
The head of the bandit group Blood Shadow, Gardon, was defeated, but that was fine.

Why would a fat nobleman have any business with this Galdon?

I have a bad feeling about this.

The fat nobleman asked, 

"I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

"Yes, well..."

I had a hunch that it would be better not to deny it. I've got the skill of [Premonition Lv1].

"Then remember it, I am Baron Riot, your employer."

You hired bandits? It's possible that you hired them by accident, without knowing they were a bandits. ......

"Is that so. Well, excuse me."

"Hmm. Come on, call Galdon quickly. I can't wait for the next ceremony. I'm in the mood to fuck a married woman today. Kukukuku."

I was dumbfounded, but it seems this guy is also a member of the Blood Shadow. And his taste in play is outrageous.

"Alec, no problem. The bandits are all dead."

Serina, who came down from the second floor, said it before I could stop her. And then she says my name.


"Who is that guy?"

"Baron Riot, the one who hired the bandits. He's one of Bandits friend."


"Wh-what do you mean? Murgghh, Isn't that Galdon lying over there, damn it, you guys are bounty hunters! Get the wagon out of here! Now!"

The Baron seems to be trying to escape, but if I let him get away here, my life will be in danger.

"Serina! Take care of the guard!"


As for me, I swing my sword at the baron as he gets into the carriage.

"Gyaaaa! If you, a commoner injures a nobleman, you'll get death crime! Do you know that!?"

"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm keeping your mouth shut."

"Wha! S-stop it! I'll give you as much money as you want, kughh!"

The fat nobleman suddenly stopped moving. The white rose ring on the little finger of his right hand was stained red with flowing blood.

Phew, he's dead. But it doesn't feel good to kill a human being.

"What are we going to do about this ......?"

Serina asked me as if she was at a loss.

"We defeated the bandits who attacked the Baron. We took care of it, but unfortunately it was too late. That's what I'm saying."

"No, it's better to be honest. ......"

"No. My skills tell me it's dangerous. Besides, he's noblemen. No matter how heroes we are, we might not get through. Even if this guy is guilty."

I'm not familiar with the laws in this world, but if you're a nobleman, it might not be much of a crime to put your hands on a commoner. I, on the other hand, have an non-resisting nobleman in my hands. Even if I feared reprisals afterwards, I felt that this would not pass.

"What? Oh, right. ...... It's a status system, isn't it, ...... in this world?"

I didn't have a choice anyway, and this fat nobleman was such an outcast that he was playing along with the bandits. It would be better for the world and for the people if they were defeated.

"Serina, do you have any silver coins?"

"Hmm? Yes, I have."

"Them, give me one."

She gave me one and I put it in the hand of an old man who was staring at me.

"It's hush money. Okay?"

The old man grinned and even gave me a thumbs up. He's pretending to be dumb, but he's being very clever.

I'm not sure if I can trust him at this point, but killing a completely unrelated old man has a bad aftertaste.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆ ◇

I took the 1,000 gold bounty that had been offered to the head bandit Galdon from the adventurer's guild and divided it among the five of us, including Fritz.

It was only 200 gold, so it wasn't worth it at all, but it's better to get the prize money.

The Baron Riot family offered to thank us for avenging his death, but we humbly refused.

I'm sure they didn't notice me is the one who killed him, but I didn't want to get involved.

The next day, I went to the kenjutsu dojo as usual.

"Good morning Alec, I need to talk to you, please come inside."

Welbard-sensei called me over, but I guess he's just giving me a hard time for putting his daughter, Ione, in danger. He's a good man and I don't think he's going to suddenly cut me loose, but I'm a little nervous.

"Meena, don't be so alarmed, I just want to thank you guys, okay?"

"Oh, excuse me, sensei."

"Well, sit down and have a drink. Ione and Fritz have told me most of the story. I'm sorry that Ione had to force your reluctance."

Welbard bowed his head.

"Oh, no, no. raise your head, sir. Both Serina and the guy from our party were very enthusiastic about it."

"But I heard that Galdon was quite skilled. Orson, who was beaten back the other day, is a friend of mine, and we used to train under the same master. I was shocked when I heard that he was killed. If I had been there, I would have stopped her, but she is a troubled girl."

"How is Ione injuries?"

"Oh, her injury hasn't healed yet, but with that wound she'll be fine. She should be better after a few days of rest."

The injuries on this world are healing much faster.

"If it weren't for you guys, Ione would have probably been beaten up by the bandits. Well, I'm sure she'll be more careful after this, but I thank you, Alec. Thank you very much."

Welbard bowed his head.

"No, please raise your head, sir. It was Serina who beat him, so I did almost nothing."

"But I heard you were the leader of the party. One wrong move and there could have been deaths in your party. I'm sure you're just looking out for me, but from now on you don't have to accept any unreasonable requests from Ione."

"Yes, I will."

"Umuu. I'd like to thank you, but from now on, the tuition fee for the two of you will be free of charge. And I'm sorry to ask you to do this in exchange, but please continue to take care of Ione."

"Yes, I understand."

"But it's strange that she's interested in you, a novice swordsman. I've had a number of adventurer apprentices in the past. ......"

That's [Charming☆ Lv3], Old man. I'll keep it a secret because if I tell him, hem might cut me down.

"Master has bought and helped me when I was sick, and he is an honorable man."

Meena said proudly, Well, it's true that I helped her with her illness. I had an ulterior motive, though.

"That's right. I'm impressed that you went to the trouble of buying a sick slave. I see. All right! Now, shall we begin today's lesson?"

""Yes. sir""

I step out into the garden of the training hall.

"Whoa, Alec! I heard it! You're awesome, you beat the Blood Shadow!"

Billy comes running up to me with a glint in his eye, but if he were there, he would complain about the way I beat him.

"Apparently so."

"Kehh! What the hell with that respond, It's talking about you, you know. That's-That's cool!"

"Billy, get in line. We can talk after practice."

Fritz said earnestly.

"What? It's okay, isn't. It's just a little bit."

"You can't. Well then, sir, I looking forward for your training!"

""""I looking forward for your training!""""

"Mmm. Let's get started."

After working up a good sweat and having lunch, I took Meena and Serina hunting for rabbits.

Serina says to me when she has killed one of them.

"Hey, if we're this strong, we'd be better off diving into the dungeon than hunting these monsters."

More efficient?

Efficiency without a safety margin is bullshit.

"Shut up. Have you forgotten the incident with the bandits? We ran into a guy who was over level 30 , and if I wasn't careful, he could have killed us."

"That's ...... yeah, I'm sorry. You're right, Alec."

She said this with a mysterious look on her face, and Serina also looked seriously remorseful. Well, that's fine.

Let's just hunt rabbits earnestly.

"Ooohh! There it is, the red ball!"


It was worth it to raise my [Luck] skill one level to Max.

It's a shame that I can't level up my [Rare Item Probability Increase Lv4] because it requires 500 points for the next level up.

"Huh? Oh, it's treasure jewels."

The way she was looking at it, it looked like Serina had taken out one or two before.

"I'll keep it for now. I'll sell it at auction."

I'll keep it in a little bag.

"Oh, you're selling it. How much will this sale for?"

"Fifty thousand last time I bid on it. I had to pay a commission of 10,000."

"Oh, that's a good price. Maybe I should have kept it."

After that, I persisted hunting the rabbit, but I did not get another one. After all, high-value rares don't seem to come out that easily.

Still, if I kept at it for a few days, it would come out again.

As I recall, according to Merlot, a slave for that purpose costs between 100,000 and 150,000. I think I can buy one with two more jewels.

Meena is my slave, and I only need to take care of her food and equipment, Serina would agree to the distribution later if I could talk her way out of it and say I would add the fighting force.


I'm excited about the slave girl I haven't seen yet.

"All right, that's enough for today, let's go get some food."

"Yes, let's."

"Yes! Master."

Feeling a bit rich, we had a reasonably sumptuous dinner at the bar and were heading back to the inn.



I bumped into a small girl at the beginning of our encounter, and while I was fine, she took a nasty tumble.

She was wearing a robe over her head, so I couldn't see her face very well.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yes, I'm fine, I'm sorry!"

She was in such a hurry that she apologized and ran off.

"What is she doing in such a hurry?"


Serina and Meena are concerned, but as long as she's not hurt, it's okay. Her situation is none of our business.

When I returned to the inn, I took off my equipment and sat down on the bed to examine my skills.

【Rob Lv1】 New! ( TLN: sorry don't know how to translate this : 【スる Lv1】 )

Another new skill had been added. It seems that my【Skill Copy Lv1】has done its job again.

I thought, "What if?" and checked the small bag in my pocket, but the bag was gone....

"Damn it! That little bastard!"