Chapter 377: Calculating taboo creatures

Chaos Sea, the edge area.

A circle of light shrouded there.

Xia Chen was sitting cross-legged in it, with a gray cauldron floating in front of him, and a chaotic pillar standing behind him, as if he was practicing.

He seems to have fallen into deep cultivation.


At this time, not far away, five powerful figures quietly appeared, stepping out of the chaotic crack.

As soon as the five arrived, they immediately saw Xia Chen sitting there cultivating.

The moment he saw Xia Chen, the chaos giant Cangling's eyes lit up.

"it's him!"

Cangling looked at Xia Chen with excitement and resentment, and the four taboo creatures beside him all stared at Xia Chen with burning eyes.

Or staring at the Chaos Cauldron in front of Xia Chen and the Chaos Pillar behind him, two treasures of Chaos.

In addition to the sword tool that was placed horizontally above his knees, it was the Wudao Killing Sword.

"Is that him?"

Gu Snake stared at Xia Chen with a grim look on his face, revealing a cruel smile.

The eyes of the other three taboo creatures were burning, and they were about to move with a chilling murderous intent.

"Do you shoot now?"

The Heavenly Demon Ape asked fiercely.

The chaotic giant Cangling frowned slightly and said, "Wait first, this kid is very cunning, let's see what's going on around."

With that said, the five carefully checked the surrounding situation.

I just noticed that some patterns were intertwined, guarding Xia Chen in circles, it should be to prevent others from sneaking up when he was cultivating.

I checked it hundreds of times and still didn't find any problems.

It can be seen that these five taboo creatures are still very vigilant and cautious.

Aware of the arrival of the five people, Xia Chen's sea of ​​consciousness, Yin Yang, Jiuyou, Fate, and Promise, is quietly looking at five taboo creatures.

"Deity, they are really cautious."

Destiny clone smiled faintly, standing at the gate of destiny completely isolating everything.

Even taboo creatures don't even want to find out about their arrangement. When the other party makes a move, they will find out the trick when they step in.

"no problem."

"Come on together, be sure to kill with one hit."

Cangling said fiercely.

The ancient snake showed a cruel smile and quietly surrounded the past.

Five forbidden creatures surrounded Xia Chen, accumulating majestic power and preparing to kill with one blow.


A loud shout, accompanied by five powerful bursts of energy, instantly drowned Xia Chen.

This area was blown to dust on the spot, and countless destructive energies swept in, drowning Xia Chen on the spot.


The Chaos Sea is boiling, and the violent destructive energy continues to rage.

It's just that the strange thing is that at the moment when the five people started, this chaotic void directly evaporated and disappeared without a trace.

Including Xia Chen, the five forbidden creatures disappeared with this chaotic void.

"No, it's a hit."

Jiutian Mofeng's pretty face changed slightly, and she immediately shouted to remind them that they had been tricked.

Cangling, Huntian, Ancient Snake, and Batian Demon Dragon changed their expressions at the same time, their expressions terrified.

The five of them were aware of the trick.

It was actually calculated, and the surrounding chaotic sea disappeared, replaced by a dark space world.

There are two terrifying rivers around here.

A long river of time and space, a long river of fate, rolling and turbulent, constantly surrounding the two, and a gate ups and downs on the river.

There were five people standing in front of the gate.

The first person is Xia Chen's deity.

Behind him stood Jiuyou, Yin Yang, Destiny, and Promise, with murderous aura.

"You really came."

Xia Chen's voice was calm, as if he had expected it.

With a constipated expression on his face, Cangling roared angrily, "Damn, did you know I would come?"


"How does he know that we will join forces to kill him?"

The ancient snake was a little confused.

However, the demon phoenix on the side said solemnly: "Everyone, look at the mighty river around you, it is the breath of fate."

"Fate is long, no wonder."

The magic dragon suddenly realized: "Some of them have mastered the avenue of destiny, no wonder they can detect our conspiracy, and in turn count us."

"That's right, no one in the world can calculate the person who masters the Dao of Destiny."

The faces of the five forbidden creatures were ugly.

The four of them glared at Cangling, their eyes ferociously wishing to tear him apart.

Why don't you say that this person has so many helpers by his side?

"Everyone, since you are here, let's stay here."

After Xia Chen finished speaking, he stepped out, and the whole person's breath soared, reaching an extreme.

"Today, I will use you to stand up and shock the entire Chaos Sea."

As soon as the voice fell, Xia Chen rushed out with the four people behind him.


The tomb of the party slowly appeared on the top of everyone's heads, and it was rumbled.

As soon as the tomb came out, the five taboo creatures all changed their faces.

"what is this?"

The ancient snake widened his eyes and screamed in horror.

It feels that it has been suppressed by most of its cultivation and power, and even has a terrible power to suppress it.

"The cultivation base has been suppressed."

Although there is no way to suppress it, restrictions can still be done.

The five taboo creatures were horrified to find that their cultivation was actually restricted, and almost 30% of their cultivation was blocked by the tomb restrictions.

This scene made the five people's hearts sink, and they smelled a strong sense of crisis.

The suppression of the tomb made Xia Chen more confident.

"That ancient snake is mine, and I need his flesh as a material."

After yin and yang finished speaking, he stepped out, stepped on the yin and yang taiji map and directly killed the ancient chaotic snake.

This is to hunt down this chaotic ancient snake as a material to promote his own chaotic treasure to reach the top level.

"The Nine Heavens Demon Phoenix was handed over to me. There is a fire of annihilation hidden in her body, which is just enough to temper my annihilation of the world."


After Jiuyou finished speaking, he sacrificed a party to kill the world and killed it directly, and slammed it in front of Jiutian Mofeng.

The latter was horrified and hurriedly resisted, only to be bombarded with a single blow and entered into the great world of death in the tomb.

It is desolate, dead, and there are only countless worlds after destruction.

The tomb of the heavens, where the heavens and the worlds are buried, is naturally a dead world.

"That magic ape is mine."

Destiny clone bluntly said, holding the gate of destiny and smashed it directly.

"Roar, underestimate this seat?" Huntian Demon Ape roared, took out a huge stone tablet and slammed it on the door of destiny.


Hearing a loud bang, the two sides collided violently, the gate of destiny, the mysterious stone tablet collided with each other and shook open.

The face of the Heavenly Demon Ape changed wildly, only feeling that his body was invaded by a force of fate, and he almost lost himself and drowned in it.


On the other side, Wuji held the original Chaos Sword Grass in his hand, and swung out a sword, pointing directly at the forbidden creature, the Batian Demon Dragon.

"court death!"

The Batian Demon Dragon was fierce and domineering, and the eight dragon shadows behind him roared together.

clang clang...

The Batian Demon Dragon took the initiative to fight, and the most powerful combat power broke out to kill the world.

It casts a powerful chaotic secret technique, and the eight demon dragons behind it roar in unison, exuding a terrifying aura like eight chaotic treasures.

It is very strong, but it is infinitely weak.

As a chaotic sword grass that has successfully transformed, its lethality and combat power are simply shocking.

She was shrouded in a monstrous sword intent, and every move and every move contained the potential of destruction.


With one sword cut out, the world collapsed directly, and it stopped after smashing hundreds of great world ruins along the way.

The two sides were four against four, and the battle was endless.

And here only Xia Chen and the Cangling giant are the forbidden creatures.

At this moment, it was full of horror, frightened and angry, and there was a trace of fear and panic in its eyes.

It panicked, because it couldn't beat Xia Chen at all.

Without the Chaos Treasure in his hand, he had no confidence in the face of Xia Chen, a freak.

Originally, five forbidden creatures were invited to deal with Xia Chen together, but after being discovered by the other party, they planned to plot against them.

"Now, it's your turn."

Xia Chen's tone was calm, but it gave people a feeling of fear.

Cangling hurriedly stepped back and opened the distance.


It's a pity that Xia Chen appeared in front of it in a flash, and a gray stick in his hand smashed directly on the forehead.

With a thud, his head blossomed, and blood spilled all around.

The Chaos Giant was smashed, and opened the scoop on the spot.

"'re abominable."

Cangling screamed, blood flowing and splashing in his brain.

It looked at the gray stick in Xia Chen's hand with grief and indignation. It was obviously its treasure of chaos, but now it has become someone else's.

The treasure that has accompanied it for countless years, and now it has been beaten to such a degree that it is full of grief and anger, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.


Its eyes were scarlet, and it was completely plunged into rage, without a trace of reason, completely lost itself, and turned into a terrifying chaotic giant.

This is its most terrifying fighting form. Its breath and combat power have soared hundreds of times. The terrifying power has swept through and destroyed countless ruins of the world.


The Chaos Giant roared, waving his arms and killing him.

Seeing the chaotic giant who lost his mind, Xia Chen shook his head secretly. It seemed that he was a hundred times stronger, but in fact he became weaker because he lost his mind.

"Send you on your way."

Xia Chen raised his hand and waved, the Chaos Pillar, Chaos Cauldron, two treasures floating on the left and right, holding the Wudao Killing Sword in his hand, unreservedly burst out his most powerful combat power.

He wants to fight quickly and kill this Chaos Giant to destroy other forbidden creatures in the past.


With a cold drink, Xia Chen drew his sword and waved.

With a muffled sound, one arm flew out, spilling countless blood.

The Chaos Giant was injured again, and his arm was cut off in a single encounter.

"This sword will cut your head."

Xia Chen's expression was cold and stern, and the sword intent was condensed to the extreme. The Wudao Killing Sword burst into a terrifying light, and instantly drew the sword and slashed.


Chaos splits and nothingness annihilates.

The sword slashed across the Chaos Giant's neck, the huge head flew down and rolled down, and the red eyes suddenly regained their composure.

As his head took off, the chaotic giant who had lost his mind suddenly woke up.

The chaotic giant was stunned, and in a blink of an eye, his head was actually cut off?