editor: Storm

Lin Dongyang placed the tote bag on the table, found some casual clothes from his wardrobe, and then went into the bathroom. He was really embarrassed to change clothes in front of Qiao Yichen. There was always a kind of inexplicable feeling. 

He changed his clothes and washed up before coming out. Qiao Yichen’s face was a bit impatient but he didn’t get angry, still standing there like a wooden stake.

Li Wei, who had just been in a hurry to attend his appointment, was now sitting on a stool and pretending to look through a textbook. Although Fatty Han was usually talkative, and a cunning plot had already made many twists and turns in his belly, he didn’t dare to shout in front of Qiao Yichen. Such gossip was only suitable for private entertainment.

Lin Dongyang looked at his roommates who were silent at this time, and felt a burst of contempt in his heart: Pretend! You all f*cking pretend!

“Can we go outside to talk?” 

The sentence of ‘slept together’ just now had cast a shadow over Lin Dongyang. He was afraid that if Qiao Yichen opened his mouth again and mentioned ‘undressing and taking medicine’, their meeting would become ambiguous despite being an innocent one.

Qiao Yichen was already waiting impatiently. Hearing what he said, he took the lead and walked out of the dormitory with his long legs. Lin Dongyang followed, and Fatty Han shouted behind him, “Yang-zi, you didn’t take your clothes.”

Lin Dongyang ignored him. The two came to the end of the corridor and Lin Dongyang once again sincerely said, “I really don’t want to go, what am I going to do if I go ah? I don’t know anyone.”

Many people at the party didn’t know each other, so Qiao Yichen couldn’t understand his feelings at all, nor did he understand why he refused so much. He said, “You can eat whatever you want.”

Lin Dongyang: “…”

For a moment, they were in a stalemate. If Weiwei hadn’t insisted that he bring this person, he probably wouldn’t even think of inviting Lin Dongyang. Qiao Yichen wouldn’t say anything to coax people, so he dialed An Qi’s mobile phone number. After two seconds of ringing, it was connected.

After the call got through, Qiao Yichen said to An Qi on the other end of the phone: “You do it,” and then handed the mobile phone to Lin Dongyang.

Lin Dongyang wondered why Qiao Yichen had handed his phone to him, then he put his ear to the receiver and heard, “Senior, this is An Qi. Both Weiwei and I sincerely want to invite you to this party. Just come over okay. If you don’t want to be with Qiao Yichen, I’ll send someone else to pick you up.” 

Lin Dongyang: “I…”

An Qi: “In fact, this is also my engagement party. I really want to invite senior to attend.”

Lin Dongyang exclaimed, “Engagement?! Isn’t it a birthday?”

An Qi’s laugh came from the other end of the phone, “If you have any doubts, come over here and you’ll know. You must come oh.” 

Lin Dongyang was about to say something else when Qiao Yichen snatched the phone back and hung up. His deep eyes showed a hint of expectation, “I also formally invite you. If you’re afraid of strangers, just follow me the whole time.”

Lin Dongyang’s heart stopped for a bit. After returning to his senses, he was suddenly a bit embarrassed. All three people invited him. He would feel like his ego was too big if he still refused to go. So, his attitude wavered a bit. “It’s not that I’m afraid of strangers.”

Qiao Yichen: “I don’t know if the clothes will fit you or not, so bring a belt too. I’ll wait for you downstairs, don’t take too long.”

Qiao Yichen’s figure disappeared round the corner of the stairs. Lin Dongyang sighed that his attitude could always be softened by others’ coaxing and pestering. He wasn’t firm at all. He turned back to the dormitory to tidy up what he needed. Seeing that he was packing up, Li Wei asked in surprise, “You’re really going ah? Do you want me to help you to ask for leave tomorrow?” 

Fatty Han: “I won’t leave the door unlocked for you later. Just don’t be too intense at night, and pay attention to the impact on the neighbours.”

Lin Dongyang went over to Fatty Han’s bed and pulled the quilt over his head. “You’re the only one with a dirty mind.” Fatty Han pulled back the quilt and laughed mischievously.

Olc Gbcusjcu mjwf vbkcrajlgr ab rff Hljb Tlmtfc tjvc’a vglnfc atf ijra Cevl EV7, yea j mbbi wbabgmsmif! Lf kjr vewyobecvfv, jcv lcrajcais gfmflnfv j rlucji ogbw tlr ygjlc: Prc’a atlr atf yijmx wbabgmsmif lc Cc Hl’r Zbwfcar yjmxugbecv?

Vfflcu tlw mbwlcu vbkc, Hljb Tlmtfc, ktb kjr rajcvlcu eq jcv ifjclcu bc atf wbabgmsmif’r ybvs, atgfk bcf bo tlr ibcu ifur bnfg jcv uba bc. 

Lin Dongyang couldn’t contain his excitement. He ran over to the side of the vehicle and stroked it with his hands. He sighed heartily: This thing is so handsome! He also wants to buy one to experience the speed and passion of life.

Lin Dongyang: “Yours? What a wild ride! I like it!”

Qiao Yichen: “Otherwise? Is it yours ah?”

In front of something he liked, Lin Dongyang became spineless. “If you had mentioned it earlier, I would go with you.” He circled around the vehicle’s body, like a black panther crouching, ready to attack at any time. 

Qiao Yichen took off the helmet hanging on the handlebars and handed it over. Lin Dongyang took it and asked, “What about you?”

“I don’t need it.” Qiao Yichen replied.

Lin Dongyang walked over and thoughtfully tried to put the helmet on Qiao Yichen, who tilted his head and warned him with his eyes. “You’re the rider,” said Lin Dongyang.

Just as Lin Dongyang was about to be moved by his selfless spirit, Qiao Yichen said, “I’m afraid I’ll make you even more foolish if I crash and blow your already incompetent brain.” 

“…” Heh, what kind of a person is this? Lin Dongyang eventually got on the vehicle and sat behind with both of his arms folded.

Qiao Yichen twisted the handle, and the unique low engine sound echoed on the road. Lin Dongyang, who was horrified by the sudden acceleration of the vehicle, immediately reached out to hold Qiao Yichen’s waist in order to stabilize his leaning body.

When he set foot in the single apartment again after a week, Lin Dongyang’s jaw was about to fall to the ground in surprise. The empty kitchen had been filled with pots and pans!

“You really bought it!” Lin Dongyang was surprised at Qiao Yichen’s ability to handle things. As a man of action, he actually bought it. He thought he had just demanded the meal out of the habit of scolding him. An Qi had said he didn’t like mutton. 

“This was prepared especially for you. Try the clothes on.”

Lin Dongyang wanted to close the bedroom door and change inside. However, seeing that Qiao Yichen was standing in the room without any intention of going out, he had to go into the bathroom with his suit instead, closing the door to cut off his sight.

Lin Dongyang began to struggle with the formal suit in the bathroom. He had never tried a different style before and felt some inevitable embarrassment in his heart when he suddenly wore this kind of clothes. Lin Dongyang moved around blankly and stayed in the bathroom for a long time without coming out.

The door was knocked with a ‘dong dong dong’ sound. Then, Qiao Yichen’s voice came in, revealing impatience. “Are you ready? Admiring your naked body for so long.” 

Only then did Lin Dongyang slowly pull open the door and appear in Qiao Yichen’s line of sight with his head lowered and face slightly red.

Qiao Yichen looked up and down and found nothing inappropriate. He chose a two-piece suit, a white shirt with a black suit jacket and black trousers. Everything fit quite well, but when Qiao Yichen’s eyes fell on Lin Dongyang’s shoes his eyebrows wrinkled, because Lin Dongyang was actually wearing sneakers. What kind of dressing style is this?! Qiao Yichen couldn’t bear to look at it and asked, “Don’t you have any leather shoes?”

“Where would I get leather shoes?” Lin Dongyang muttered.

“What size do you wear?” 


“Go change back, let’s go out.”

Qiao Yichen led Lin Dongyang to a leather shoes store and said, “41,” to the salesperson who welcomed him.

The salesperson immediately understood the key point and began to recommend the product enthusiastically. “Hello, please see if you like this model.” 

Qiao Yichen looked at Lin Dongyang and made a generous statement. “Choose yourself. If you like it, just wrap it up.”

Lin Dongyang looked at the shiny leather shoes and sighed. “This is the first time I’m dragged by a man to go shopping to buy clothes and shoes! You’ve simply done what my mother did for me.”

“Feel moved?”

“Feel moved!” 

“Then, behave well.”

“Alright, Chen-ge.”

Lin Dongyang picked things out quickly. After a while, he chose a style that was his favourite according to his size. They went back to the apartment after the purchase was made.

As the daughter of the chairman of Qiao’s company, Qiao Weiwei’s 18th birthday party was held with great momentum. As well as being attended by Anling City’s dignitaries, foreign business partners were also invited. It was full of upper class young ladies and gentlemen! 

The party was held at the Provence Hotel by the sea. The whole venue was covered with a large sum of money by Chairman Qiao and had been carefully decorated last week. The carpet stretched from the hotel’s reception hall to the shore of the beach, and bright red roses for the occasion were carefully placed on both sides of the road. In short, there was just one word to describe it: ‘luxury’!

Qiao Yichen once again refreshed Lin Dongyang’s understanding of him today. He was wearing a dark gray, three-piece suit, a tie, and a vest to highlight his waistline. His hair, that was usually styled very casually, was combed to the side with hair gel. It wasn’t as smooth as the back of his head, but the slight disorder complemented his profound facial features. It was steady without losing the willfulness that a young man should have. The key point was that Qiao Yichen had also sprayed a very intriguing perfume on his body!

At this, Lin Dongyang had to say: It’s really exquisite, my brother.

Qiao Yichen, who always wore a loose T-shirt in black or white at school, had transformed into a fashionable and good-looking man with an elite temperament. This magnificent transformation made Lin Dongyang dumbfounded, as if he had never known him. 

Even before the party began, many people had already flocked to the beautifully decorated hall. The waiters, whose etiquette couldn’t be faulted, did their job and greeted every guest with a standard smile.

When Qiao Yichen led Lin Dongyang to the venue, there were already a lot of people there. He walked out of the reception hall with a clear objective. He turned into the magnificent corridor, where he approached a very elegant and beautiful girl.

She wore a light blue cheong-sam, with sleeves that fluttered on her shoulders like butterflies. Her shoulder length soft black hair was pinned back with a blue jeweled hairpin that complemented her evening dress. Her slender waist, which could almost be held in one hand, made her look soft.

What a beautiful girl. If she opened her mouth, Lin Dongyang would kneel. 

“Gege!!” The image of the soft young noble lady from just now was smashed into powder by a lion’s roar.

Lin Dongyang was ashamed. Sure enough, you can’t judge a person by appearance, just as you can’t measure the sea with a small pot ah. Under this delicate surface was buried a hot-tempered spirit.

Only then did Qiao Yichen, who had been frowning, show a sincere smile. Qiao Weiwei lifted her skirt that was in the way with both hands, her high heels tapping on the marble floor as she ran over, like a fluttering butterfly.

Qiao Yichen: “Slow down. Where’s An Qi?” 

Qiao Weiwei’s small face that was painted with delicate light makeup, was flushed. “He just went out, is this the friend who helped gege with the drawing?”

“Hello, my name is Qiao Weiwei.” The girl stretched out her fair hand.

Lin Dongyang had still learned some etiquette courses in school. If a woman took the initiative to shake hands like this, it couldn’t be refused. The man should lightly shake the other party’s fingertips in response, so Lin Dongyang stretched out his hand and held it according to what he learned. “Hello, my name is Lin Dongyang.”

Qiao Weiwe’s smiling eyes curved even more. “I really like the gift you completed with my gege, so I asked him to invite you to my birthday party on my behalf. I hope you can forgive me for my rudeness.” 

In fact, An Qi was the first to reveal the story to Qiao Weiwei. After Qiao Yichen was named and criticized by his teacher, An Qi shared this interesting story with Qiao Weiwei. And then, Qiao Weiwei kept asking about it.

“How could that be? I didn’t do much.” Lin Dongyang blushed a little, facing such a beautiful, polite and lively girl, the adult Lin Dongyang naturally liked her, but it was not that kind of affection. He began to look forward to the party.

Qiao Weiwei: “Actually, I just wanted to meet someone who could draw such a lovely picture of my gege. This gift is really precious to me. Thank you.”

Qiao Yichen looked at Lin Dongyang, whose face was getting redder and redder. Not to mention that his eyebrows were furrowed, he also stabbed Lin Dongyang’s back with his index finger in Qiao Weiwei’s blind spot and warned him with his eyes not to hit on his sister! After Lin Dongyang had been stabbed so hard by him, the flush on his face quickly receded, and he secretly glanced at Qiao Yichen, who had ruined the atmosphere, with dissatisfaction. 

Qiao Yichen pretended that nothing had happened and told Qiao Weiwei. “There are so many people outside. Just stay in your room first before the party starts. I’ll find An Qi.”

“Thank you gege.”

“Weiwei, do you want to get engaged to An Qi?” Qiao Yichen suddenly changed the topic. Qiao Weiwei’s delicate small face froze, staring at Qiao Yichen with her wide almond eyes. She didn’t answer, but her face, which had been smiling delicately just now, turned red.

“I know what dad is hiding from me. Gege, don’t worry about me, I…” Qiao Weiwei’s cheerful character from just a moment ago became hesitant and shy. 

Lin Dongyang understood in an instant, but Qiao Yichen was still waiting for the answer.

At this time, a joyful voice came from behind, “Senior! You came. I was going to call Yichen and ask where you guys were.”

An Qi was dressed in a dark blue striped suit. Coupled with his short chestnut hair that he had purposely tidied up, it added a sense of maturity and stability to his cute young face.

Seeing An Qi running over, Qiao Weiwei’s softness and shyness instantly disappeared. She pointed at An Qi, pouting and complaining, “Where have you been? Where’s the cake I asked you to bring for me?” 

Then An Qi took out a small piece of cake from behind his back like magic. “How could I forget? I specially brought the cake for you.” Qiao Weiwei put away her angry expression and smiled happily.

After An Qi handed the cake to Qiao Weiwei, he put his arm around Lin Dongyang’s shoulder and said, “Senior is very handsome in this, I almost didn’t recognize you. I can’t believe Qiao Yichen didn’t give you a tie.”

Lin Dongyang: “I almost didn’t recognize myself!” Wearing a suit with a belt, he had never been so formal in his entire life.

An Qi: “Hehe, we’re off to our two-person world first. We’ll entertain you later.” 

Lin Dongyang patted him on the back. “Understood!”

An Qi also greeted Qiao Yichen before stealing away his own sister. He took Qiao Weiwei and turned away.

Qiao Yichen was still full of doubts waiting for Qiao Weiwei’s answer. When he saw Qiao Weiwei stretch out a small fist and hammer An Qi’s chest, his eyebrows knitted together and he muttered to himself, “Does she hate it or like it?”

Lin Dongyang: “You can’t even see that…” 

“Weiwei has always been a very gentle girl, but everytime she sees An Qi, she likes to have a little tantrum. Doesn’t she hate him?” Qiao Yichen seriously discussed the problem with Lin Dongyang.

Lin Dongyang silently shook his head to indicate that this person was hopeless. “Your EQ is so low that you can’t even distinguish between hate and flirting.”