

[I’ll use the lowest grade, it’s up to you.] 

[Gege wants to yield to me oh~]

Right, I will yield to you and from then on when you play games you will be accompanied by dark shadows and your Internet addiction will be completely broken for good!

The duel was a two-player, turn-based, Bo3 system (two wins in three rounds). Qiao Yichen’s game character unequipped the in-app-purchase godfather’s divine costume with special effects and equipped the lowest grade weapons. He calmly dodged the various skills his opponent used to attack him with.

[Gege doesn’t need to yield to me~] 

“F*ck? You are the one who said it.” Lin Dongyang got goosebumps from the cute words uttered by the other person, and couldn’t hold back his foul mouth. Then, he fired up and directly blew up the other party until they doubted their life.

Three wins in three games without any suspense. The other party pathetically did not even manage to get a single drop of blood.

[You’re a little rubbish, I’m looking down on you.] After saying that, he withdrew from the battlefield.

Insulting his painstaking records for being replaced? Lin Dongyang gritted his teeth, not caring whether the other party was a little brother or a little sister in reality. 

He clicked on the character information, the declaration of true love was still the four words Qiao Yichen had left, ‘I’ll wait for you.’ Lin Dongyang added a sentence at the end, ‘Want to seduce me? Beat me first.’

Originally, it was a sentence left out of anger. He didn’t expect there would be an inexplicable reason behind it.

After eliminating his psychological resentment, Lin Dongyang was content with his full-level account. Before getting off the game he also deliberately changed into a couple’s costume the same colour as Qiao Yichen’s equipment, and then continued to pass the time with Qiao Yichen’s account.

He stayed up until more than 1am before he started to feel a little sleepy. He closed the laptop in a daze and fell asleep on the sofa in his T-shirt. 

The sound of the bedroom door knob twisting was particularly obvious in this silent, dark night. Qiao Yichen stood by the bedroom door, taking advantage of the faint moonlight coming in to look at the sleeping Lin Dongyang on the sofa. He pondered for a moment, and finally turned back to the bed and grabbed one of the duvets in one hand. Then he walked over to the sofa and used it to cover Lin Dongyang’s curled up body.

This series of actions was carried out very lightly, and Lin Dongyang just turned over and instinctively hugged the soft thing that still carried warm body heat in the somewhat chilly night.

Early the next morning, Lin Dongyang woke up and realized that something was wrong. He was surprised to feel the warm quilt covering his body. He clearly remembered that he had fallen asleep on the sofa with his clothes on, directly after finishing the dungeon last night.

He got up and saw Qiao Yichen coming out of the bathroom after washing his face. Lin Dongyang rubbed his sleepy eyes and smiled. He stretched and yawned before saying, “You’re actually not that bad? You just talk unpleasantly and love to act cold, the rest is fine.” 

Qiao Yichen raised his eyebrow at this sudden evaluation and refuted it by giving a cold demand. “Go out to buy breakfast, I’m hungry.”

Lin Dongyang: “….” He wanted to retract what he had just said. This person’s strength was to provoke trouble and he could no longer be absolved.

Fortunately, Qiao Yichen had an extra toothbrush here. After a simple wash, Lin Dongyang walked around the community’s entrance. He bought steamed buns and soybean milk.

Lin Dongyang: “When are we going back to school?” 

Qiao Yichen: “At noon. You should tidy up the room.”

Lin Dongyang: “… You don’t live here, tidy up what ah?”

Qiao Yichen: “Fold the quilt and put it in the wardrobe.”

Lin Dongyang gave a sigh. He thought he would have to do a thorough cleaning inside and out but it turns out it was such a little thing as folding the quilt. He also had to agree because of Qiao Yichen’s behavior of covering him with the quilt last night. 

At around 11am, both of them returned to school and went their separate ways, heading towards opposite dormitory buildings. Lin Dongyang opened his dormitory door and was greeted with three waves of eye-catching salutations.

The first thing that Fatty Han said when he saw Lin Dongyang walking in was, “What happened to your face? You didn’t only stay out all night, but also fought with someone ah?”

Li Wei and Zhu Wenbo also questioned ‘whether it was serious’ with the same concern. Lin Dongyang then vividly described the thrilling experience in the underground parking lot. The three people listened as if they had experienced it themselves, shaking to the core, and looking like they couldn’t believe it.

Fatty Han stared in shock. “Rich family feud! It must be a rich family feud!” 

Lin Dongyang: “You’ve read too many novels about rich families. Where are there so many rich families?”

Fatty Han: “A family who spent 100,000 yuan on clothes, is it not rich ah?”

Lin Dongyang couldn’t refute this. When he thought about it carefully, even he didn’t know whether it was a rich family feud or not. Qiao Yichen didn’t tell him if it was a public or private grudge and at that time, he had been very tense, so he couldn’t recall what the bandit had said.

Fatty Han looked at the piece of gauze stuck on Lin Dongyang’s handsome face, feeling distressed he sighed. “If your face was marred by a scar, the female students in our class will cry miserably ah. The average face value of our class is supported by you. What does Yang-zi want to eat? I have everything you want. Hurry up and repair your collagen.” 

Lin Dongyang was amused. Hearing the topic getting more and more crooked, he interrupted Fatty Han, “You can shut up.”

Fatty Han opened his treasure like drawer filled with all kinds of snacks for him to pick from. Lin Dongyang nonchalantly picked an apple before saying, “I haven’t had lunch yet. Remember to bring some back for me when you go out, I don’t want to go out.”

“Okay, that’s just a small matter.”

When Lin Dongyang pushed open the door, his roommates were changing their slippers and getting ready to go out to eat. Hearing him say that, the three of them got into a ‘you rush me, I rush you’ mode to get out of the room. The noisy dormitory quieted down. Lin Dongyang nibbled on an apple and sat on a chair remembering yesterday’s words. 

“Oh, I almost forgot about the drawing.” He said to himself, and then started to do it.

After eating the apple, Lin Dongyang took out a pencil for drawing from the drawer of the study table and was ready to start outlining first, but the tip of the pencil stayed on the drawing paper for a long time without moving. He couldn’t come up with a specific portrait of a person out of thin air in his mind, just like how even if someone was familiar with a person and saw them often they still wouldn’t be able to think of their appearance in detail.

Therefore, Lin Dongyang opened An Qi’s WeChat Moments. He spent his afternoon indulging in An Qi’s moments without being able to leave.

At noon on Monday, although Qiao Yichen had said to Lin Dongyang in advance that he didn’t need to bring a meal, Lin Dongyang still ran into dormitory building 5 with a few pieces of drawing paper. 

An Qi was sent by uncle Liu early in the morning. He didn’t ask during class hours but waited until after class to immediately ask Qiao Yichen what had happened that morning. Qiao Yichen then told him.

“Looking for both of us?” An Qi wondered, he didn’t know when he had attracted such hatred.

Qiao Yichen: “What do you think is the probability of it being Rongsheng?”

An Qi bit his lower lip in thought, “It’s very likely, I found out about this bid yesterday at my dad’s company.” 

Qiao Yichen was about to say something else when he heard a knock on the door. Both of them were silent. An Qi went to open the door and saw Lin Dongyang standing at the door with something in his hand.

Qiao Yichen wondered, “Why are you here?” He had clearly said that he didn’t need to come.

After last week’s daily contact, the current Lin Dongyang was able to greet An Qi naturally, walking up to Qiao Yichen and throwing the draft outline, drawn by working overtime last night, on the study table. “What you wanted.”

“What is this thing?” Qiao Yichen frowned and asked. 

Lin Dongyang: “This is not a thing, it’s you ah.”

An Qi: “Pfft Hahahaha…”

Lin Dongyang said it very smoothly, not noticing the ambiguity in his words. Qiao Yichen’s face darkened. An Qi couldn’t help laughing. He felt that this senior was really cute, to say that Qiao Yichen wasn’t a thing!

So, he tried to get to the bottom of the matter to understand, and see what it was. 

All of the drawings on the papers were a Q-version of a small person. From the overall image, An Qi instantly recognized that the prototype of this Q-version small person was the Qiao Yichen beside him!

He couldn’t help laughing even more now. An Qi, who had grown up with Qiao Yichen and knew the other party’s temper, immediately held back the laughter that was about to break out. He quickly praised, “Senior’s drawing is really good!”

Exactly! Although the Q-version drawing was exaggerated, the vivid little eyes were amazing! The essence was drawn! After the originally fierce eyes were transformed into ‘meng’ ones, it immediately added a different flavour, in one word: tsundere

An Qi: “With senior drawing like that, I’ve gained another layer of insight into Yichen.” 

Lin Dongyang: “If it wasn’t for the limited photos, I could have drawn a series,” he had gone through An Qi’s Moments and drew ten of them.

An Qi showed a sly smile, lowering his head to whisper to Lin Dongyang. “I have everything you want.”

Lin Dongyang also replied in a whisper. “For example?”

An Qi: “Such as sleeping, being in a daze, sleepy, swearing, smashing the table, and taking a shower.” 

Lin Dongyang was amused to find that everyone had such bad friends around them. Even those like Qiao Yichen who didn’t like to interact with people, and those like An Qi who were lively and active.

The two who whispered at each other were thoroughly overheard by Qiao Yichen. With a darkened face, he picked up the textbooks on the table and threw them at An Qi, who dodged smartly.

“You just want to show me this?” Qiao Yichen said in a questioning tone.

What ‘giving valuable things isn’t as good as giving affection, you should pour your soul through the pen.’ This was what Lin Dongyang said the day before yesterday, and now he’s trying to fool him with these simple drawings. 

Lin Dongyang stretched out his hand. “I specially drew these simple ones for you because you don’t know how to do the hard ones. It’s good if you can draw it, don’t be too ambitious. If you can draw character sketches with zero foundation, then I, who studied for years, can .”

Qiao Yichen just glared at him, with an ‘I’m not listening’ posture.

Lin Dongyang was helpless, “Then, let’s make a bet? If you don’t believe me, try it. If you can copy it on your first go, I’ll recognize you as my big brother.” He took out the extra blank paper, placed it on top of his own and motioned for Qiao Yichen to start copying.

Qiao Yichen didn’t believe it. He looked at the few simple outlines and didn’t bother paying attention to them at all. He held down the paper, picked up the black signature pen, and began to copy the pattern. 

But it was only after the pen touched the paper that Qiao Yichen found his hand didn’t seem to listen to him. The soft curve was turned into a squiggly wavy line, with twists and turns. The line derailed from time to time, and the wavy line almost became a miniature electrocardiogram.

“Don’t draw it crookedly ah. You bent it again. Why did you curve it again!” Lin Dongyang gloated on the side, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise higher and higher.

An Qi patted Qiao Yichen’s shoulder and consoled him, “I think you might have to shut yourself in for the next week. Cheer up, your heart is the most important thing. I just realized that the gift I prepared for Weiwei isn’t worth mentioning compared to you!”

Hearing the teasing coming from the two behind him, emotions gradually brewed in Qiao Yichen’s eyes. When his emotions reached their peak, he threw away his pen and said to Lin Dongyang, “I suddenly want to eat mutton stew, non-fishy, scrambled eggs with chili pepper, non-spicy. I’ll leave the task to you.” 

Lin Dongyang’s smile froze, his extreme joy turned to sorrow. “You want a stew that isn’t fishy, and you want scrambled eggs with chili peppers, but not spicy. Why don’t you go to heaven? What family conditions made your mouth so picky ah?”

Qiao Yichen: “I’ll give you a week to study hard, or you’ll pay me back 130,000 yuan.”

Lin Dongyang was stunned. “!! I thought we agreed to offset the debt! Shameless!”

Qiao Yichen: “Is there any written evidence? How can empty words be counted?” 

Lin Dongyang spread his hands, “No, I don’t want to learn. Besides, there’s nowhere to cook.”

Qiao Yichen: “The kitchen will be fully equipped tomorrow, so you should learn the craft first. My family is well off, so I have a picky mouth.”

An Qi, who knew Qiao Yichen very well, saw that the senior was embarrassed and patted him on the shoulder for psychological counseling. “He just felt that his aloofness has been provoked, he’s the type that wants to save face, you know? He doesn’t eat lamb at all. He works out and eats beef. If his words were taken to heart, I don’t know how many times I would have been pissed off.”

Qiao Yichen shot his mouth at An Qi again. “From now on, I won’t let you enter my house’s front door again.” 

An Qi’s face was full of smiles, he didn’t take it to heart at all, “We’ll be family in the future, how can I not be allowed to enter?”

“You knew already?”

“Of course ah, my father wants me to marry Weiwei quickly. How could he hide such a thing from me?”

“Don’t mind him. Senior, come here. This is the gift I brought you back from Gaoding Exhibition, take a look.” An Qi dragged Lin Dongyang to his study desk and pulled out a beautifully wrapped tote bag from the wardrobe. 

Lin Dongyang waved his hand and said no. An Qi giggled before he seriously said, “I know about what happened to you guys. Whether it’s out of gratitude or guilt, this gift is just a little token of my appreciation, for giving you a fright.”

Lin Dongyang scratched his head, a little embarrassed by An Qi’s serious statement. Eventually, he no longer pushed back, and accepted the gift.

An Qi saw him take it, and his joyful smile immediately returned, “Open it and see. I don’t know what senior likes.”

Packed inside was a nice leather belt. Qiao Yichen noticed at a glance it was designed by the Bu Le’er design master, because there was a special logo on it. 

But Lin Dongyang didn’t know that ah. He didn’t know any brands or materials, and just thought it felt good in his hand. He liked to wear casual types of clothes at school all year round so his wardrobe was full of casual clothes or sports wear; this belt couldn’t be used. But, he couldn’t refuse others’ good intentions just because he couldn’t use it.

“Who is the director of this Gaoding exhibition?” Qiao Yichen asked An Qi.

An Qi: “It was headed by the design master Bu Le’er.”

Sure enough, as he had guessed. Qiao Yichen thought to himself: An Q really wants to make friends with Lin Dongyang. He is quite generous. 

Unconsciously, Lin Dongyang had stayed there for an hour. He wanted to go back to his dormitory and get ready for class in the afternoon. Before he left, Qiao Yichen deliberately repeated again: Mutton stew that should not be fishy, and scrambled eggs with chili pepper that should not be spicy.

Lin Dongyang: “I will also deep-fry chicken wings without oil!”

He didn’t take it to heart after he left. Anyway, with Qiao Yichen’s uncertain yin-yang nature, it might be fine in the next moment.

The days went by without a hitch. Lin Dongyang gave a full display of his spirit as a dutiful teacher. Everyday at noon, he had to go to Qiao Yichen’s dormitory as a teacher. After three days of earnestly and meticulously shedding sweat and tears, his efforts finally paid off and Qiao Yichen had a decent drawing. 

An Qi tattletaled to Lin Dongyang. “You don’t even know that he was drawing in class and was caught by the teacher. The class monitor, who has always been a good student, and treated as a student model, was lectured by the teacher about making bad habits in class. Ai, I laughed to death. When I knew he didn’t buy a gift, I even gave him a talking to, but only now did I realize that it was really well-intentioned.”

Lin Dongyang took the line drawing and commented that the imitation was good. At least the lines were drawn smoothly. He took it and said, “I’ll do the rest of the coloring part. So, when do you want it?”

Qiao Yichen: “Tomorrow.”

Lin Dongyang was surprised. “So soon!” 

Qiao Yichen: “Next Monday is Weiwei’s birthday.”

An Qi answered, “Otherwise how could he be lectured by the teacher for starting a bad habit in class.” However, he once again received a warm reception from Qiao Yichen who threw his textbook at him.

This kind of coloring was nothing to Lin Dongyang, who often used his brush. He finished the coloring in one night. The simple and lovely Q-version of little Qiao Yichen jumped on the drawing paper.

The days flashed by and a rest day came. Lin Dongyang knew that Qiao Yichen would be home on his rest day and he finally slept in for a while. After a week, the scars on his face had come off and new pink flesh had grown. 

Zhu Wenbo got up early and went to do odd jobs, he was very diligent. Li Wei was just waking up. Lin Dongyang laid on the edge of the upper bunk bed and looked at him. This guy had been a little different recently. He always made phone calls. When chatting, the corners of his mouth would curve up and his face would show the spring breeze.

Lin Dongyang: “Going out again ah?”

Li Wei: “It’s boring to stay in the dormitory. I’m meeting someone to go out and watch a movie.”

Fatty Han: “F*ck, you, did this youngster find a partner?” 

Li Wei just gave them a ‘hehehe’, and didn’t refute.

Fatty Han: “Well, from now on, you won’t be a member of our single dog’s dormitory. Get out, get out, don’t let the girl wait.” He couldn’t help but sigh. “Ai, there’s no greater distance in the world than this. You said you’d be single all the way, but you have a girlfriend halfway.”

Lin Dongyang: ‘You can shut up, and change your nasty mouth. Maybe it will turn out well.”

Fatty Han rolled his eyes. “Is this a matter of having a nasty mouth? It’s clearly a matter of face.” 

Just before Li Wei packed up and left, there was a knock on the dormitory’s door. He went over and opened the door. Lin Dongyang saw a tall figure blocking the doorway, which looked familiar to him.

It was Qiao Yichen standing outside!

Lin Dongyang immediately sat up straight. “F*ck, how can you be here?” From the upper bunk, he was surprised to see Qiao Yichen at the doorway. He clearly didn’t tell Qiao Yichen what floor he lived on.

Qiao Yichen nodded as a greeting to Li Wei who opened the door, and then entered the dormitory, waving a tote bag and throwing it onto Lin Dongyang’s bed. 

“Get up, change into it.”

Lin Dongyang opened the tote bag and inside was a black suit folded very neatly. He was puzzled and asked, “Why should I change into this?”

“My sister liked the gift a lot, and she wants to invite you to attend her birthday party.”

Lin Dongyang was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Qiao Yichen’s sister to like that Q-version drawing quite a lot and even invite him to her birthday party. Thinking about it, he decided to refuse. After all, he didn’t know anyone except An Qi and Qiao Yichen, how awkward it would be to stay at the birthday party. He shied away and said, “I’d better not go.” 

Qiao Yichen ignored him and continued to speak, “Go to my place today and go to the party in the early morning. Remember to take a leave of absence for Monday.”

“I also have to take a leave of absence ah, I’m not going!” Once Lin Dongyang heard that he would have to take a leave of absence, he was even more determined not to go.

Li Wei, who was ready to leave, silently closed the door, and hid like a cat listening by the door to a good show. Fatty Han laid straight on his bed, looking up at Qiao Yichen, who was standing in front of his bed.

“The clothes are all ready for you, hurry up.” Qiao Yichen also didn’t expect Qiao Weiwei to want him to attend the birthday party. The suit was ready-made according to his previous measurements, not tailor-made. 

Lin Dongyang still wanted to refuse, but Qiao Yichen raised his eyebrows. His eyes revealed a strong warning, Lin Dongyang was silent. If this man said something ambiguous, his roommates would hear it.

Lin Dongyang pretended to smile and reminded himself to stay calm, then he lifted his quilt and got out of the bed in his pajamas. Qiao Yichen still stood motionless like a wooden stake, Lin Dongyang reminded him, “Can you please go out for a moment while I change my clothes?”

With a fully disgusted tone, Qiao Yichen said, “Don’t waste time, it’s not like we haven’t slept together before.”

Lin Dongyang clearly heard two astonished shouts of ‘F*ck?!’, which came from the mouths of the two roommates who were listening to the good show. 

His forehead was full of black lines as he cried in his heart: It’s easy to misunderstand if you say it like that ah big brother! I slept on the sofa all night!