Chapter 376: Ready

Chaos, boundless.

At this time, at the edge of the Chaos Sea, Xia Chen sat there.

After a long time, Xia Chen opened his eyes.


He calculated silently, arranged it properly, and could start.

"Then bring them here."

After speaking, Xia Chen let go of his breath.


A powerful breath burst out from within the body, stirring the Chaos Sea.

The lines of cause and effect that originally disappeared, various breaths, and information spread one by one in the Chaos Sea.

In the information recorded by Chaos Sea, Xia Chen's information appeared again, and the exact location was revealed.

This is fishing.

And still catch big fish.



"Found him."

On the other side, the Chaos Giant invited four powerful Chaos-level taboo creatures to besiege Xia Chen.

But no trace has been found.

Now it is suddenly exposed, making the Chaos Giant almost jump up with excitement.

"Mom and chirp, hurry up and hunt that kid."

A young man in black on the side said with a sullen face.

There are eight dragon heads growing behind his head, each of which is hideous and terrifying, coiling around his body.

He is the tyrannical dragon.

"Since you have found it, let's go and deal with him early."

Another forbidden powerhouse spoke up.

Her clear and melodious voice gave people a kind of aloof sanctity, and she was covered in a chaotic phoenix robe, and her elegance was peerless.

She is the Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix, a forbidden creature.

The other two, one of which is the ancient chaotic snake, turned into a young man with countless fine snake hairs growing on his head.

The last forbidden powerhouse is a demon ape, a demon ape with a tyrannical and terrifying aura.

It smiled fiercely: "Cangling, go clean, I will tear up that kid and eat it."

"Since you found him, let's go."

Cangling, the chaotic giant nodded, took a step forward and tore open the chaotic void.

The five taboo powerhouses passed through the chaotic void one by one and rushed towards the edge of a chaotic sea.

There was the location where Xia Chen's breath was perceived, and he used a secret method to find the exact information of the other party.

When the five taboo creatures came out, no one was alarmed.

A forbidden war is about to begin.


at the same time.

Chaos, in a big world.

There is a world master who is silently cultivating.

He is the world lord of a big world, surrounded by dense and powerful laws, with more than a thousand laws intertwined.


"God-level selection task is open."

"On the edge of the Chaos Sea, a forbidden war is about to begin."

"Choice 1: Join the betrayer's side, deal with the five taboo powerhouses together, and successfully kill at least one taboo powerhouse. Success reward: a set of [intimate clothing] for the goddess of various races of chaos, and three complete innate treasures."

"Choice 2: Join the taboo creature side, kill the betrayers, and successfully reward: [Three Chaos Treasures], [100% Loyalty of Three Random Ancient Goddesses], [Three Thousand Dao Law Seeds] one."

"Option 3: Refuse to join any party, continue to live, and automatically reward [100,000 tons of excrement of various ethnic groups], which must be eaten within three hours, and the task fails [erasure]."

A mysterious voice came, causing the man in the world to open his eyes suddenly.

He looked at the task of the system with a speechless expression.

This world lord is actually a transmigrator.

He crossed into a world in the Chaos Sea, and relying on the god-level selection system, he made great progress and became the world master of this world.

It has been a long time since the mission appeared.

But suddenly a task appeared.

The point is, this mission is a bit too tricky.

"Forbidden War?"

The man looked horrified and said in horror: "System Dad, you want me to die, can I compete against the forbidden creatures?"

"I am the realm of the gods now, and I said that there are still gods and gods, and I have reached the taboo level of chaos."

"You actually let me cross the three realms to fight against taboo creatures?"

The man was so angry that he almost collapsed.

The first choice, to join the betrayer's side, made him a little curious.

Who is the betrayal, and why is it called a betrayal? Joining the betrayal side successfully killed a forbidden powerhouse and rewarded the undergarments of goddesses of all races?

This system is very unprofessional.

The mere three innate treasures are simply ignored.

You must know that he has at least a dozen innate treasures on his body, such as the God-killing spear, the 12th-grade lotus platform, the Eastern Emperor Bell, and so on.

The second option is amazing, rewarding horror.

[Three Chaos Treasures], [100% Loyalty of Three Random Ancient Goddesses], and one [Three Thousand Dao Law Seeds].

The man's eyes lit up, full of excitement.

The system was doing this on purpose, obviously to force him to choose the second one, the three Chaos Treasures, but he didn't have any of them.

And the goddesses of the three random ancient clans are 100% loyal, doesn’t it mean that three ancient goddesses can be immediately obtained as maids?

Hey, maid, uniform, it's exciting to think about it.

The man calmed down his inner excitement and boiling blood, as well as the seeds of the Three Thousand Dao Law, which contained the complete Three Thousand Dao Law.

That is to say, with this thing, you can obtain the complete three thousand avenues, isn't that invincible?

Excited, excited, but soon he was crushed by the third choice.

The third choice, actually rewarding 100,000 tons of Xiang Xiang, is still a mixture of various ethnic groups.

He couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of old blood, and almost shut himself out.

It must be eaten in three hours, otherwise it will be obliterated.

"System Dad, you don't love me anymore."

The man was crying and his face was green.

The third must not be chosen, only the first and the second.

Depending on the situation, choosing the first reward is not so generous, and it is definitely impossible to successfully kill a forbidden creature.

But to join the taboo creature side and successfully kill the betrayal, the reward should not be too generous.

The system father has arranged for him clearly and clearly, do you still need to think about it?

Either take the risk and choose the first one, or choose the third one to eat Xiang, and kill it if you can't finish it.

So, only the second one can be chosen.

"System, I choose one."

The man gritted his teeth and made a decision, but he didn't choose the second one.

It's a surprise that such a good reward is not chosen.


"Whether the host is determined, choose the first, it cannot be changed."

A prompt suddenly came from the system, which made the man's expression change, and he was more certain of his feelings and choices.

"Yes, I decided to choose the first."

The man said firmly.

Just kidding, you have to have your life to get the reward again. Obviously, the second one is a pit, a bottomless pit.

So choose the one with a lower reward, which seems safer.

It's just that he is more curious about who the betrayal is?

"Ding, the choice is successful, please rush to the battlefield position on the edge of the Chaos Sea as soon as possible, the expiration is regarded as a mission failure, and the penalty for mission failure: deduct 100,000 years of life."

The man looked depressed, and the system became more and more unloving.

Either eat Xiang, or deduct lifespan, or directly obliterate, can you be more harmonious.



"Discover the betrayer and issue a hunting mission."

"Hunt the traitor, and the reward for success: you can get three drops of [Chaos Angel Bloodline], and three Chaos-level lottery draws."

In a certain Protoss world, a young man is immersed in the pile of beautiful women and galloping on the battlefield, killing him with joy.

Suddenly, a system prompt came, which made him shudder and almost wilt.

"Made dog system, can you suddenly appear to be scary? I was almost stunned by you."

The young man roared angrily, the pair of golden wings on his back vibrated slightly, and the whole person exuded a hazy holy brilliance.

He is the contemporary Son of God of the Angelic Protoss.

The strength is the strongest among the younger generation, and he is also the strongest son of the angel gods.

"System, what is the betrayal?"

The young man calmed down, put his arms around a few white elf slaves, and asked casually in his heart.

"Ding, the traitor is the traitor who betrayed the system. Killing any traitor can gain the favor of the billions of systems in the heavens."

"Ding, this system is the ultimate mission, and the reward is tenfolded."

The system prompts the youth stunned.

"Hold a piece of grass?"

The young Kamiko's eyes widened.

The betrayal, the one who betrayed the system?

Who, what a shock.

There was even a thought of admiration and admiration in his heart, which big guy actually betrayed the system and even broke away from the system depending on the situation


The young man's eyes lit up, but he quickly said with disdain: "Che, betray the system, I really don't know what it means."

"There is a system, isn't it sweet?"

"Isn't it fragrant to be a tool man and win by lying down step by step?"

"Anyway, brother doesn't want to work hard anymore, system, I'll hold your thigh in my life."

"Let me lie down and win."

He enjoys the personal service of various beauties with a comfortable face.

"Ding, do you accept the mission?"

"The host can get the reward immediately after taking the task."

"Reject the mission, punish: castrate 10,000 times and become a permanent eunuch."

The system's prompt came again, causing the young man to shiver and wilt.

His face was black and green, like a chameleon.

I just swore to show my loyalty frankly, but as a result, the system turned over and came with a punishment for failure. Your sister is going to kill his roots.

"System, you are too hateful."

The young man had a gloomy face and felt very uncomfortable.

I have always been resigned to the system, and I got used to it, and I raised a kind of lazy cancer.

Thinking about relying on the system to win all the way.

Unfortunately, the idea is good, the reality is really cruel.

The system is not a philanthropist. Useless tool people will definitely be ruthlessly abandoned, directly obliterated, and then replaced with a useful tool person.

The earth is so big, there are many tool people.

"Then take it."

The young man was sullen, but cheered up.

Obviously you can't do it alone, you must find help.

He remembered his identity in the Angelic Protoss, but he was the only illegitimate child of a forbidden ancestor.

So, please help my ancestors?

Thinking of this, he immediately set off.

As for whether to invite the ancestors, it is unknown.